Chapter 17

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Naruto has just entered the battlefield. He stood over the corpse of one of the Pains. The rest stood shocked that he could use the Hirashin. The masked man stood still. It appeared he had seen the technique before. His father must have given him some trauma in the past. Good. He deserves it. Naruto fires up a Senjutsu powered Rasengan in his hand. "So... who wants to be next?" Naruto says seriously. "You should give up Kyuubi. Enough lives have already been spilt in your pointless escape from the peace I am trying to create," The main Pain says with a straight face. "You... You of all people DO NOT have the right to preach to me about spilling lives!" Naruto screams out. He flashes toward the nearest mark to the man "Senpo: Oodama Rasengan!" Naruto screams out as the small Rasengan in his hand expands.

The Pain sidesteps the telegraphed attack. "You destroyed my village! Killed countless innocents! Killed my master! And then you have the audacity to preach about peace!" Naruto screams out as he throws countless punches and kicks toward the Pain. He was too quick for the rest of the party to intervene on behalf of their ally. He didn't land any punches. Naruto was getting frustrated. "You are not seeing the forest because you are too focused on the trees before you," Pain says as he weaves his head between his strikes. "And you are just seeing the fumes of the rainforest you are burning down!" Naruto screams. Naruto flashes to the mark furthest away from his opponents still in the village after a few more failed punches. He didn't need to flash all the way to Ino. He was sitting on the top of the Hokage monument. He had a clone place a marker there to test out the technique.

"How is he seeing through my attacks?" Naruto asks out loud. "All the Pains are visually linked," Katsuyu says as she pops out of his shirt. "I see... is there anything else I should look out for?" Naruto asks as he stretches out some kinks he got from missing so many punches. Naruto looks over the battlefield. The four remaining Pains move to a square formation. "There is one that can absorb Ninjutsu used against him. He is the one furthest away from us right now," Katsuyu says, and Naruto looks at the man she was talking about. He was fatter than the rest. "You seem to have killed the Summoning girl and the one that can bring recently past people back to life..." Katsuyu explains.

"Good, Then there is no need to summon the toads..." Naruto says quietly to himself. "I don't know anything about the girl or the masked man, I am afraid," Katsuyu says as it seems like she hangs her head. "That's fine. I'll figure out what they can do on my own..." Naruto says confidently. "Don't take on everything on your own... You can't do everything on your own even if you are strong," Katsuyu chastises him. "Then be my eyes. Look and analyse the other combatants while I focus on the one in front of me," Naruto orders. "That I can do," Katsuyu answers. "Be ready, though. I just finished the Hirashin and am not as good as my dad was with the technique. It can get a bit confusing if you are not the steering the ship," Naruto explains. "No need to worry. Just do everything you can," Katsuyu answers. Naruto nods and begins to plan out a way to do this. The girl seems to have been taken aback by Naruto's skill and looks around the battlefield to find him. The masked man was doing the same thing except for the frantic energy Konan was exuding. The way he was doing it. Left, right, above and then below. 'This man is Konoha trained...' Naruto thinks as he observes the masked man. The masked man begins to walk up to the kunai stuck in the ground when he doesn't find his target.

'What does the real one is not among them even mean...' Naruto remembers the code Jiraiya had left for Konoha. "These Pains are puppets. There is still at least one more Pain left controlling everyone even if you defeat all of them here. At least, that is what we found when we did an autopsy on the body, Jiraiya brought back," Katuyu says as if she was reading his mind. "I see..." Naruto answers and steels himself for what he has to do.

Naruto flashes to it before he has a chance to pick it up. "Sorry, but this is a little above your paygrade..." Naruto says, and the man just stops in reaching for the kunai. Naruto fires up a Rasengan in his hand and tries to smash the man's mask, but he passes through the man. "I see... That is why you were so confident during our last run in..." Naruto says with a resigned smile on his face. He drops the Rasengan flashes towards the nearest kunai to the bluenette. He uses the momentum he had before to smash into the girl. But she separates into hundreds of pieces of paper. "You guys sure are annoying..." Naruto says quietly as the papers float past him and reform into the form of the girl, closer to the Pain formation. Naruto cracks his neck. "Not much for talking, are you?" Naruto asks the masked man and the blue-headed girl. Both are seemingly uninterested in talking to him.

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