11- Cocoa Delivery

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A unknown man and his daughter were sitting on the edge of a cliff, staring at the blue ocean waves as the wind blowing past them causing they're hairs to flow with the calm air gracefully.

"Can you hear that?"

"Hear what papa?" The young 5 years old toddler asked, looking at her father in confusion written on her face. The man just chuckled at his daughter's confused state before looking back at the ocean, watching the waves crashing onto the shore.

"The calming sound of the sea and wind blowing Y/n. The sea of ᏉᏗ𐒐𐒀ⲄᏗ."

"But papa.... All i hear is the ೯𐒃ⲄᏋ ᏖᏋⲄⲄ𐒃Ꮦ𐒀ⲄᎽ'𐒡 yelling and shouting...." Little Y/n whined followed by a flinch when she heard a sudden explosion, looking towards where the explosion came from. In the distance, she can see black smoke was starting to rise up high into the beautiful blue sky.

The man just lightly chuckle, holding his daughter close so that she wouldn't fall of the high cliff and into the deep ocean.

"Heh, that's how the ೯𐒃ⲄᏋ territories or should i say nations do, they're a bit aggressive, yes but nice. Do not fear if you ever want to be friend with one of the 𐒈Ꮛ𐒐ᏍᏋⲄ𐒡 or to anyone because one day, you will need all the help you can get." The man gave her daughter a gentle smile, in return. The toddler gave him a big grin.

"I will Papa!"

Both father and daughter looked back at the ocean, peace. Peace is all they can feel at the very moment. "Always control your emotions my sweet moonlight..... Because one day... Me and your mother won't be always with you."

Little Y/n looked at her father with a puzzled look before talking. "Aren't... You and mama gonna be always with me?"

"I believe.... We aren't always gonna be with you or by your side moonlight.... One day.... You will be in great danger.... And i fear for that to happen.... As your father. I will always protect you as much as i can.... Ti'll death do us part my precious daughter..." The man has a frown on his face, secretly glaring at a distance before deciding to drop the serious topic. "Let's talk about this in another time and cherish this fine moment shall we?"

"Yes papa!"



".... Papa-"

"Ignore the explosions and shouting my dear moonlight"

"Ignore the explosions and shouting my dear moonlight"

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