Ah To Live Again! What A Miraculous Headache!!

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Elysium wakes up when she feels a small weight jump on her chest then something rub up against her face her eyes open to find a pure white cat with one blue and one green eyes staring at her "Neo!?!"  she whispers her head tilts curiously as thoug...

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Elysium wakes up when she feels a small weight jump on her chest then something rub up against her face her eyes open to find a pure white cat with one blue and one green eyes staring at her "Neo!?!"  she whispers her head tilts curiously as though she was asking herself "how did I know it's name!?!"  as the cat meows at her then jumps off her and the bed "not again!"  she groans out a mutter as she pulls the sheets off her body and slides off the bed herself "sixty years! sixty goddamn fuckin years of living my life on repeat!"  she looks over at the cat who seemed to be waiting for her by her bedroom door and says softly with a hint of sadness in her tone "we have to find him Neo I refuse to live without Thomas any longer!"  the cat meows as though he was in agreement she smiles and lets out a short soft chuckle then follows the cat out of the bedroom grabbing her bathrobe and putting it on then wrapping it's sash around her waist she walks into the living room and over to the window then opens the curtain and looks out at the cityscape that surrounds her "you can take the man out of the city but you can't take the city out of the man!"  she says with a soft short ironic chuckle "just once I'd love to live in the country just once Thomas! is that too much to ask!?! can't you be a stay at home video game developer and live in some far off back road or something!?!"  she asks the air then shakes her head and walks away from the window with a smile on her face then heads to her kitchen and feeds the cat "then again they wouldn't be able to keep an eye on you if you did that hmm!?!"  she asks as she fills the cats bowl with it's food "I wonder.....!?!"  she asks herself in a low soft voice as she straightens "OF COURSE THEY DID!! after all they PROGRAMMED the love you have for one another so of course they would believe it's real! and of course they would bring her back to life so they can live in their OWN "reality"!"  she whispers then she says out loud "alright Neo lets see what sort of life I'm living this time!.... but first.... shower! gotta get this horrid stench off of me!"  the cat who was pacing along the edge of the counter that she (Elysium) stood by meows in reply and she chuckles softly then kisses the top of his head and heads towards the bathroom to take her shower.... Elysium finds that she's a barista at a coffee café that Thomas seems to frequent not only that but she's the owner of it and tends to take the white cat who she coincidently named Neo with her every day like he was the mascot of the café or something "well at least I didn't name it The Neb!"  she mutters to herself as she looks up at the name of the café which is "Simulatte" then walks into the café with the cat at her heels and says hello to each of her employees who were already there setting up for the day by name and they say hi back with smiles on their faces.... a few hours later a familiar yet not familiar face walks into the café with some fat guy Elysium knew she wasn't going to like some annoying idiot she somehow knows is named Jude and of course Neo being Neo walked straight up to the table they sat down at and Jude thinking the cat had a crush on him smiles as he reaches over and tries to pet him.... "Neo!"  Thomas hears a familiar ethereal voice call out as a white cat jumps onto the table in front of him and tries to get his attention and his eyes widen in surprise at the sound then shock when he sees a familiar exotically gorgeous figure rush over to his table.... "Neo off the table!"  Elysium says to the white cat who was trying his darndest to press his head up against Thomas' hand that held the cup of coffee "hello Thomas"  Elysium says softly "uh.... hi"  Thomas says nervously "Jude"  Elysium lightly growls out as though the very name disgusts her "hi!"  Jude says bouncing up and down in his chair like a excitable puppy with a grin on his face he was so enamored by the woman before him he didn't realize she never looked at him as a matter of fact her eyes never left his coworkers "well if you're ok with him being here Thomas I suppose I can allow it.... just don't let him drink your coffee this time!"  Elysium teases Jude obnoxiously laughs and Thomas lets out a short soft nervous chuckle Neo on the other hand hisses at the very sound and sight of Jude who was still oblivious to the fact he wasn't liked by ANYBODY he was with at this present time.... "did you say his name was Neo!?!"  Thomas asks softly gaining a little bit of courage to speak to the woman he was in love with damn it why was he so nervous around her!?! why was he so weak!?! "yes and don't you worry your handsome head I didn't name him after your game"  Elysium replies with a smile as memories of the "past times" their newest "characters" had "met" a shy and nervous Thomas staring at her from afar with love in his eyes never brave enough to approach her.... which must be why Neo took initiative and approached him for him.... "then why....!?!"  