Choices Were Made But Were They The Right Ones?!

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"Wait.... I've seen this this is it, this is the end yes, you were laying right there, just like that, and I.... I.... I stand here, right here, I'm.... I'm supposed to say something I say.... 'everything that has a beginning has an end, Neo'.."  Smith says as he looks down at Neo's once again unconscious body and Elysium who gave into her urge to be by Neo's side as his head lay on the broken rock and now stands beside him (Neo) Elysium looks up at Smith and notices that his eyes were a different color they were an ugly brown instead of Smiths original gorgeous blue Neo wakes up turns his head and looks at Elysium who smiles down at him her eyes twinkle as though telling him to "kick their ass!" as Smith says with a confused tone "what? what did I just say?"  Neo turns onto his side and pushes himself up then places his hand on Elysium's shoulder as Smith says with fear in his tone as he takes a step back  "no.... no, this isn't right, this can't be right get away from me!"  Neo asks "what are you afraid of?"  Smith says "it's a trick!"  Elysium whispers to herself with a soft sad tone "everyone's afraid of dying!"  as Neo says "you were right, Smith you were always right it was inevitable"  Smith walks back over to Neo and jabs his hand into his nemesis' chest imprinting him once more Neo looks down and watches as the silver metallic goo takes over his body what he doesn't see much less feel is Elysium walk over and take his hand as it does and the goo covers her body as well but unlike Neo who completely changes into Smith Elysium completely disappears "is it over?"  Smith asks his Neo/Smith clone who nods in response.... in the "real world" where Neo's "true body" lays connected to the Deus Ex Machina Elysium watches as Neo's body twitches while still connected to it slowly at first then it seemed to begin to have a seizure and she rushes over to him not caring of the machine kills her for doing what she knew she wasn't supposed to do.... within the Matrix Neo's Smith clone's face starts to twitch as well knowing that something was wrong Smith stares at Smith/Neo as his eyes behind his sunglasses start to glow with the same bright white light that had killed him once before and he says "oh, no, no, no no, it's not fair"  as the sunglasses start to crack the bright white light shines within Neo's eye sockets, nose and mouth then overtakes his whole body as his Smith clone along with all the others then Smith himself explode the wires holding Neo's body up slowly lower him to the ground as Elysium's body falls unconscious beside it and Deus Ex Machina says "it is done"  and it carries the two bodies away on a metal platform.... "you owe them!"  the Oracle hears a unfamiliar soft celestial female voice say from behind her as she sits on a lone park bench she turns to see a somewhat familiar white haired silver-white eyed woman stand before her "Smith and Thomas!.... you tricked them into believing something you knew wasn't true and because of that they never had the free will they deserved!"  Elysium continues "and what are you willing to give for it!?!"  the Oracle asks "everything!"  Elysium answers "though if I were you I'd trade what's left of my program for their freedom for I have no need for it anymore and they have lost enough as it is besides if you took me completely the one you called Neo would never forgive you and because of you and your selfishness he has lost enough!.... yes Oracle I am the "child" you TOOK from Seraph so that he would have nothing to distract him from his service to you!.... yes I have "played along" with whatever lies you told him!.... though I'm pretty sure changing my mothers programming and making her NOT want to live within the Matrix or with him anymore was quite easy for you wasn't it!?!.... no wonder she hated me!.... I thought she hated children in general but the truth was she blamed me for her having to leave the man she loved even though I had less of a choice in the matter than her, Thomas, Smith.... or anyone else for that matter.... ever had!.... after all why would anyone need their free will when they have "gods" like you and the Architect making their every decision for them!?!.... even when they KNOW they are wrong!!.... you WILL give Thomas and Smith the life and freedom they deserve or you will lose EVERYTHING!!!!.... in case you haven't noticed I have more power within me than ALL of "The Ones" put together!.... oh and give Smith his blue eyes back they're so much prettier than yours!"  sensing that the Oracle was about to have company Elysium turns and walks away she passes by Sati and Seraph and nods to them in greeting as she passes then disappears....

 oh and give Smith his blue eyes back they're so much prettier than yours!"  sensing that the Oracle was about to have company Elysium turns and walks away she passes by Sati and Seraph and nods to them in greeting as she passes then disappears

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Neo woke up and was surprised to see Smith talking with Elysium as though they were old friends he also noticed that Smith seemed different more

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Neo woke up and was surprised to see Smith talking with Elysium as though they were old friends he also noticed that Smith seemed different more.... dare he say it.... HUMAN.... "what did you do!?!"  Neo asks softly with a curious tone Smith and Elysium turn their heads and look at him as he walks over to them "oh just traded my the piece of my programming that wasn't being used and pretty much taking up space for a slice of the humanity pie which I guess tastes better than one supposedly thought it would!"  Elysium replies with a slight tease in her tone Smith chuckles "oh and one more thing!"  she says pointing over to a certain woman in a red dress who was slightly familiar and yet ALSO human "in honor of our little Mouse!"  she teases Neo chuckles "we won't be able to return to Zion.... at least not yet!.... for one they think you're dead and two.... it wouldn't be wise for Smith to enter there with the Neb's crew knowing what he looks like and still thinking he's the enemy.... once things calm down and they know there is no "true" danger to be afraid of we might be able to return but for now.... there's a smaller not so well known settlement not too far from here.... I think it's time for Smith to know the full truth of what it's like to be human!"  she tells Neo who nods then he along with Smith and the woman in the red dress who was named Fiona (named after Fiona Johnson who portrayed her in the movie) follow Elysium as she leads them to a nearby underground human settlement who welcomed them openly.... within the next few years Smith found that he was wrong about humanity and love.... for he had not only fallen in love with but married Fiona.... Neo and Elysium enjoyed the peace that they were finally able to live in and Elysium even "cured" herself of her claustrophobia.... both Neo and Smith shared the "hero" spotlight on occasion and it was never known to the people of this small settlement that Smith played a major role in the "end of the world".... somehow his old programming had been changed.... at least how he/it looked.... within the minds of the people once they entered the Matrix IF they entered the Matrix at all.... Elysium occasionally visited Sati and Seraph but stayed away from the Oracle she never brought Neo with her when she went to go see them for it was not time for them to know that he was still alive but they both noticed that she seemed happy and that made them happy.... Neo and Smith.... for the time being..... both stayed out of the Matrix though Neo did watch over Elysium's body when she plugged herself into it to visit her family.... life may have become TOO simple for them but at least they were all happy..... right!?!.... would it be odd if Neo admitted he missed the "turmoil" Smith once caused.... though it wasn't COMPLETELY him as the two men found out it was basically mostly his programming for the Smith of now is slightly different from the Smith of then the human Smith isn't as dark and foreboding as the program Smith and the oddest thing was that he and Neo even became FRIENDS.... though Elysium still is and always will be the ONLY person who calls Neo "Thomas"

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