2:Meeting on the red carpet Part 1

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"Where's my dress?!" I yell at the top of my lungs! My Red Oscar de la rents dress isn't on its display! I have no idea where it went! I put it there last night!

Ugh! Running threw my hotel room looking around everywhere! I start yelling at myaleup and hair designer "Do you know where it is?!" Her names Alice. "No." I think she's a bit scared oh me now. My face is red, I'm yelling. I'm a brideszilla but I'm not a bride. I rampage threw the walk in closet I got with the ginormous room. I'm an actress. My name is Elizabeth Tomlinson. Ik Louis Tomlinson's sister! I play Gwen in the amazing Spider-Man, I play Luke castellans girlfriend in Percy Jackson,(making some of these up! So some parts aren't real a/n) I'm in once upon a time, I am number four, Play Melanie in the host, Bella in twilight, In teen wolf, Campire diaries, and played sedrick diggerie's sister/Draco malfoys girlfriend in Harry Potter. I may seem snobby but in not to much. Only when I'm mad.


Roaming threw my closet looking for my dress! I have to walk the red carpet for the oscars! I'm meeting my new cast members at the after party. I'm going to okay newts girlfriend in The maze runner. "FOUND IT!" I hear my manager say! I'm so happy! Running to her. she's in. The living room! Omg I'm so happy! "Omg thanks so much! Now where are my louboutins?" I walk threw my hotel room shoe closet looking for some nice shoes. "Why not these?" Asks Alice. She's holding up shiny diamond looking heels that are sparkled. Perfect Red carpet look.

I wonder for a minute and then splurt out a "yes!" Now to

Get my dress on! My dress is red with a drill on the back. a Classic Oscar de las rents dress with £900 Christian Louboutin shoes. "All right now how do I look? " I ask them. Now they aren't listening. Their on their phones looking at something. They saying things like "Oooh look at him! "

"Oh he's hot!" I but in and loom at the iPhone and say "Whays all the fuss it's just..." I stop and admire the HOT boy's on the phone. "Thoes are your new cast members! All boys and only one more girl! Your so lucky!" Omg. I don't even listen to Alice say that. I'm looking at them and I see boys with names underthem. Dylan o'brian,Will poulter,Ko Hong lee, Then the hottest of all is... Thomas Brodie-sangester! Nice eyes, good looking and he's also British like me! "Hey! He's blonde and British! Just your type!" I hear Alice say to me but I barely listen. We walk down to the hotel lobby. "Ready?" my manager asks me. "Well I bet all the fans are. I can hear them scream from here!" Alice says. i reply to my manager. "Yep! Ready as ever." Put in my game face. Walk out of the hotel with your head high. Get ready to take pictures! I have 3 security guards leading me to the limo. And the hotel door to the limo is 5 meters away. "Hi!"i say to all the fans. Omg I didn't think there would be this much!

A/N sorry!!!!! It's so bad! And long! I'll make a second part!

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