39 😏👌

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Minho stared out the window, unconsciously fidgeting with the straw from his signature vanilla milkshake, barely understanding a word that Dahyun said.

To any outsider, it looked like they were on a date, but the truth was that Dahyun had invited Minho to this café and he accepted, not having anything to do either way, because... well...

"-but then I confronted her and made her give it back! The look on her face was so... Minho? Are you even listening?" Dahyun paused her exited rambling, concerned about the oddly quiet man sitting opposite her.

"Mhm" His left hand dropped from his straw, his right hand moving to hold his chin in deep thought.

"What's up? ... Oh, is it about-"

"Yes, of course, Dahyun. It is about him. We talked yesterday and something was off. He was being... I don't know... " Minho sighed.

"Y- you talked to him?" Dahyun spat her words through clenched teeth, trying to stay calm.

"Yes? Why is everyone so fucking concerned about who I'm talking to and who I'm not?" Minho let both of is hands drop to the table in frustration.

"No, no. Just asking, heh... You know, I think it's time you move on. Take a hint, he doesn't want you anymore." Dahyun slowly tried to put her hands over Minho's, only getting an uncomfortable look from the other.

"Take a hint? That's what he's been... Take a hint..." Minho muttered to himself, thinking hard on the situation.

"Yes, min. Take a hint. Let go of him and move on, it's obvious he thought of your relationship as a prank, as if it was all a lie" Dahyun said in a soft, comforting voice - or an attempt at one -, staring into the older's eyes.

"Take a hint, take a hint, 'as if it was all a lie'..." Minho dramatically gasped, "Oh my... Dahyun, you're absolutely fucking genius! Thank you!"

Minho suddenly grabbed the young woman's hands, giving them a light squeeze before planting a peck on her cheek and basically sprinting out of the door, not caring about who he just kissed or how much of his milkshake was left. Only one thing was on his mind right now, 'talk to them.'


Minho almost hit another car about 3 times due to how impatient his driving was. He had to talk to Changbin, now.

By the time he was knocking on the front door, he was panting and angrily running his hand through his hair several times, suddenly annoyed by its presence on his forehead.

When the door finally opened, Felix stood on the other side, his expression changed as soon as he saw who he had opened the door to.

"Oh. It's you." He sighed, "Come on in" Felix stepped aside, but before he could leave enough space for another person to pass, Minho was already speeding past him and going up the stairs two at a time, looking for his best friend. Felix was slightly pushed back by the force but quickly closed the door and followed Minho up the stairs.

The door to Changbin's room burst open. 

"Oh, Felix, who was at the- oh." Changbin immediately sat up, his expression dropping as he saw his oblivious best friend at the door. "What's up? Why are you here? Shouldn't you be hanging out with that bitch- sorry, Dahyun right now?"

"She's not a bitch-"

"Yeah and lix is just a friend to me"

"What's that supposed to- ugh, never mind. I have something very important to tell you right now, I think I just made a big discovery, why Jisung broke up with me"

Changbin looked over Minho at the door, sharing the same shocked and expectant expression. Felix immediately went to sit with Changbin, interested in what was to come next.

"Spill" Felix leaned forwards, slightly squinting in concentration.

"Okay so I was at this café with Dahyun, right?" Multiple sighs and frustrated noises were heard from the two boys sitting in front of him, he ignored them and continued, "She was rambling on about shit I don't give a fuck about and the topic of Jisung was brought up, she told me to take a hint, that maybe he thought of us as a lie, or... or a joke"

Felix gave him an encouraging 'mhm...?', almost falling off the bed because of how far on the edge he was sitting.

"So I was thinking... what if that's what it is? A lie? A joke?"

"Elaborate on that, please" Felix said in a sort of exited-sounding whisper, fingers crossed.

"Okay so I realized that when he broke up with me, he lied. Remember him talking about how I took his virginity or some shit and that I was one of the worst boyfriends he's had so far?" Minho explained, expecting his friends to be either bored or annoyed by his theories by now but it was the exact opposite, they looked extremely interested in what he had to say.

"Yeah, I did in fact not take his virginity, we've never even..." Minho stopped mid-sentence, blushing as he realized what he was going to say. In a rushed murmur, he finished, "we've never even had sex..."

Changbin had an amused smirk on his face, he seemed to be enjoying this.

"Oh, and, the worst boyfriend so far thing, I remember him telling me, not even a week before we broke up, that I was his first ever boyfriend. Well, even if it wasn't officially official yet. So what I think is that there's way more meaning behind his words. If they were fake, was everything else he said fake too? What I don't get is... why?" Minho finally concluded.

Changbin and Felix just sat there, smirking at each other. After a few seconds of just staring, they both repeated phrases such as; 'finally', 'the braincells have made a reappearance', or 'took him long enough' and wrapped each other in a celebratory embrace, still smiling.

Minho just stood there, confused. What were they celebrating about? "Um, guys..."

Felix noticed him talking, and let go of his boyfriend, turning to Minho. 

"Sit down for this one, and I hope you didn't have any plans later, because this is a long, long story, my friend"

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