17- Unlocking Powers

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Third Person's P.O.V

Y/n was starting to sweat from where she was sitting because of everyone was staring at her, she didn't like being stared for so long— it makes her uncomfortable. "S-Stop staring at me...." The girl mumbled as pink hues were starting to creep up her cheeks from embarrassment because of all the attention was directed to only her.

"Hmm... It's just shocking that you manage to hold the lightning blade even turning it to purple" Tok Aba stated while circling the telekinesis manipulator, seeing her hair was still the same— having dark purple at the ends of it and her eyes were still dark purple. "Yalo! But it was cool! We didn't knew you have lightning element!" Ying praised, looking at the girl in awe.

"I-I didn't even know myself" Y/n mumbled, starting to fiddle her fingers while looking down— she was getting more and more embarrassed from all the staring.

"Is it because i hit you with a frying pan!?" What Gopal said made the telekinesis manipulator looked at him coldly, causing the molecular user to quickly shut his mouth. "Hmm... I saw something different thou" Everyone looked at Boboiboy in curiosity, watching the elemental manipulator walked towards Y/n and pushed her bangs aside. "I knew it"

The girl looked at Boboiboy in confusion as Ochobot quickly flew beside Boboiboy, seeing the dark purple glowing lightning bolt on her forehead instead of seeing the normal purple moon symbol.

"Huh? Y/n, your moon symbol had became a... Purple lightning bolt" The telekinesis manipulator snap her head towards the Power Sphere in shock, making the others quickly circle around the girl to see.

"Woah! Y/n we never knew about this" Yaya spoke, inspecting the purple lightning bolt symbol in curiosity. Ochobot took out a mirror before facing it towards the telekinesis manipulator to see the symbol, upon seeing it— Y/n's eyes went wide.

Snatching the mirror before taking a closer look of it. "H-How... I never knew about this symbol... W-Will change even my eyes!" The girl stuttered, she didn't mind if her secret has been revealed— all she cares about is why her symbol changed.

"I saw your symbol during the fight with... You know..." Boboiboy trailed off as Ochobot quickly pushed everyone away from the girl.

"Alright alright, let me scan her real quick" Everyone watches the Power Sphere scanning Y/n from top to bottom before hearing him hum. "What is it Ochobot?" Ying asked, curious of what Ochobot had discovered. The Power Sphere turned towards the others with a bewildered expression before looking at the telekinesis manipulator.

"I-... It really is Lightning Element" Ochobot corrected, staring at Y/n with wide eyes. "Eh!? B-But how!? I-I mean i never knew about this?" The telekinesis manipulator started to panick as purple lightning sparks were starting to flicker around her, making everyone back away slightly. "Y/n calmed down! It's gonna be okay" Boboiboy reassured, the said girl made slight calm down before taking deep breaths.

"Okay good, now i saw is that you have lightning element in you that i didn't manage to get when i first scan you. So maybe something had awaken that power in you" Ochobot explained, making Y/n look at him confusingly.


"Yes, awaken" Ochobot corrected before looking at Boboiboy. "Boboiboy changed into a different element" The Power Sphere requested, the said boy nodded at him before stepping back. "Boboiboy Wind!" Everyone watched the elemental manipulator changed into his wind element before looking back at Ochobot.

"Why did you make Boboiboy turn into his wind element Ochobot?" Yaya asked, watching the Power Sphere nod at the sight of Wind. "Well i'm not sure about this, so it's a theory alright? When Y/n held the lightning blade after Boboiboy striked at her, she didn't get electricuted instead she held it at the same time showing that power of her's." Ochobot explained before turning towards the wind element.

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