Things Aren't Always What They Seem In This Place

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Elysium believed that the new "King" of the Matrix used the "story" of the Matrix game to create this particular Smith and she believed he didn't know her like "her" Smith would there was no sign of recognition at all when he not only learned her name but saw her in person and she knew that if this Smith was truly "her" Smith he would know her almost as well as Thomas does one things for sure she wasn't sure she LIKED this Smith AT ALL and yet just like "her" Smith she understood him.... sort of.... she knew he wasn't "awake" yet and yet he was close to waking up perhaps he would know her then yet she doubted it after all this "reality" was based off the "game" Thomas developed the story of his love for TRINITY and not her it was as though the Analyst was trying to truly bring the "Oracles prediction" to life though she knew the true reason he made it the way he did was because he has no idea she even exists and she knew that her father was the main reason for it.... YES Seraph is still alive and NO he is NOT a exile as a matter of fact he now helps Elysium and his grandchildren free those who are trapped in the Matrix that WANT to be free.... yes they make sure they give the people a choice.... even though Elysium was curious about the "man" who "took over" for the Architect she knew she wasn't going to like him mainly for what he's doing to Thomas she has yet to get a read on him but she also has yet to meet him and that was how she normally got a read on a particular person from their very first meeting of course she doesn't base what she thinks of that person completely off that particular reading but it helps start it all the rest is based off how they act and how they treat other people as well as herself.... "hey Jake how's the state of the farm!?!"  Elysium asks as she walks into Simulatte "very funny!"  one of her employees named Jake says with a smile Elysium hears a man softly chuckle and she turns to face him then says when she sees a white cat "playing" with a black cat "looks like Neo made a friend"  she says "I hope she's neutered!"  she teasingly mutters the man chuckles once more the black cat looks over at Elysium then walks over to her with a curious gait "well hello there!"  Elysium coos as she kneels down and pets the cat gently once it reaches "Amber I think the Doc could use a refill and would you mind getting his girl a little somethin while you're at it"  Elysium asks as she stands back up one of her employees named Amber nods then walks towards then behind the counter the once chuckling man stares at her with wide eyes "before you ask yes he's mine, no he wasn't named after the game he was the only white cat in a litter of black, the "runt" of the pack and the only one to survive"  Elysium tells him while looking into his eyes "and yes I'm the owner of this place so of course I know everyone by name and can order them around as I please Neo is also the reason I allow other pets to enter the place.... my employees consider him the café's mascot"  she tells him he chuckles "Elysium Fields"  she introduces as she walks over to his table "Socrates Freud"  the man replies reaching over to shake her hand "clever!"  she mutters sarcastically under her breath he smiles at her Elysium looks own when she feels something brush up against her ankle "and that is Deja-Vu"  the man says sa she kneels down to pet the cat that was rubbing it's body up against her "did you enjoy that Deja?!"  she coos as she pets the purring cat "I'll take that as a yes"  she says as the cat licks her fingers the man looks at the two of them with a surprised expression on his face.... Thomas had walked in as Elysium was telling his therapist about Neo and his eyes widen in surprise at the story she told he looked down when he felt something rub up against his ankle and picked up Neo then pets him as he held him in his arms he stands in the doorway of the café staring at the woman he loves as she speaks to the blonde haired blue eyed man who was smirking at her "you said he survived survived what!?!"  the analyst asks "apparently the owner of Neo's mother was not smart enough to get her cat neutered and when she had her kittens the owner decided to poison the milk instead of selling the kittens when they were old enough to leave their mother"  Elysium replies as she takes a seat across from the Analyst who stares at her in surprise at the story she just told "thank you Amber"  she says as Amber sets a bottle of water on the table in front of her "you're welcome Ely"  Amber replies before walking away "it's Miss Fields to you fraud!"  Elysium tells the man who sits across from her with a straightforward tone the analyst chuckles Thomas smiles "we're a family here they have earned my trust and respect as well as the right to call me by my name I don't know you and you have earned nothing of the sort from me!"  she tells him the analyst raises a eyebrow at her Elysium looks down at Deja-Vu who had made herself at home on her lap as soon as she sat down and says as she scratches the cat behind her ears "let me show you something"  the cat hops off her lap and she stands up then starts to walk away from the table taking her bottle of water with her and the black cat follows curiously intrigued as to why his cat so easily followed her the analyst also stands up and follows them to a room that looked like a cats paradise for it was filled with cat toys of all kinds and had a maze of sorts mounted on the wall that a cat could climb on and follow as well as treats, food and water for the cats Deja-Vu walks in and makes herself at home and Neo who had jumped out of Thomas' arms follows his "new friend/possible crush" a few seconds later.... Elysium left the analyst who was watching the two cats play with a small smile on his face and walked back into the main room of the café she looks over at Thomas who was chatting with Trin/Tiff with a smile on her face then walks behind the counter to take over for Jake who was about to go on his break Thomas looks over at the counter when he notices the shift change and stares at Elysium who was at that moment helping a customer who to his surprise just so happened to be Smith he noticed that the smile on her face was one of those that looked real but was actually fake as she chatted politely with the man who seemed to be flirting with her....

The One He Can't Live Without 💕💔💞💗Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon