Hour Glass of Time and Romance

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Sarah POV~
Strolling through the village I see vendors and what looks like poorly built sand colored houses.

"Would you like to buy anything?" Roman asks.

"No, I don't see anything I want." We walk in silence as we go by and people now their heads to show respect as we pass by. Out of the cornering my eye and see a beautiful vase. It is small and round, it looked almost clear but tinted with light blue, and a yellow and red painting of s flower on the front.

"*gasp* it's beautiful!" I run to it and pick it up. It was heavier than I had thought but still very pretty.
"Can I have it pleeeeaassssseee!!" I ask with my voice full of need.

"Yes, anything you want." He walks up and of course since he is pharaoh he gets it for free and hands it to me. I'm grinning ear to ear happy out of my mind. This should give me some comfort while I'm stuck in a different time period.

Romus POV~
She looks so beautiful. I want to hug her close and keep her glowing like this. Before I realize what I'm doing I grab her hand and press my lips to it.
We stare at each other and before she can hide it I see a certain look in her eyes. One that showed she doesn't dislike me, she likes what I have done and in that moment a little bit of the old me came back. The part that was ready to attack this open opportunity.

I lean in hoping to take it a step father. I lean in to kiss her and then I hear her scream. She takes off running and screaming like a lunatic.


I look up to see a peasant running ahead of her with her vase in his arms. I quickly yell for the guards to attack him and take off after him as well. Everyone is yelling and moving out of the way. He shoves five people and runs over them in a hurry.

I have always been a fast runner so I manage to pass by the guards and Sarah and get closer to him then when I was in arms reach I jumped on top of him. We tumbled to the ground and rolled for a little bit. We stop and I am on top of him. The case still tightly secure in his arms he looks up. I punch him in the face twice and stand up and the guards take him. I take the vase and hand it to a shocked and out of breath Sarah.

"Thank you " is all she says and all I do is nod back.

We silently return to the palace with nothing but hard breathing sounding around us. Sarah walks ahead inside the palace and disappears into a room.

Fuck that had to be the worst date ever .


"That was a nice date besides the running" says Sarah as she enter the dining room.


"That was a nice date although all we did was chase after a vase that probably wasn't worth all that. Most action that has happened since I've been here. Also thanks for getting the vase back."

"Your welcome and you might think it was not worth going after that man but he disobeyed my rules especially in my presence. He would have been dealt with anyways. It's great to hear you still like the date I was worried."

"Well just don't be so hard on him when faces you. It is nothing so bad where you would have to kill him."

" Fine, *sigh* listen Sarah I --"

The door slams open revealing a row of guards with swords in their hands. I knew exactly who had come barging into my palace without permission. The colors his guards wore gave him away. I thought he would stay away once he had left.

Good another problem and this one I can't just tackle to the ground.

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