Prologue - A Unknown Boy Will Be Arriving?

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Third Person's P.O.V

"I'm telling you! There was this scary haunted alleyway!!" An Indian boy with a green jacket exclaimed, waving his hands up and down dramatically.

"Yeah sure, whatever you say Gopal" A girl with blue glasses or should I say Ying spoke, rolling her eyes at their Indian friend.

"Are you sure you're okay? You didn't hit your head or anything?" A pink hijab or Yaya asked with a worried look. "Yeah, he might have been alright... I mean are ghosts even real?" All of the kids looked at the person who joined. It was none other than.

"Y/n!! Help a friend out! I'm telling the truth! There was this shadow-like creature chased after me!"

"Look Gopal, as much as I want to believe you. Ghosts aren't even real?" Y/n giggled softly. The Indian boy on the other hand looks at his friend in disbelief. "Wow, some friends you guys are huh?...." He added.

"If I were you, I would check that place to make sure it's not haunted.... You said you like to help people right? Now help me!!" The boy shrieked in fear, shivering from where he was sitting at the mere thought of getting haunted by a ghost.

The others couldn't help but sweatdrop at their friend's behavior, after being friends for some years. They all had gotten used to it.

"Ayah, leave Y/n alone Gopal. If she doesn't want to then don't force her, Plus I also agree with the girls. Ghost isn't real" They all looked at the old man who owns the famous Kokotiam shop. Tok Aba.

He always worked in his shop alone, Y/n didn't feel comfortable letting a nice person like Tok Aba always work so she volunteered to help out.

"Ne Ojichan, do you have anything for me to do? Chores? Washing the cups? Clean up?" Y/n asked, leaning closer to the small table.

"Doing chores? What are you? A maid? Doing chores is boring, I don't understand why you girls like it so much" Gopal spoke with an unamused tone, sipping on his hot Cocoa like always.

"Well, we like to keep our stuff or home cleaned and organized" Yaya replied, making Y/n and Ying nod in agreement. "Yeah, you boys don't work! Look at you now! Lazy and lack of energy on top of that you need more work out!"

Gopal gasped offendedly. "That's rude! At least I always help out! Right 'To'?"

The elder man just hummed in annoyance turning his back to the kids, and wiping the mug that he was holding. "Yeah sure and stop fighting, you'll scare my customers away... Also, you don't have to do anything Y/n, Your shift is already over and you don't have to work anymore."

"Eh? Why Ojichan?" Y/n questioned, Clearly she didn't want to leave her work in the shop and Tok Aba needed all the help, she was extending her hand on her side. Stopping Gopal from attacking Ying.

"My grandson, Boboiboy will be arriving tonight and will be coming here in this shop tomorrow."

What the elder man said made the kids quickly looked at him, Gopal instantly forgotten on attacking Ying as he scooted closer to the table eagerly. "Ato! Boboiboy? The boy who you always talking about in the past?" Gopal asked.

"Yup, so that's why I want you all to be nice to him, meeting new kids or people will make him a bit shy so no teasing alright? I want you all to be on your best behavior so don't scare him" Tok Aba looked at the kids with a smile on his face.

"Okay, Ato!" The kids replied in sync. The elder man nodded, clearly happy that he would see his grandson.

"Ojichan? Can I come with you tonight?" Y/n eagerly asked, she was also excited about meeting this Boboiboy. She always hears stories about Tok Aba's grandson every time she helps in the shop and always wants to meet him.

"Not today Y/n okay? I want to surprise you all tomorrow so why don't you all go home and sleep? The sooner you sleep the sooner you'll meet him okay?" Tok Aba spoke softly, smiling at the kids who had started to chit-chat with each other about how excited they were to meet this mysterious boy.

"Heh, kids these days."

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