Chapter 11

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Naruto is pacing back and forth. "Come on! He is your Sensei! You need to talk to him!" Naruto tries to hype himself up. Finally, he slaps his face and walks up to the door Yamato had shown him. He takes one last deep breath. And knocks. After a few seconds of no answer, he knocks again. "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming, I'm coming..." Naruto heard Kakashi's voice say as it walked closer to the door. He takes a new deep breath. Kakashi opens the door. "Who even found out I liv-" Kakashi starts as he opens the door. He sees Naruto standing there in civilian clothing. "Yo... Can I come in? I have somethings I need to tell you..." Naruto says. Kakashi looks at Naruto. This wasn't the cocky chuunin that refused to take orders during their mission. This one was smaller and stood less straight. Something was bugging the younger man in front of him.

"Come in..." Kakashi says as he leads Naruto to the table in the kitchen. Naruto sits down after Kakashi shows him where. Naruto didn't look up at Kakashi. Instead, he was playing with the arms of his hoodie and looking at them. "Do you want something to drink?" Kakashi asks. "No thank you... I don't plan on staying long. I just had a talk with Yamato before the mission and he pointed out something I need to do..." Naruto says. "Okay then, spil it. What did Yamato say that made you want to talk with me again?" Kakashi asks harshly. Naruto flinches at the words and tone.

"I need to ask you for forgiveness," Naruto says as he looks up to meet his Sensei's eye. A new resolve filled his face. He stands up from the chair and walks over to stand on the same side of the table as Kakashi. He sits down on his knees and bows his head to touch the ground. "I am very sorry for the things I said to you that night!" Naruto says from his position. "I know you just wanted to protect me, and I should not have said those things to you," He adds. Tears had begun to form under his eyes. "I hope you can forgive me..." Naruto says with his voice full of emotion.

He feels a hand on his shoulder. "That is enough. Naruto. I forgive you," Kakashi says. Naruto looks up at his Sensei. He was sitting in a squat and was at Naruto's eye level. The man had his only visible eye smiling. Naruto's tears finally begin to fall. Kakashi places his other hand on Naruto's other shoulder. "What kind of a teacher would I be if I couldn't take a verbal beating from my students now and then," He says. "That means you are coming back?" Naruto asks hopefully. "Oh my. Don't tell me my little kohai was that bad as a captain," Kakashi says as he places his hand in front of his mouth in mock surprise. "He wasn't that bad but the team isn't the same without you there..." Naruto says as he dries his tears. "Good to know..." Kakashi says with an eye smile.

Naruto sat in a lotus position as he held his hands together in front of him. He felt the weird energy again. It was everywhere, just like last time. 'I wonder what would happen if I tap into it...' Naruto thinks as he reaches out with his chakra to touch it. Just as he is about to make the connection... "Oi! Naruto!" Kakashi screams out to him. "Tch!" Naruto scoffs. Why is it always someone who is interrupting him! "We have a meeting to attend!" Kakashi screams out. Naruto walks up to his teacher with a stern scowl. "Why did you have to come right now..." He says as he walks past him. "What you were just miditating..." Kakashi says as he catches up to his student.

"Just meditating..." Naruto mocks. He raises an accusatory finger in Kakashi's direction. "You have no idea how many Jutsu's I figued out while meditating," Naruto says. "Hai, hai... I'll keep it mind," Kakashi says in the most lackadaisical manner. "Yeah that is a big fat lie..." Naruto grumbles. "Also Naruto... We have been walking in the completley direction since you took over the lead," Kakashi says as he turns around. "Agh! Then say something earlier Sensei!" Naruto groans frustratingly. Kakashi giggles slightly at his student's misfortune but continues to walk.

Naruto and Kakashi are walking toward the meeting place. "We should restart your training," Kakashi says suddenly. "Ho... and you think you can keep up with my training," Naruto says cheekily. "Hey! I am an S-ranked Shinobi in my own right!" Kakashi objects. "And I am a Kage level Shinobi... what's your point?" Naruto answers. "I could probably take over the village any day now," He adds as he places his hands behind his head. "What do I keep telling you about hubris..." Kakashi sighs.

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