21- Sleeping Monster

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"Sis, your puffing your chubby cheeks once again. Everytime you do that there's something on your mind, now come on. Tell your big brother what has been bothering you, my little dear sister?" A 10 year old boy with brown hair and aquamarine eyes stared down at his little sister. Y/n to be exact.

Little Y/n has her cheeks puffed, having an angry look in which her big brother finds it adorable.

"Big brother Alexander.... Papa won't let me use my abilities...." The toddler mumbled, burying her face on her brother's chest since the older boy was sitting down- hearing Alexander had chuckled at her actions.

"Hmm... Well you are still a toddler, my sweet sister. We have to wait until you are old enough to use your abilities" Alexander reasoned, gently patting his sister's head before giving her a gentle smile.

"I am a big girl! I am no longer the Little Y/n no more! It's big Y/n now!" The toddler protested, throwing her delicate hands in the air while giving her big brother a intimidating look but in reality Y/n was being more adorable in Alexander's perspective.

"Mhmm, i know father will be disappointed at my next actions... But since your my sister and an adorable one. How about i teach you Lightning Element? I do know some Earth Element as well?" Alexander suggested, seeing his little sister's lips tugged up into an excited grin.

"Yay! I'm gonna know my big brother's lightning abilities!"

"Shh! Now come on, let's go practice near the lagoon since there are no Ψคţ£Ր ꃲ£ꁹꃸ૯Γჰ there at this time of the hour" Alexander's lip also had tugged up into a gentle smile after seeing his precious little sister gave him an excited nod in response.

"Alright, let's go!" The older boy quickly standing up on his feet and swooped Little Y/n in his arms before running off, being careful not to get caught by they're beloved father.

Boboiboy rubbed his eyes, making that he was seeing this right and not like he was visualizing stuff, witnessing Gopal was suddenly in front of the superhero man, touching his face so delicately

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Boboiboy rubbed his eyes, making that he was seeing this right and not like he was visualizing stuff, witnessing Gopal was suddenly in front of the superhero man, touching his face so delicately.

"A-Are you really Papa Zola!?" Gopal asked, his looks like he was in the verge of tears.

The man suddenly slap Gopal's hands away before replying. "I speak nothing but the truth! I Am! Papa Zola!!"

Gopal eyes shined more, already knowing what the man will say so he joined in. "Enemy of Evil! Lover of Justice!"

Y/n slowly approached Ying and Yaya, feeling a bit uncomfortable since she doesn't know the man at all nor not knowing what to do.

"Huh!? How did you know my secret move and motto!?" Papa Zola demanded, leaning closer to Gopal in suspicion. "Huh? What's so secret about that?" Boboiboy sarcastically questioned.

I Will Always Be There For You... -Boboiboy x Reader [Season 1 remake Complete]Where stories live. Discover now