Magcon :party! sam wilkinson all boys

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No smut!
Your POV

All the boys and I went to a big party at someone's house. We drank. Danced and did a lot of stuff. People where jumping in the pool and spilling beer everywhere!

About 2 hours in you where drunk Af!!! U ended up dancing with Sam. I was so drunk I was dancing like crazy! You/I was getting down and it started to get intense. You can imagine how we where dancing. You and Sam had both your hands together. You back to his chest and his chin resting of your shoulder. You where dripping low and dancing pretty dirty. lol. Caryer started filming then posting on vine. He said in one"HOLY FU*K! Y/N is getting down!"
Remember we where all DRUNK!! Like really drunk! Sam was also.
In another vine he said "Oh! Sammy Is going to get some tonight!!!!"

Sam whispers in your ear "Hey wanna come home with me?" You giggle and say "Oookkkk." Taylor didn't drink so he over heard. He was walking towards us. But you took Danny's hand and started running threw the house towards the door to Sammys car. Taylor ran up to you and grabbed you by the waist and pickin you up. Suprised you said "Oh " a little loud. He spun you then set you down. "Ok! Your not going home with anyone!! Y/N you have a boyfriend!" He had his two hands on either shoulder. Talking to me in the eyes. I was talking in kinda a baby voice. "Ooohhh! I do!!" I hummed thinking. "Well! He can suck it! I'm going home with Sammy! By Tay Tay!😘" I said then running to Sammy. But he caught my wrist and says "no your not!" I have a confused look on my face. Like a kid that got said no to for the first time ever. Sam pushes past me to Taylor. Puffing out his chest a little. "Excuse me? I can take her home if I wanna!" Taylor scoffs . "No you can't. She's drunk! You going to get her high them fuck her! No your not!" Sam looks away pretending he's walking away then throws a punch at Taylor. Taylor not being drunk dodges it.
Everyone is surrounding us now but not cheering. Cater filming a vine ugh.
He isn't to drunk tho. They get into a fist fight. "OHHH! SH*T JUST GOT REALL!" Taylor isn't getting hit Sammy is so no one is interfering. But he throws a punch that hits Taylor. While carter is filming he drops his phone saying "oh shut!" And runs to Sammy getting in between them. Following Nash and Matthew and jacks and Cameron.
Nash gets invetween them and says "WOAH! WHATS GOIKG ON!"
The Jack j and gilinsky hold Sam backs Taylor says to them "He was going to take Y/N home so I stopped him their both wasted." They all had like 1 drink so they aren't wasted or drunk yet. I step in and say "WIAT! I wanna go home with Sammy! " Cameron pushes me away from me running to Sammy and says "No you don't. Ok? " I pout and sit on the floor like a kid. "THEN IM NOR MOVING FROM THIS SPOT!" You yell at them. Jack g brings Sammy home. But you didn't notice. You sit Kris cross on The floor. With your arms folded. With a pouty face. Nash picks me up to stand and I do. He says to me "ok. y/N say good bye to everyone now. We are leaving." I wine about it. But I say ok . They have to talk to you like your a kid then your drunk. I run up to Jack j to hug him. Your legs are wrapped around him. You say to him "Bye bye!! " he hugs back and laughs. "Bye. Princess." You hug him for long time till the point he says "You can let go now. But You don't let go so he walk to the door with you on him. While he is walking I say bye to people. He hands you to Cameron to carry you. You live with Cameron and Nash in their apartment. " AWWW!" You say when Jack pulls you off him to Cameron. You reach for him but he waves bye bye! Cameron is holding you bridal style. You quickly wrap your arms around Cam. He grunts cause you hug so tight. Nash opens she door and opens the car door. They set you down in the back seat. You still wide awake. You keep asking for Sammy the whole car ride.
"Where's Sammy!"

"I want Sammy!"
"What did you do to him?"
Nash and Cameron laugh at you.

When your home Nash carries you up to the apartment. And set you down on your bed. You wine and say" But I'm not tired!"
Nash sets you down and says"oh yes you are! " he takes off your boots and tucks you in. He sits on the edge of the bed and says to you "Night Y/N! " before he walks out he takes your phone.

About 10 minuites after you sneak out of your room. I go into Cameron's room. Him and Nash are hanging out in there. Cam on the bed and Nash in a wheels chair. Their on Twitter cleaning up the mess with Sam. Twitter vine and all social media is freaking out about the videos about you and Sam. You run in and start to jump on the bed like CRAZY! Nash and Cam are so Suprised they flinch.
"WOAH! Wee! I'm jumping!" You say. They laugh and Cameron picked your feet so you fall. You fall into the bed. You lay down and stretch into a star hitting Cameron's face softly. You sit up and hug Cameron saying "Good night cammy!" Then you lay down faceimg Nash wavering your hand to say come come! "Nash!" You wisper. He sighs and gets up to walk to you. He kneels down to face you . You wrap your arms around him. "Nighty nite nashy!" Then you get under the covers and snuggle into Cameron's pillow. Seconds after your passed out.
Cameron and Nash start to laugh.
They sleep in Cameron's room just in case something happends.
Cameron and Nash both on either sides of the bed on the floor.


You wake up with your head POUNDING like crazy. The sun hitting your face. You stretch and yawn. Sitting up you look around and notice your in Cameron's room. The first thing you think is You slept with him!! But then you remember. You look at your self and see you are wearing your party dress and jewelry  still. Oh no.
You turn to stand up but step on bashes stomach. He is on his known awake.
He grunts "omg! Sorry Nash! " he laughs and says it's ok.

"Do you hungover?" He ask I nodd.

Cameron stands up awake and says "U remember last night?"

I sigh and say"sadly." They chuckle a little. You don't feel good. Your stomach isn't agreeing with you. You run to the bathroom and puke. Sitting my the toilet Nash comes up to you and hands you a napkin. When you go down stairs you de all the boys.
All chilling on he couch. You go sit by Taylor and say "Thanx!" And hug him tightly. He has always been like a bro. He hugs back saying "No problem baby girl." Johnson walks in and says "hey! Where's my hug! I missed that last one from last night!" You get up and hug him tightly. "Hey you ok?"
W asks in my ear. Still hugging tight him rubbing my back "ya."
"Hung over?"
You sigh "on YAS! " he laughs.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2015 ⏰

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