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"Who's your father!?!"  Neo asks Elysium as they lay on the subway floor with only his trench coat covering their naked bodies "as if you haven't guessed!"  she replies "Seraph!?!"  he asks with a somewhat surprised tone she nods "oh and my "aunt" was really my mother!"  she tells him she lets out a short sarcastic chuckle then says "she must have been really good!.... getting complete strangers to play my family!.... I had wondered why they all disappeared after I befriended them!"  he looks at her sadly "we should probably get dressed if Morph brought Trin.... which we both know he did!.... they'll be here sooner rather than later!"  he chuckles then they grab their clothes and get dressed.... "I wouldn't....!"  Elysium says to Neo as he walks towards the Subway tunnel he turns and looks at her "think of this place as a one way dead end.... or if you prefer Hotel California.... we're trapped here till our saviors come!.... is it really that horrible to spend some time alone with me!?!"  she asks he chuckles then walks over to her presses his chest up against hers and replies as he looks at her while sliding his hands down her arms "of course not!.... I just don't like being to one who needs saving"  she teases "and you hate bring everyone's hero!"  he chuckles then kisses her lips "you would be with them.... coming to my rescue.... putting your life in danger!"  he says softly "of course!.... besides it might have been nice to fight by my father's side like it was fighting by yours just with more guns!.... they ARE dealing with the pompous prince and his princess after all!"  she replies he chuckles.... a few minutes later the train returns then stops and Trinity walks off it and looks at Neo and Elysium who walk into the train from a different door than the one she walked out of "I think she was hoping that I was gone for good!"  Elysium whispers "I won't let that happen!"  Neo replies "I know!"  she says.... Elysium sits on Neo's lap throughout the car ride and they both look out of the window in silence Elysium's head lay upon his shoulder her hand upon his heart "I can't leave yet"  Neo says softly then he turns his head looks at Trinity and says "I have to see her"  Trinity asks "now?"  he replies "it's my last chance"  Seraph who was driving takes him to where the Oracle is staying.... as Neo spoke with The Oracle Elysium got to know Seraph and Sati.... who seemed happy to see her.... she also got to taste some cookie dough.... once Neo and Elysium wake up on the Hammer and Neo asked for some time to himself....

Smith found it odd that even though part of him wanted to another part wouldn't harm Seraph or Sati he couldn't even touch them he and his clones instead turn and walk away then head for the Oracle who as luck would have it he COULD change.... Elysium gave Neo his few minutes alone cause she knew that he had way too much going on in his mind it wasn't until he called for her in his heart that she knocked on their door then sat by his side with her hand in his after awhile she allowed him to lay her down so that her head was on his lap and she fell asleep to the feeling of him combing his fingers through her hair and for the first time since they have been together they did not share his thoughts which were of a never-ending pathway of huge long electrical cords even after Neo himself fell asleep and dreamed the same dream that flowed through his thoughts and she never saw it.... when Neo and Elysium woke up they headed straight for where the crews of three different ships were meeting hand in hand "hi I know time is always against us, and I'm sorry I took so long but I wanted to be sure"  Neo tells them as he and Elysium stand in the doorway hand in hand "sure of what?"  Trinity asks Neo looks at Elysium his TRUE support system and replies  "I know what I have to do"  Morpheus asks "what?"  Neo replies "there's no easy way to say this, so I'll just say it I have to take one of the ships"  Roland asks incredulously "what?"  Morpheus asks "to go where?"  Neo replies "to the machine city"  after a short pause Roland shakes his head and laughs "I know it's difficult to understand...."  Neo says "no, it's not you're out of your goddamn mind"  Roland replies "I still have to go"  Neo says "you'll never make it in a hundred years no ship has gone within a hundred kilometers of it, you'll never make it"  Roland replies "I have to try"  Neo says "is this what the Oracle told you?"  Morpheus asks "you don't need the Oracle to tell you everything sometimes you just know!"  Elysium tells him Morpheus nods "this is asinine! If you want to kill yourself, do it.... but do it without wasting one of our ships"  Roland says "you have to believe me, I have to go"  Neo replies Elysium's eyes meet Niobe's as Roland says "bullshit! I am the captain of this ship, I say where it has to go! and this ship will go to hell long before I let you take it anywhere"  Niobe who's eyes never left Elysium's says "he can take mine"  Roland replies "you can't do that"  Niobe looks at him and says "don't even think of trying to tell me what I can or cannot do.... with my ship after that little speech"  Roland replies "but for Christ sake, Niobe--"  Niobe says "I'll pilot this ship he can take mine if we leave inside an hour, we should reach Zion as the machines do that's as good a plan as any"  Roland replies "it's a waste a goddamn waste"  Elysium mutters softly as Roland storms off his crew following him as he roughly pushes past her in the doorway "looks like someone lost his will to believe!"  once he's gone Niobe says "two ships, two directions sounds like providence, doesn't it, Morpheus?"  Morpheus replies "you've never believed in The One"  Niobe replies "I still don't"  Morpheus asks "then why are you doing this?"  Niobe replies as she looks over at Neo and Elysium "I believe in them"  Neo looks at her and says "thank you"....

