23- Nightmares or Memories

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"Lady M/n, Lord F/n... Do you wanna hear the good news or bad news" A deep voice spoke. Little Y/n slowly peeked inside the room from the small gap of the door, seeing 7 different kinds of mens were there including her parents.

'The rulers' The toddler thought, looking at the mens in awe. Seeing that they were wearing different kinds of clothing style and was wearing some jewelries but what caught her attention the most was all of them had different kinds of colors.

'Papa told me, i will be a leader one day. Taking his place to protect my people! Not only his people but the whole territories! They're also wearing they're hanfus! I can't wait to get my own one!' Y/n's smile grew at the mere thought of that and heared her father started to talk.

"Mallory, Abner... What have you both seen about my daughter's future... Good news first"

A man with brown hair and pure white hanfu clothing looked towards the other man beside him. "Mallory.. Would you like to tell F/n or I?"

"I suggest you tell the good news Abner... And i will be the one telling the bad" A man with black hair and pure black hanbok clothing replied, seeing the man; who's named Abner. Looked at the father of the kid that they were in topic.

"All i can say is, when Mallory and I looked through the future of your daughter. We saw that her powers will grow more stronger, the new generation won't be needing to do the martial arts moves like our generation. There will be a big change of our powers" Abner explained as M/n stepped forward.

"If you don't mind my lords, what is the reason of her powers getting stronger?" The only woman in the room asked.

"There will be a boy.... Her half. Her half will be the one changing everything about her powers and we will no longer need to do martial arts." Abner explained once more, seeing the other mens in the room were quite pleased upon hearing this.

"The new generation will be a very interesting one indeed because of your daughter's half, i praise for your daughter's success in the near by future." A man with white hair praised, he was wearing an ocean blue hanfu clothing.

"Not now Dylan, i want to know about my Daughter's future not... Love life..." F/n lightly argued, holding a hand up, gesturing for the white hair man to stop talking about his side topic.

"I see you got that Father protection from me"

"Father, it's understandable because our daughter is the only female child" M/n lightly chuckled, looking towards the man that has dark brown hair and green hanfu clothing. Who's name Y/n found out was Cedar, her grandfather to be exact.

"Enough with this, we know about the good part of the topic. Now what about the bad." A man with black hair and red streak on his bangs asked, he was also wearing a black hakama and red kimono with a scowl on his face.

"Patients Tyson... I was about to explain the details about it..." Mallory spoke, making everyone in the room quiet down. "... What's the bad news Lord Mallory..." M/n asked, looking at the fully black clothing man in fear.

"We never had a bad news about every Д꒦𝚊✞𝚊𝚛 ti'll now..." A man with dark violet hair stated, he was also wearing a violet kimono with black hakama.

"Indeed Taranis... But this is far more worse than anything we ever encountered..." Abner spoke firm and seriousness in his voice, everyone in the room are on the edge after they realised that they will have a new enemy even Little Y/n was getting worried.

"It isn't one of the people is it?" Taranis guessed, having a frown on his face. "I assure you that it's not one of the people... But this enemy were gonna face... Is outside from our planet..." Mallory announced.

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