Thomas asks softly "well warp his name around and it says "one" and he's my one and only cat or in this case "son"... which normally keeps the idiots at bay.... if only it worked on THAT one!"  she replies ending her words with a mutter only Thomas could hear Thomas chuckles softly "Neo really seems to like you he NEVER does anything like that with anyone but me"  she says as she looks at the white cat who made himself at home on Thomas' lap Thomas looks down at the white cat curled up in his lap in surprise he was so lost in Elysium's eyes he didn't realize that the cat had moved to his lap "how's the coffee?! if it isn't to your liking I can try my hand at making it"  she asks pointing to Thomas' untouched.... by his lips anyway.... cup of coffee Thomas' head shoots up and he looks at her "yes I know I know as the owner of this place I should know how to make the coffee!"  she teases Thomas looks at her with a surprised expression on his face "i-it's fine.... y-you're the owner!?!"  Thomas asks nervously she nods with a smile then teases "now don't think that just because my cat likes you you're now going to get your coffee for free!"  Jude obnoxiously laughs and Thomas chuckles softly then says "of course not"  Elysium feels a familiar "program" walk in and she turns to see a blonde woman who also looks like Trinity and two teenaged boys walk in then she turns her attention back to Thomas and says "I was wondering if you could help me with something.... my computers been acting.... off lately and I'm terrible when it comes to trying to fix it I know you're just game designer but I was hoping you could....!"  Jude jumps up eagerly and shouts "YES!!"  ignoring the annoying one who needs to be the center of attention and has now gotten what he so desired for everyone in the café was now looking at him "off!?!"  Thomas asks softly with a chuckle in his tone at the same time that Jude brought the attention of the entire café to himself "wrong word!?!"  Elysium asks Thomas chuckles "well I can see you're busy so....!"  she says "no!... I-I'll help"  Thomas says softly grabbing her hand before she could walk away Jude stares at him in shock as Elysium smiles then nods and Thomas stands up Neo jumps off his lap when he feels him start to stand then the two of them follow her to her office and Jude stands there and stares at their departing figures in shock....  "oh THANK GOD he didn't follow!"  Elysium says as she presses her back up against the now closed door of her office Thomas who was staring at her computer screen which was covered in old Matrix code chuckles "oh right! here!"  she says as she walks over and quickly presses a few buttons then the code disappears "I honestly didn't need help with my "on the fritz" computer I just thought you'd like to be free from the Court Jester for a few seconds"  she tells him as she turns and looks into his eyes "it IS you!!"  he whispers softly she smiles in reply he rushes towards her and his lips press up against hers and she gently lays her hands on his chest and pushes him away he stares at her in surprise but allows his body to be moved away from hers "I know Thomas! but they can see us here and....! I can "fix" that small moment but it's best if we start slow.... give it a few days.... ask me out on a date THEN you can "steal" my "first kiss".."  she tells him breathlessly he lets out a short breathy chuckle as he begins to realize she was "saving" him from those that were now in "control" of him weakening him with every moment he stays where he is the longer he's in the Matrix the more he loses and he hopes she can help "fix" him but has a feeling that she is not the one who is meant to do that "I'm glad you're here!"  he whispers as his eyes lock with hers "as am I!"  she replies with a smile "luckily you're a regular here so we will be seeing a LOT of each other!"  she says "I'm curious how close our apartments are this time around though!"  she adds with a smile after a small pause he tilts his head curiously at her "irony of irony's though mines the same number as last time"  she says he looks at her even more confused she looks at him sadly then slides her hand along his jawline his eyes close at her gentle loving touch "what did they do to you!?!"  she whispers softly then she asks out loud "how long will it take to "fix" my issue?! I don't want him rushing in here and.... bothering us and it's probably best if you....!"  he tilts his head at her then says "oh.... right!"  she looks into his eyes and whispers with a worried tone "you need to stop taking them!"  he looks at her oddly then hears her say with a projected voice "thank you Thomas you're a lifesaver!"  taking that as a clue that Jude was on the other side of the door he says with a smile as she grips the door handle "you're welcome"  she opens the door and he starts to walk out of it then hears her say softly next to his ear "just so you know I'm married to my work so just keep those fantasies to yourself!"  knowing she was talking to Jude who Neo was hissing at Thomas hides the laugh that threatened to come out  "see you tomorrow Thomas"  Elysium says "yeah.... see you!"  Thomas replies with a smile then he just about drags Jude away from her office and out of the café "how di....!?!"  Jude asks "I come here everyday of course she knows!"  Thomas replies "oh! RIGHT!!"  Jude replies Thomas fights the urge to slap him in the back of the head....

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