Fight For Life And Love

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Elysium rushes into the room when she sees Smith pull a sink off the wall and walk towards Thomas she slides on her knees and lands next to the man she loves who turns his head and looks at her just as she turns her head and looks at him she takes...

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Elysium rushes into the room when she sees Smith pull a sink off the wall and walk towards Thomas she slides on her knees and lands next to the man she loves who turns his head and looks at her just as she turns her head and looks at him she takes his hand in hers then they both lift their free hands up just as Smith lifts the sink above his head and starts to bring it back down over Thomas' and the sink crumbles as it hits the energy shield they created then Thomas stands up while letting go of Elysium's hand as he does then lifts his hands up and creating another energy shield which sends Smith flying backwards in a wave of air like energy and a bright light into a wall which crumbles at his weight "he's really heavy isn't he!?!"  Elysium teases as she stands up "nah the wall was weak!"  Thomas replies as she stands at his side she chuckles and he takes her hand in his once more then they walk to where Bugs and crew are and Bugs smiles when she sees them then asks "you alright?"  Thomas looks at Elysium who smiles at him then at Bugs and replies "yeah"  Berg looks at Bugs and says "it's going to trigger a response"  Seq says from his station on the Mnemosyne "I've got multiple exits ready"  then they hear the Merovingian say from his higher vantage point "this is not over yet! our sequel Franchise spinoff!"  then he starts speaking in French and Elysium gently pulls Thomas away from the group Thomas smiles as he allows her to lead him away from the annoying Frenchman who never stops talking seeing Thomas.... but not Elysium who is invisible to his not so naked eye.... start to walk away the Merovingian spits then storms off Bugs turns to face her crew then sees Elysium and Thomas have already started to sneak away and she follows them with a smile shaking her head at them her crew turns to see what made her smile then follows the other three out of the building but to their surprise by the time they reached outside where Thomas and Elysium already were they were gone "how does she do that!?!"  Bugs whispers Morpheus smiles for since he was told who she was and listened in on her conversation with Smith he had an idea how she did that.... "I'll wait out here"  Elysium tells Thomas as soon as they reach where Trinity is Thomas looks at her and nods then walks inside he stops at the doorway when he hears her say with a smile in her tone "hey!"  he smiles then turns around, walks back over to her and wraps his arm around her waist then kisses her lips "that's better!"  she says with a smile he chuckles then lets her go and walks back towards the door of the building they knew Trinity was in but this time he actually opens the door and walks inside.... while waiting for Thomas Elysium feels something was off inside the building but she doesn't move for she sensed a familiar program who she didn't want to know that she was there Smith was one thing he wouldn't do anything to her but the Analyst he would probably try to use her abilities to his advantage and when I say try I mean fail but still she knew just how dangerous he likes to think he is and she decided it was best if he continued to believe that for now "he can't know it's a promise Thomas you HAVE to make him think what he believes is real!.... at least for now this isn't over and until it is he HAS to believe the game is real!"  she whispers softly hoping he could hear her.... Bugs feels Elysium place her hand along her stomach as she starts to walk towards the door of the garage like barn and she looks down at the arm that lays across her chest "it isn't time yet"  Elysium whispers Bugs looks up at her and nods then asks "he's in there isn't he?! this Analyst"  Elysium nods then replies "he's the Architect's replacement the new "ruler" of the Matrix the one in control of this mess Thomas is in"  Bugs says softly with a surprised tone "you call him Thomas!"  Elysium replies "that is who he is Neo is a idea one the Matrix created either to save it or to control for it's own pleasure I'm uncertain so far all it's done is try to destroy him like he's a virus it created just so it doesn't get bored as it tries to get rid of him in the worst ways imaginable! but just like you he is human! he has human emotions, he eats the same foods as other humans and does his best to live the best life he can despite the fact that the one thing that created his "persona" that he must personify is doing whatever it can to destroy what humanity he has left by weakening him in the most destructive way possible separating him from the things and people that mean the most to him, making him believe they were all just a fantasy HE created for himself to.... separate himself from the reality they gave him just like those that are still locked in this Godforsaken place! he is lost and he's the only one who can truly find himself we can assist but he must do the most important parts himself and though it will have the greatest impact on what he must do what we do to help also carries just as strong and important impact as the rest of it for we are what matters the most to him we are his family and his home we are what truly makes him feel safe"  Bugs smiles once Elysium seemingly disappears Bugs knew she could finally head inside and she rushes through the open door to find Thomas talking with Trinity....

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