25- Cyclone and Sky

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"Come on, come on!! Gosh, we gave away almost 2 boxes full of biscuits to everyone!" Y/n kept pulling Lightning's wrist with 1 glowing box full of biscuits left beside her.

"... Why do i have to come again? And why can't we just give all the biscuits away instead of leaving it back in the house?" The element asked, looking away from the girl to hide his reddened cheeks.

"I don't wanna give it all away of course!"

"The box back home is literally one left, why not give it away?"

"Well i wanna keep some of it and give it to the others! Plus i might let Ojichan sell some of it!" Y/n reasoned which Lightning thought it was kinda a good idea. "I guess... It's a good reason"

"Oh! Come on! We can go to the kokotiam cause maybe there are a lot of people there to order cocoa!" Y/n suggested before started jogging to the direction where the kokotiam is, leaving Lightning behind.

"... Wait for me!!" The element quickly followed the running girl. Before he could jog beside her, something had swooped Y/n off the ground with a small tornado causing the girl to unintentionally drop the box of biscuits which thankfully Lightning caught it in time.


"Drop her!" The lightning element snapped, turning towards who the snatcher was and upon seeing who it was made his eyes widened.

"Hey!! What the-"

"N/n!!!" Wind beamed, leaning his face closer towards the girl who flinched at his sudden outburst, at the same time she was caught off guard of the sight of the wind element. "B-Boboiboy!?"

"The one and only! Come on! Wanna join me on giving away this biscuits?" Wind questioned while showing Yaya's biscuits but there was a difference, instead of having the normal brown color— it was green but the designs are still the same.

The sight of it made Y/n's stomach churn unpleasantly, the color was different that it made her feel like she'll pass out anytime soon.

"W-Why... Do you wanna give them away?" She asked, her voice was trembling a little after seeing the biscuits and saw the wind element titled his head with a confused look. "Why for everyone to taste it of course! It taste great! Wanna try?"

"Oi!! Put her down! Can't you see she's uncomfortable!?" Lightning barked, glaring at Wind as he put the box that he was carrying down beside him.

"I'm not talking to you" The wind element just gave Lightning a boredom expression before looking back at the girl he was talking to.

The telekinesis manipulator had quickly shook her head, putting her hands in front of her to defend herself just in case Wind came close. "N-No..."

"No? Why not?" Wind purred, leaning closer to the girl in amusement after hearing her stutter, Y/n has now a red tint of hues on her cheeks because of how the wind element was talking to her.

"B-Because... U-Umm..."

"Hmm? Come on, just try some" The wind element cooed, leaning closer to the girl while hiding a hand full of Yaya's biscuits behind his back. "B-Because.... Well..."

Lightning had squints his eyes after seeing Wind was hiding something behind his back, his eyes then went wide when he realise what the wind element was about to do.

"Y-You know why i don't w-wanna eat it..."

"Y/n!!! Wind is about to-" Lightning watched with a horrified look, witnessing Wind shoving the biscuits in Y/n's mouth who shrieked at the element's action.


"N/n! How does it taste?" Wind asked, looking at the girl with an excited expression. Lightning was watching in pure worry after seeing the said girl was doing some weird stop motions like placing her hands on her freckled cheeks, doing a dramatic pose ect. While having a disgusted look then started coughing.

I Will Always Be There For You... -Boboiboy x Reader [Season 1 remake Complete]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum