Chapter 1

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Jiraiya and Naruto were going home. Three long years on the road had taken a toll on them. Naruto had learnt a lot from his perverted godfather. He really was a great teacher. Sure his annoying trips to the bathhouses were the worst, but he always had time for Naruto. It was something new for him. Sure Tsunade-bachan, Jiji and Iruka all were great, but they didn't have the time to always be with him, and he understood that. Respected it even. He wasn't their kid, even if it felt like it at some points. But Jiraiya always had time, even if it was stupid teenage drama. Especially if it were teenage drama, he wouldn't be surprised if he became the next inspiration for his next Icha Icha book. Of course, he would be furious that Jiraiya put him in such a book, but it wouldn't have been unexpected. He was trying to become the Hokage, for crying out loud. That alone should have him trying to minimize any potential material to use against his reputation. His childhood as a prankster already made him a bit of a pariah among the civilians. Not to mention the nine-tailed elephant in the room. Having inspiration for a porn book on his resumé sure wouldn't help.

But he was getting off track. Jiraiya was great a listener. At least pretending to listen. He didn't know when he would get to spend so much time alone with him again. Probably not for a long time. With missions and Jiraiya's frequent disappearances. Naruto slowed down his walking. Jiraiya picked up on it immediately. "What is it, kid? I thought you were excited to get home," he asks the now 15-year-old next to him. "I-I just... wanted to say something whilst it is just the two of us..." Naruto stumbles over his words. Why was it so hard to tell something important? "I wanted to thank you for being there for me during these years. Ahaha... And for taking me in as your apprentice. It must been hard with my looks. I mean I look so much like dad-" Naruto rambles out quickly. But he was stopped when Jiraiya pulled him into a hug. Naruto felt his eyes begin to tear up. Sure he had gotten hugs before, even tender ones. But never one so robust and desperate. "I should be thanking you... I lost a lot that day. Probably the closest thing I had had to a son at the time. But then you came in to my life like little sun shining with positivity and happiness," Jiraiya says sombrely. "You are a lot like them you know... More than you think, but still your own person," He says. "I didn't have the chance to tell Minato that I loved him like if he was my own son..." He says. "But I have the chance to tell you," He continues. He takes a deep breath. "Thank you Naruto, I love you like you were my own son," He finishes. Naruto was now full out bawling into the bigger man's chest. He pulled Jiraiya as close as he could. Jiraya put his big hands on Naruto his head and stroked his hair. He had hit it many times during training, mostly when Naruto did something incredibly stupid or lost focus. The yellow spikes were soft to the touch—something you wouldn't assume looking at them.

They stood there in the middle of the street, hugging for at least ten minutes. Then, they start to walk towards Konoha again. After finally reaching the hill before the village, Naruto speaks up. "I couldn't have asked for a better Godfather." That got him a noogie. "I thought we got that out of our systems already," Jiraiya says between his rubs. "I know... I just didn't get to say it..." Naruto answers as he touches his head, nursing the slight ache left behind. "Also, race you to the gate!" Jiraiya says as he takes off. "Oi! That's not fair! You Ero-sennin!" Naruto screams back as he also takes off running to the gates.

"Told you... I would... get here first..." Jiraiya says between pants. "That doesn't count... You got... a false start..!" Naruto tries to argue between his pants. "Say that to my free bowl of ramen," Jiraiya says while reaching out his tongue at Naruto. "Hmph! Fine! Whatever!" Naruto childishly pouts. "Senju-sama!? Jiraiya-sama!?" Kotetsu exclaims. "Right on the money!" Naruto says as he points to himself. He has grown quite a bit since he was in Konoha last. He now stood at a more respectable height of 166 cm.

"Naruto, is that you!" A familiar voice shouts out when she sees the blonde. Naruto looks away from the guard and towards the new voice. She had short pink hair and green eyes. "Sakura!" Naruto says as he runs up to her and hugs her. "It has been too long!" He was basically shouting. "You don't have to shout in my ears, but yes, it has been too long," She says as she returns the hug. "Is the village the same? Has anything happened? How strong are our friends?" Naruto asks in quick succession. Sakura couldn't help but giggle at the excitable state Naruto was in. "Tsunade-sama's face has been added to the monument. Otherwise everything is the same..." Sakura says with a small smile. "Let's go see Tsunade-sama right away," Sakura says.

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