Red carpet 2

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Re carpet
"Are you ready to walk out now? " My manager asks me.
"Give me a minute." I'm always nervous to walk it. I'm really nervous because it's my first time without an escort! Usually someone goes with me. My manager steps out of the kimmo because some ones knocking on the window. It's a stage manager or something. I hear them talk and say seething along the lines of an escort for the publicity they would get of we walk together. "Elizabeth? Can we go now? You have an escort now." Yes! I hope it's someone who's real good looking.
I steps out the limo and see... Omg! It's that guy we were looking at! The blonde one! Oh what's his name again? In thom... Thomas! "Hello love! I'm Thomas." Wow! Nice accent! Mine isn't that British after all these years in america. "Elizabeth. But call me lizzy." I give a charming smile and he starts walking me down on the red carpet.
I hear all the fans screaming and even some crying.We stop and sigh some posters and papper. i walk up to one girl who looks really nice. "Hello love, who should I make it out to?" I give a nice smile. But I feel Thomas's eyes on me. "Elizabeth. Are you and Thomas dating?" Well it's not a bad idea but "No, hahahaha, we actually just met so." I laugh. "Awww you guys would go good together tho.!" Awww I can hear all the fans say. Now Thomas and I are both laughing now.

Now In the awards.
"Well that's always fun." Thomas says or me but I wasn't listening, I'm on my Phone. "Ummm. Lizzy?!" He snapped fingers in my face then I got out of my trance. "Oh sorry! I was just..."
"That's all right. I asked you something"
"Oh sorry what was it again?" He's laughing at me now. "I said that was fun, u know meeting the fans and all. "

"Oh yah. it's always fun"

"So are you coming to the after party Lizzy? The one for the cast of maze runner?"
Before I can answer Dylan o'brian comes and sits beside Thomas and they start a small chat. "Oh yah! Dylan this is Elizabeth." I give a wave a smile and a Hi to him. "well of course I know who this is! She's like an A list celebrity. "

"Aww thanks."

"No problem, I'm Dylan be the way."
"Lovely to meet you"
Thomas is getting a bit of an angry now. "so Thomas you were Saying?"
He says back "Oh yah I was just wondering seeing if you were going to the party?"
"Oh yah I am." we lock eyes for a bit then the award show finally starts.
In the middle of it we start playing footsy and we elbow each other. It as cute.
1 hour in
"Now for the best female actress... it is.... ELIZABETH TOMLINSON!" I didn't hear what they said because I was talking to Thomas. Dylan says to me "Hey! You won!"
"Huh? What did you say Dylan?" The announcer stars Again
"Oh!" I walk up to the stage and give a small speech and accept the award.

After party

Thomas and I are at the bar and talking about bad producers and directors. "And this one guy didn't know how to work the monitor! I'm like how are you filming our movie?!"
"Ugh and when they get blame you for getting lines wrong when their on the wrong scene! Ugh!" We're now looking into each others eyes. We both take another sip of our drinks. "So what you drinking?" He asks me. "Oh well not so sure! They said something like a... I'm not even sure! I've had a few of these." Thomas is looking at me like I'm drunk. Which I probably totally am. "Hey Lizzy? Are you drunk?" I give him a good look. "Not at all sangester! Look!" I get up from my chair in my 6"heals and walk like a model on the run way. "See I can strut perfectly! And look!" I jump and do a cart wheel. "See not drunk at all!" he's laughing historically! "WHOA!" I look over and Dylan is catching Thomas because he's falling off his chair! "Well look who's drunk now!". Laughing and spilling my drink. I sit back down and we go on as we were.
Looking into Thomas's eyes i can feel him leaning in. As the girl does I follow. All of a sudden I fell his soft lips on mine. He's pressing hard.We pull away for air. "Wow."
"Yah." he starts dragging me by the hand out of the building and we get into a taxi. "To the Trump hotel please." he says to the taxi driver. We get there and I reach for my wallet but Thomas puts his hand over mine to tell me no. we get a room. He pulls me in and slams the door behind him. Pushig me against the wall and kissing me.

"Morning!" What? Ow! My head is banging like crazy. I see Thomas there standing on the side of the bed with a tray of food. "Aww thanks. wow!"
"Hope you like pancakes!" He sets the food on the side table. I notice something weird. What? I'm wearing his shirt. "So this is a weird way to get to know your cast members." He's now laughing like crazy.

A/n sorry I'm not that good but actually please give suggestions! I'm terrible at this stuff.

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