🤗Welcome To The Matrix🙋🏻‍♂️

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"I can't swim!"  Neo hears Elysium gasp as they both fumble around in the water and he does his best to reach her then help her which he found might have been unnecessary since as soon as he got to her something grabbed the both of them and pulled them up.... "you look different!"  Neo hears Elysium whisper as they were wrapped in blankets "you too!"  he whispers back with a chuckle in his tone "welcome to the real world"  they hear Morpheus say there was a look of relief in his eyes when he sees Elysium "alive and well".... Neo and Elysium are laid side by side as they go through every test imaginable "we did it Trinity we found him"   Morpheus says softly "I hope you're right"  Trinity replies "I don't have to hope I know it"   Morpheus says "am I dead?"  Neo asks as he falls in and out of consciousness "far from it"   Morpheus replies Neo reaches for and grips Elysium's hand as they lay on the metal tables with acupuncture needles in every inch of their bodies...."he still needs a lot of work"   a man's voice says "but her!.... she's a wonder!"  he adds with a tone of soft wonder Morpheus found it interesting that Neo and Elysium calmed one another instantly with just a simple look into one another's eyes or touch of skin on skin their pain and fear disappeared.... "what are you doing?.... is she alright!?!"  Neo asks looking over at Elysium who seemed to be sleeping "your muscles have atrophied, we're rebuilding them.... she's just fine"  Morpheus replies with a slight smile "why do my eyes hurt?"  Neo asks "you've never used them before.... do as she is and rest, Neo the answers are coming"  Morpheus replies while placing his hand over Neo's forehead and Neo closes his eyes himself he gently squeezes Elysium's hand then feels her squeeze his hand in reply his body relaxes and he falls asleep....

Elysium felt everything the needles as they were placed on her skin, the tools that were used on the circles on her body she was surprised how gentle the man was being as he worked but then again she normally had a hard time trusting people.... Neo and Elysium woke up who knows how long after everything was done they sat up and their knees hit as they spin so that they are now sitting along the edge of the cot/bed they look at one another she smiles at him and teases softly "you have hair!"  he smiles and replies "so do you!"  she reaches up and slides her hand over the fuzz on the top of her head then asks "how can you tell!?!"  he chuckles softly his eyes widen when she starts to hyperventilate as she finally sees the tiny room around them and he becomes worried he places a gentle hand on her arm feeling his touch her eyes meet his again and she calms he tilts his head at her "sorry!.... I'm claustrophobic.... this is bad!!.... if the rest of this place is like this.... I'm not sure how I'll survive!"  she says in a soft whispered voice "I'll take care of you!"  he promises she smiles then asks pointing to a needle in his arm "what's that!?!"  he looks down and says "you have one too!"  she looks down at his arm then at hers and replies with a teasing tone " I'll pull yours if you pull mine!"  he lets out a short soft chuckle then they both reach over and pull the long needle out of one another's arm as gently as they could then toss the needles onto the floor "I'm not sure that was exactly sanitary!"  she jokes he chuckles then he reaches back and touches the metal circle that was placed where the head meets the neck then he turns his head when he hears the metal door creak open and Morpheus walks in since they were so close Neo felt Elysium jump and he places his hand on her thigh and he feels her calm down at the feel of his touch then he asks with a whispered tone "Morpheus what's happening to us? what is this place?"  Morpheus replies "more important than "what" is " when".."  Neo asks ".."when"?"  Morpheus replies "you believe it's the year 1999.... when in fact, it's closer to 2199 I can't tell you exactly what year it is.... because we honestly don't know there's nothing I can say that will explain it for you come with me see for yourself"  Neo stands up then looks down at Elysium who smiles at him then stands as well and they both follow Morpheus out of the room.... "this is my ship, the Nebuchadnezzar it's a hovercraft this is the main deck this is the core where we broadcast our pirate signal and hack into the Matrix most of my crew you already know this is Apoc.... Switch.... and Cypher"  Morpheus says as he gives a small tour then introduces Neo and Elysium to his crew "hi"  Cypher says staring at Elysium with infatuated eyes Elysium grips Neo's hand and he gives it a light squeeze "the one's you don't know, Tank and his big brother, Dozer the little one behind you is Mouse you wanted to know what the Matrix is Neo? Trinity...."  Morpheus says Elysium looks at each person as they were introduced she only recognized two the ass that fed her the pill and the gentle one who worked on the circles she felt the presence of the one who carried her and dropped her into the trunk after being run over who she and Neo passed as they walked Neo looks at Elysium who nods as though she was telling him that she'll be alright then he allows Trinity to lead him to a chair, sit him down in it then lock his feet into the clamps on the bottom "try to relax"  Morpheus tells him as he lays the rest of the way down Neo looks at Elysium who now stands on the other side of the chair she smiles a small smile as their eyes lock "this will feel a weird"  he hears Morpheus say as the man places his hand on his forehead then sticks a needle into the hole of the metal circle in the back of his head Neo's eyes close and he screams....

"Thomas!?!.... it's okay Thomas breath!"  Neo hears Elysium's soft celestial voice say as he gasps awake then he feels her pull the needle out of the back of his head once he was free he shoots up out of the chair and grips her wrist as he backs away from everyone keeping her behind him protecting her from whatever make-believe demons he saw as he says somewhat incoherently with a hint of fear in his tone "don't touch me! stay away from me!"  he hears the concern in Elysium's voice as she says "Thomas!?!"  he turns his head, looks at her and says "I'll keep you safe!..... I promised I would!"  she replies softly "I'm more worried about you!"  he looks at her sadly then pukes and faints falling into her gentle embrace "that was foolish!.... too much! too fast! you should have given his mind and body time to rest before shooting him into there!"  Elysium gently scolds Morpheus who looks at her with a surprised expression on his face "I'll take him back you stay away!"  she adds Morpheus leads her to the room she will be sharing with Neo then holds the door open for her so that she could drag Neo into it then he shuts the door and leaves.... Neo wakes up and finds Elysium laying in the bed next to him fast asleep he stares at her for a little bit then feels Morpheus' presence and asks "I can't go back can I?"  Morpheus replies "no but if you could.... would you really want to?"  Neo stares at Elysium but doesn't reply "I feel I owe you an apology we have a rule we never free a mind once it's reached a certain age it's dangerous the mind has trouble letting go I've seen it before, and I'm sorry I did what I did because.... I had to"  Morpheus says after a short pause he continues "when the Matrix was first built, there was a man born inside.... who had the ability to change whatever he wanted.... to remake the Matrix as he saw fit it was he who freed the first of us.... taught us the truth as long as the Matrix exists.... the human race will never be free after he died.... the Oracle prophesied his return.... and that his coming would hail the destruction of the Matrix.... end the war.... bring freedom to our people that is why there are those of us who spent our entire lives searching the Matrix.... looking for him I did what I did because.... I believe that search is over"  Neo turns and stares at him Morpheus looks down at him then says "I do wonder what her part in all this is though..... get some rest you're going to need it"  then he stands up and starts to walk out of the room but stops when he hears Neo ask "for what?"  he turns and replies "your training"  then he walks out closing the door behind him

atrophied defined by google as: 1. (of body tissue or an organ) wasted away or rudimentary. 2. having lost effectiveness or vigor due to underuse or neglect.

atrophy 1. (of body tissue or an organ) waste away, especially as a result of the degeneration of cells, or become vestigial during evolution  2. gradually decline in effectiveness or vigor due to underuse or neglect.

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