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Jisung yawned for the millionth time this morning. He didn't get even a second of sleep last night, thinking about - you guessed it - Minho. He was to come over today.

What would they even talk about? How would that conversation start? Would he apologize and they get back together or very awkwardly determine their relationship as 'just friends' for now? All of these questions swam through his mind, distracting him from the box of cereal in his hand and the bowl on the table.

A few minutes of staring at the wall later, there was a knock on the door.

This rather quiet sound startled Jisung, almost making him drop the cereal box. Instead, he set it on the table beside his still empty bowl and lazily went to the door.

Cautiously but curiously, he opened the door, immediately getting pulled into a suffocating hug.

"Am I being kidnapped? Is this a new method of strangling or..." Jisung tried to speak, but the 'hug' made his voice sound as if he was being choked.

"I'm sorry, for almost strangling you, and for... everything" Minho mumbled, taking a step back and looking at everything in the room except Jisung. He just couldn't look him in the eyes with confidence right now.

"Mm... Okay, close - and lock - the door then" Jisung folded his arms across his chest, trying his very best to look unbothered and cool.

"Right" Minho turned on his heel, closed and locked the door with slightly shaking hands, and by the time he had prevented the shaking enough to actually finish his task, Jisung was seated at the couch, turning on the tv. Minho wasn't sure if he should follow him to the living room or stay by the door. In fact, he wasn't sure if he was welcome here at all.

"You look like a cat trying to watch a YouTube tutorial on how to tie a tie, what are you doing? Come sit" Jisung said in a soft yet teasing voice.

"I'll have you know that my cats are very intelligent. Learning how to tie a tie will be nothing to them" Minho said, praising his cats as he started towards the couch.

"'My cats?' You have cats? How come I've never seen them? " Jisung's eyes grew wide, Minho had never mentioned any cats before...

"Oh, yeah, three of them. There's Soonie, Doongie and Dori. You probably didn't see them because they were either asleep or wandering around the backyard, and I totally forgot to mention it, sorry, my mind was totally occupied by oth-" Minho abruptly stopped talking, realising that he was rambling about his cats again. "Sorry, I was rambling..."

"That's the third time you've said sorry since you got here, just calm down, I'm not a super important person or anything, no need to apologize all the time" Jisung mentioned.

Minho wanted to say something, but wasn't sure if it was the right thing to say. After a lot of hesitating and second thoughts, he spoke. "But you are"

"Ah, there it is. Topic of the day. That's why you're here, right?" Jisung showed Minho a soft smile, slightly tilting his head to his right as he spoke.

How the fuck is he so calm while I'm having multiple internal panic attacks right now? This is unfair... Minho thought, almost letting out a groan of frustration.

"Y- yes, I... " Jisung fully turned to him from the opposite end of the couch, making sure to pay attention to every single word that was said.

Minho sighed, covering his face with his hands. He really couldn't face Jisung in this situation. "Listen, ji... Jisung... I'm sorry. Really, genuinely sorry. I fucked up, I know. I was just mad at you and I-"

"For a good reason, too" Hearing Jisung speak made Minho sit up straight, making eye contact for the first time.


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