8 💅

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Minho nervously tapped his foot on the ground as he waited for his friends. He looked down to check his watch, 6:38 am. 𝘞𝘩𝘺 𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯'𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘦𝘵?

"Min- ho! Ohnygod I am so- I'm so sorry we're- late" Felix panted, Changbin and Hyunjin following close.

"It's ok, you weren't that late." Minho sighed. "Oh, shit I totally didn't think this through- where could jisung be?"

"Uhm, check the back of the school. It's the most obvious yet most efficient place they'd be right now" Hyunjin said, still trying to catch his breath.

"Ok then let's go" Minho started running through the halls, making his way to the back of the school.

"Fuck, why are we running again?" Felix whined.

"Because Ji needs us right now" Minho said over his shoulder, still running. Eventually they reached their destination, slowing down to a stop.

"This place smells like shit" Hyunjin said, disgusted. There were trash bags scattered around the area, creating that smell.

"I'm literally going to faint. Everything is blurry. I can see the light- is this how I go?" Changbin added.

"Binnie, that's the sun. Hyunjin is supposed to be the dramatic one, calm down. " Felix sighed.

"Yes, the sun, cool. But guys- I think I found jisung... " Minho was standing at a corner, staring blankly at something.

A group of boys around their age crowded around a corner, surrounding something- or someone. Another boy was seperated from the crowd, leaning against the wall in front of the group. He looked... scared.

"Oh so it 𝘪𝘴 Taehyung? That motherfucker" Felix mumbled under his breath. "Yo Kim! Why don't you go hook up with one of your girlfriends instead of bullying others?

Before anyone could stop him, Felix marched to the group of boys, heading straight to the one in the middle. The rest of his friends came after him.

"Aww look jisung! Your friends have come to save you! Sure, they'll end up in the same position as you but it's the thought that counts, right?" Taehyung mocked, making his group laugh.

"Hell yeah we did. And we're not leaving until you learn your lesson, you disgusting bitch" Minho spat.

"What did you just call me?

"I called you a disgusting bi-"

He wasn't able to finish that sentence before a hard punch landed on his jaw. Minho stumbled, but wasn't ready to give up any time soon. He threw a punch back, landing it straight in Taehyung 's jaw. He smiled as he heard a crack, it was definitely broken.

Seeing this, the rest of Taehyung's friends decided to join in. Changbin and Hyunjin joined too, while Felix ran over to where jisung had sat down.

Punches and kicks landed anywhere they could, bodies dropped to the floor, heads hit walls- it was a pretty intense fight.

Jisung was softly crying on the floor next to all this, and only looked up when he heard footsteps. It was Felix.

"Jisung? Ji, are you okay?" He hugged his best friend so tight you would think he's trying to strangle him.

"Yeah, I'm okay, I guess. Why are you here? Why did you guys look for me? You could've just let me deal with this on my own"

"Because we fucking love you ji, and no, I would not have let you deal with this on your own. That's what friends are for, dumbass." And now Felix was crying too.

"I love you guys too, and don't- hold up. Is that- That's Minho! What the fuck?" Jisung's expression completely switched from a sad one to a confused one.

"Oh, yeah. Forgot about him. You should be thanking him though, he's the one who made us come here for you" Felix was now smiling.

"I don't believe you"

"Too bad then, cuz I'm not lying. I swear." He held jisung by the shoulders and looked him straight in the eyes.

"Holy fuck, miracles are real!" Jisung cheered, the tears now drying on his face. He stared at the scene blankly, trying to calculate how this could have happened. He stayed like this for a while, until he heard two more sets of footprints rushing to him. They belonged to Hyunjin and Changbin.

"Han Jisung you fucking idiot! Next time call us earlier so we can beat these hoes up before they really get to you." Hyunjin yelled.

"Oh and Minho left. He said he had to get cleaned up and get to his classes quickly. Must be tough being the most perfect boy in school." Changbin joined them.

"Oh, and he also said you're welcome" Hyunjin added, smirking at jisung.

"Well, I- he- um, can we also go to class then? Thanks for helping me, I really really appreciate it. I can treat you to dinner sometime to pay you back?" Jisung smiled at them

"If I was Chan I'd hunbly decline, saying your happiness is enough payment for me. But I'm not Chan. It's free food, I'm totally in!" Felix exclaimed.

"Great! Well that's settled, let's go to class now" Jisung walked around Taehyung and his friends, who were knocked out on the floor. "Damn, y'all really didn't come here to play"

His friends laughed behind him, following him into the school building.
Hyunjin and Changbin went to the bathroom to get cleaned up too, leaving Jisung and Minho alone.

"Felix. I'm having an emergency. How do I thank Minho? I mean, it was pretty easy with you guys, food. But I have absolutely no idea what he likes. Please help" Jisung said, walking with Felix to their class.

"Umm, I don't know. Send him a text or something. He's a pretty simple guy, and you guys don't talk much. Yeah, a text should do it. If you still don't think it's enough, he can join our dinner" Felix shrugged.

"Gee thanks, lix. Everything is all clear now" Jisung rolled his eyes.

"You're welcome. I know I'm the best" Felix flipped his nonexistent long hair.

"Fuck off, man. This is why Changbin hasn't asked you out yet"

"Hey! It's just a matter of time! He's gonna do it sooner or later, you'll see" Felix defended himself.

They continued arguing all the way to their class, only stopping when Mr Park, their teacher, gave them a warning look.


Sorry for the kinda late update, I was just so lazy. And when I finally decided to write, bOoM

😌 a h e a d a c h e 😌

That shit hurted man. And I'm also on my period which made things better 😃
So eventually I gave up and went to bed.

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