You're My Kryptonite💚

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Neo grips Elysium's hand and whispers softly "I'm sorry.... I'll bring you back here I promise!"  she smiles at him and lets him lead her away from the mountainous view once they reach the hallway that leads to the parking garage one of the ghostly white twins turns and closes the door on them with a smirk Neo breaks down the door and says with a smile when he sees the view before them "see I told you I'd bring you back!"  she chuckles then replies alluringly "though the view is beautiful I'd rather look at you!"  he looks at her in a playful "you dare argue with me!?!" sort of way "it's all in the details my love!"  she purrs he smiles then gets out his phone opens it and puts it to his ear "operator"  Link says  "Link, where am I?"  Neo asks "you're not gonna believe this, but you're all the way up in the mountains"  Link replies with a soft chuckle "really"  Neo says Elysium rolls her eyes at him Neo looks at her "yeah, it's gonna take me a while to get up an exit oh shit"  Link says "what?"  Neo asks "those Twin things are after Morpheus and Trinity, and I don't have a way to get them out"  Link replies  "where are they?"  Neo asks "middle of the City, 500 miles due south"  Link replies Neo hangs up grips Elysium's waist and says "hold on!"  they bend their knees so he could gain momentum then do "the Superman thing" and they fly towards the area Link said Morpheus, Trinity and The Keymaker are once they reach the Freeway Elysium wraps her arms around Neo's waist and lays her body up against his chest so he could have use of both his hands as he reaches Morpheus and The Keymaker as they fly through the air as the tractor trailer they were once on crashes into another and explodes in slow motion he grips both men by the cuff of their shirts and they fly upwards away from the blast.... "just because he doesn't love you the way you want him to love you doesn't mean he doesn't care about you!.... he cares about ALL of you!! you are his family!.... it's up to you to keep your word though"  Elysium tells Trinity after Trinity made the promise to Neo that she would stay out of the Matrix "as for me.... it's like I told him.... I HAVE to do something I CAN'T stay on this ship for long periods of time hell I don't even know how I survive Zion!"  she continues Trinity looks at her oddly "I'm claustrophobic Trin!.... tight enclosed spaces are not good for me! THAT'S why I'm constantly in the Matrix!! and he goes with me so that I'm not alone he promised me from the moment I woke up at the very beginning that he would protect me and as we all know the Matrix can be dangerous but it can also be freeing!.... another world!.... and if we follow the rules a "better" one!.... I'm not an idiot Trinity but you most certainly are a fool!.... let me ask you a question.... when the Oracle told you that YOU would fall in love with "The One" did she ever mention whether or not he'd love you back!?!"  Elysium asks Trinity stares at her with a shocked offended expression on her face and Elysium walks away.... even though she was on the Neb Elysium somehow was able to join another crew as they perform their task she walks into the Control Room with the men from The Vigilant she continues to work even after the others go limp she didn't really know them but that doesn't mean she didn't care she just stayed focused on the task at hand because she knew that Neo was just as connected to her as she is him and even the slightest change in her would worry him and he may lose focus.... it took her a few tries for the system was fighting her moving it's controls from one room to the next making her bounce all the way around, up and down every floor of the building Link tried to help her from his end but even he didn't understand it "this has to happen!.... alright Architect if you wanna play let's play!"  Elysium whispers as she rushes to the next room on the highest floor the guards that walked into the room as she was working turned into Agents as soon as they saw her and they started to shoot her she copies the ghostly white twins ability as she moves out of each bullets path as they came closer to her keeping one hand solid so she could continue working by the time she finished more Agents arrive and she fights her way out of the room "I think he's pissed!"  Elysium whispers to herself as she fights "clearly"  the agent replies then he pushes her as hard as he could in the chest making her fly backwards and crash into then through the window he then rushes after her shooting as he goes many of the bullets phase through or pass by her as she falls but one still lodges itself in her heart as she once again becomes solid as she sends one of the bullets back towards the Agent and it hits him in the chest as she whispers softly "I'm sorry!"  she wasn't speaking to the agent but the person he took over whoever he/she was.... Elysium feels a set of familiar strong arms cup her body into themselves and she whispers softly "Thomas!?!"  then she hears the familiar sound of his frightened worried determined heartbeat as her body gets gently pressed up against his chest as he flies....

The One He Can't Live Without 💕💔💞💗Where stories live. Discover now