Hour Glass Of Time and Romance

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(Romous POV)

Carrying her to my bed chambers was like taking home the world's greatest treasure. When we reached the room I walked to the bed and laid her down. She looked so weak. She didn't even try to sit up. Once again I applaud my success in being able to break her. Now she be mine.

I bent over her and brushed her hair out of her face leaving my hand to linger so that my thumb stroked her cheek. I lowered my head to kiss her and as our lips meant she tensed up. Trying to calm her I stroked my hand up and down her arm. This is pure heaven !!!!!!!

(Sarah POV)

I'm laying here and this fool is kissing and stroking me. Although I have this nagging feeling to push him away I am too weak and I kind of like it. (Kind of)

"You can go bathe, and when your done you may eat, said Romous. " Ithaca and Maria will take you to bathe and help you, I will see you when it's time to eat."

"This way" Ithaca signaled for me to follow. I follow until we came to what looked to be a large pool.

" I have to bathe in here?"

"Yes, what is the matter" asked Maria. "It's like a swimming pool in here!" I exclaimed, this was ridiculous!

"But this is were you bathe" Ithaca says. "Okay, fine." silently I stood there waiting for them to leave.

"Well, are you going to bathe or what?" Maria asked.

Well !!!! " I'm waiting for both of you to leave that's what."

"We can't leave it is the pharaoh's orders to keep watch over you at all times."

"Will you at least turn around"

"As you wish." they both say.

This was going to be a long day, I feared that I would never return home. But I would find a way, when no one is looking I am going to slip through a window and make a run for it. Later after my bath they lead me to a great huge dinning hall. I look around to find Romous at end of the long table. As I sit down he smirks at me.

"How was your bath my dear?"

I glare at him, " I don[t need people to watch over me" I shout.

"It's better that way so I don't have to worry about you running out." The food was set on the table in front of us. " Now eat, soon we are going to bed."

"We, I hope you know that we are not going to sleep together in the same bed, right?" I tell him.

"Why not?"

"Because, I don't know you well enough." Also I want to escape tonight.

"Well, you know that dungeon you were in can be your bedroom from this day forth."

I look at him shocked. He was on cruel bastard and I would be happy when I found a way home.

"Now finish, it's time for bed." that's all he said before leaving the table.

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