2- Adudu?

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Third Person's P.O.V

'What? From Planet Ata tiga? Is there even a planet with that kind name? More or less is he an alien or something? Or maybe the commercial is playing tricked on us?' Y/n mentally told herself, looking back at the TV and this 'Adudu' guy or is he even a person.

Yet she also feels like this was some kind of plain trick to scare the people around, the gang were started to murmuring to each other about the strange commercial.

"Surrender all your cocoa beans or prepare for annihil-" Adudu got cut off, when Boboiboy suddenly change the channel with an unamused look and Y/n just deadpanned at the TV.

"Really? Cocoa? Yup he's just playing tricks" Y/n mumbled, looking at the TV with a poker face.

"Or maybe Ojichan's cocoa was so good that they started making a scary commercial? I mean.... It's not Halloween yet but Ojichan's cocoa are the best." The lavender haired girl half-guessed, making the others nod in agreement but not Gopal.

"Hey! Why'd you change the channel?" Gopal complained, looking at the dino cap boy. Watching the Boboiboy just place his chin on the palm of his hand.

"Hmm...... It looks boring" Boboiboy replied with a shrug and a bored look.

"No, it was awsome" Gopal kept on making Boboiboy change the channel back. Y/n just hummed, she also got bored at this 'Adudu' Guy since she thought this square head creature just wants to taste Tok Aba's cocoa since the elder man's cocoa is one of the best drinks she ever tasted.

The said man served Y/n's ramen, placing the bowl in front of her and on the counter. The lavender haired girl's eyes shined ever so brightly after seeing the ramen that she ordered

"Yata! Arigato Ojichan! (Yay! Thank you grandad!)" Y/n exclaimed happily and starts to eat her noodles with a smile.

"Wow! Ato, this looks good, can i have some as well?" Boboiboy asked his grandfather, looking at the ramen Y/n's was eating.

"Same here Ato!" Yaya joined while raising her hand, also wanting to eat some noodles.

In the end all of the kids ordered some noodles, they were all happily talking to each other with some random subjects.

"It seems the earthlings think your announcement was from a TV show" The spaceship advance computer spoke, making Adudu growl in anger

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"It seems the earthlings think your announcement was from a TV show" The spaceship advance computer spoke, making Adudu growl in anger.

"Those fools!" Adudu yelled, punching the chair handle. Angry that the people on earth didn't take his announcement seriously, a purple robot suddenly entered the lobby.

Approaching where Adudu is sitting and seeing the alien was talking to the advanced computer.

"M-master....." The robot stammered, making Adudu and the computer look at him with confusion.

"I... I have gathered information on the e-earthlings!!... and .... and it's t-terrifying" The purple robot kept on stuttering, also having a terrified tone in which Adudu has noticed about it.

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