Chapter 21

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Naruto takes his borrowed red Hokage hat with the kanji for fire on its front. Naruto and Kakashi both had the cloaks they used when searching for Sasuke. Land of Iron was a cold place, after all. He takes a deep breath. Was he really ready for this? "Are you ready to leave Hokage-sama?" Kakashi asks teasingly. It seems he caught onto Naruto's sudden spike in nerves. A thick tick mark forms on Naruto's temple. "I already told you I have not been sworn in yet!" Naruto throws a punch at his teacher. Kakashi is easily skilled enough to dodge the attack, but he lets the weak strike hit his shoulder. "What is the harm? You are already like a Hokage to the village?" Kakashi says.

"Being like a Hokage and being Hokage is not the same thing," Naruto says with a huff. Yamato lands near the two of them. "I have some transmission seeds on the Kumo nin," He reports. "Thank you. Yamato," Naruto says in a business tone. "Can I learn your real name now that I am your interim Hokage?" Naruto asks excitedly. The change in tone almost gave Yamato whiplash. Yamato sighs, and Kakashi giggles at his kouhai's predicament. "No. Only the Hokage is allowed access to that information," Yamato tries to dissuade Naruto from further prying. Naruto pouts.

After making sure all the equipment and everything else was in order, they moved towards the Land of Iron. A crowd had gathered and was waving them off. Naruto turns around and waves back. The odd empty feeling in his gut had not gone anywhere. It had, in fact, only grown larger since last time. Kakashi seems to catch on to the look on Naruto's face but doesn't say anything.

Naruto and his bodyguards were jumping through the trees. They were keeping a safe distance between themselves and the Kumo ninja. It took one whole day to catch up with the Raikage and his entourage. Naruto, Kakashi and Yamato took refuge behind a big rock. They watched as Samui and her team touched down near them. "Come out, Konoha dogs!" One of the Raikages followers says as he looks towards their rock. "Let me do the talking and if they start to fight I'll deal with them myself. Am I clear," Naruto says. Both reluctantly nod. Naruto walks out without making a face, hands in his pockets. Kakashi and Yamato come out behind him. He chose to hide poorly on purpose. "Raikage-dono," Naruto says as he meets the eye of the broad-shouldered muscular man. "And you are the Hokage, huh? I expected someone older," The Raikage says as he sees Naruto's hat hanging on his back.

"Godaime Hokage-sama is out of commission. I am just the interim. However, I do expect to be voted in as Hokage as soon as Tsunade-basama decides to hang up the hat," Naruto says evenly. "Hooh... and what is the reason for you to show up before me like this before the meeting," The Raikage says. "I came here to appeal to you directly. It seemed like my message was not fully accepted by your diplomats..." Naruto says as he shifts his gaze to Samui. She shifts uncomfortably under his watch. "Then tell me what you need to say," Raikage says

"Give up on taking on Uchiha Sasuke," Naruto says steely. "What! You cannot be serious! Of course, Samui wasn't going to reject that is ridiculus!" The blonde light skinned man exclaims. "He invaded my country and took my brother to have his bijuu extracted from him! And then you expect me to forgive and forget! Kumogakure do not conduct buisness the same way Konohagakure does," The Raikage snarls. "No. I don't expect you to forgive him. I am saying that I will personally ensure that Sasuke is held acountible. I already told your mission that it is my mission to bring any rouge Uchihas to justice. Sasuke has already evolved his Sharingan to the next level. I doubt anyone other me will be able to handle him at this point," Naruto says evenly. The Kumo ninjas take a ready stance. An angry scowl forms on the Raikage's face, but he doesn't move from his spot. "Tell your men to stand down. Or I'll make sure they aren't a threat," Naruto says as he takes out the hands from his pockets.

"... Stand down," The Raikage says. "But-" The redhead starts. "I told you to stand down!" The Raikage barks. "Good to see you aren't as impulsive as I have heard," Naruto says as he puts his hands back in his pockets. "Why should I let you Konoha take care of Sasuke?" The Raikage asks. "As I said. His Sharingan is already evolved. No ordinary Shinobi can stand up to him on at this point," Naruto says. The Raikage clenches his fists. "That sounds like a convenient excuse for you to have your precious Sharingan back," The Raikage says. "Think of it what you will. But if you go in for Sasuke you will have to face the full might of Konoha. I am sure know what that means," Naruto warns and begins to walk away. Kakashi and Yamato run up to the younger man. "was that really the smartest thing you could have done? Didn't you want to foster an agreement with them?" Kakashi asks with his hands behind his head. "He will only respond to strength. I have met his type before," Naruto says with his eyes closed. "If you say so," Kakashi says.

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