Trinity of course moves her way into the Logos with Neo and Elysium keeping her "I'm in charge so fuck off!" attitude "six hours ago I told the Merovingian that I was ready to give anything and everything for you and I meant it but can she say the same!?!"  Trinity asks Neo as they walk towards the Logos "she already has!.... more than you'll ever know!"  Neo replies then he walks away from her and over to Elysium who was walking ahead of them and takes her hand in his.... Trinity walks ahead of Neo and Elysium and heads towards the cockpit as Elysium stops and looks around "what's wrong!?!"  Neo asks as he stops walking and looks at her once he feels her stop "there is someone else on this ship!"  she replies softly he looks at her oddly "you asked!"  she says she pauses then adds "it's just a feeling.... an oddly familiar feeling!"  though he still doesn't understand he nods and they continue on their way further into the ship.... Elysium went in search of her "odd familiar feeling" as Neo went into the cockpit with Trinity a minute or so afterward she hears Bane/Smith say "I should've known he'd sent his bitch first"  and Trinity reply "Bane"  Bane/Smith says "no one ever got away from me as many times as you did every single time I thought it was the last every time I was sure we had you, but somehow you'd slip through our fingers I really can't express just how aggravating that can be"  Elysium walks down the metal ladder as Trinity asks "what are you talking about?"  Bane/Smith replies "I think I might enjoy killing you as much as killing him"  Bane/Smith looks up when he hears Elysium order with a demanding tone "let her go Smith!"  Trinity looks at her oddly as Bane/Smith loosens his grip "annoying isn't it!?!.... that itch you can't scratch!.... that wanting NEED to obey me when you don't really WANT to obey!!.... wouldn't you rather have me!?!.... make me pay for that itch!?!"  Elysium asks Bane/Smith with a slightly playfully alluring tone and he lets go of Trinity then Elysium walks over to him slides her hand up his cheeks then says softly "good boy!"  she lightly kisses his lips then spins around so that her back was up against his chest and he wraps his arm around her neck in the same way he held Trinity's.... with the same amount of pressure as well.... "THOMAS!!"  Elysium hollers with just the right amount of fear in her tone and Trinity rushes out of the room with fear in her eyes "oh!.... you are good!"  Bane/Smith says with a smirk.... Neo rushes into the room where Bane/Smith and Elysium were with a lightning gun in his hand and a worried fear in his eyes as he looks at the scalpel pressed up against Elysium's neck what he found interesting was that she showed no fear in her eyes as Bane/Smith says "Mr. Anderson I see you're as predictable in this world as you are in the other"  Neo asks confused "what?"  Elysium asks Neo "remember that odd feeling I told you about!?!"  she nods her head at Bane then says "he's it!.... you just have to figure him out.... who do you know in any world that calls you that!?!"  Bane/Smith raises an eyebrow at her then says to Neo "thank you for bringing me the gun you can set it down right there"  Elysium shrugs her shoulders then mutters under her breath "I knew I should have bloodied him up a bit!"  Neo and Bane/Smith chuckle softly then Neo looks at Elysium contemplating whether or not he should do as Bane/Smith told him to Elysium nods at him knowing full well what his choice would be and he sets the gun down then stands back up "oh by the way I may have done to him as you did to Persephone in a Trinity type way!.... I figured if he's going to be leaving this body soon he might as well enjoy SOME form of an experience I can tell he hasn't liked any other!!"  Elysium informs Neo "who knew a program could be suicidal!?!"  she thinks as she looks down at Bane/Smith's self inflicted cut up arm Bane/Smith looks at her oddly as Neo let's out a short chuckle even though some of what she said confused him Bane/Smith looks at Neo and orders "back away from the gun and turn around"  Neo once again does as he's told then says "let her go"  Bane/Smith fed that small urge wracking his brain and kisses Elysium's cheek before pushing her away from him and down the hole they climbed out of before Neo entered then Neo rushes towards him as he closes the door and he rushes towards the gun and a fight ensues

asinine defined by google as: extremely stupid or foolish

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