Chapter 9

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Naruto was at a standoff with Orochimaru. He had dense chakra surrounding him. "Thank you for not giving up so easily... I'll enjoy this," Naruto says. Naruto dashes towards the sannin. He engages in taijutsu. That was his weakest area, according to Jiraiya. But that didn't mean he was a slouch at it. No, he was better than average. Naruto was struggling to get a solid punch in. His hits often just graced his opponent or were blocked outright. Taijutsu was also his weakest skill, after all. "You seem distracted, Naruto-kun," Orochimaru taunts. "Only because looking at your ugly mug for to long is degrading on the eyes," Naruto counters as he gets a solid punch straight in Orochimaru's face.

Orochimaru flies into the forest behind him. 'That was a killing blow...' Naruto thinks and begins to walk away. Naruto heard a sickening crunch from the heap that is Orochimaru's body. His jaws open up unnaturally big, and a new unblemished version of Orochimaru begins to slither out of the corpse lying on the ground. "I see... you really are annoying to kill," Naruto says as he takes a new stance. "Kukuku... I haven't had this much fun fighting in a long time... Thank you, Naruto-kun," Orochimaru says as he stands up. He was covered in a mixture of saliva and other bodily fluids. Naruto sinks further into his stance and hardens his facial features. Sai had used the lack of oversite from Naruto to sneak off. Naruto noticed his absence just now. 'I really need to train my perception when I am fighting,' Naruto thinks and scoffs. Now an agent of Danzo was loose, and he still had to fight Orochimaru. 'Letting go of control could be an option,' Naruto's mind flashes for a second. 'No! I already lost control once I can't let it happen again! I swore to myself!' He shots it down.

Orochimaru uses the distance and Naruto's apparent hesitation to launch a counterattack. He spews forth a shit tone of snakes out of his mouth. They begin to slither their way toward Naruto. The snakes open their mouths, and swords come out. Naruto goes through some hand seals. "Mokuton: Jukai Heki!" Naruto screams out and slams the ground in front of him. Trees sprout up from the ground and interweave, forming a formidable barrier. The snakes crash into the wall and get stuck or impale their brethren with their swords and then get stuck in the wall.

Naruto smirks. He jumps up on the wall. "I'll show you a real snake! Mokuton: Mokuryū no Jutsu!" Naruto says as he goes through the hand signs and finishes in a seal Orochimaru had never seen before. The head of the dragon begins to form the trees in the wall. The trunk of the dragon had slithered its way out of the wall, and it roars. "This thing can tangle with a tailed beast... I wonder what it will do to someone I want to hurt..." Naruto muses. He changes his hands to a snake sign and begins to lead the snake-like dragon out of the wall. It finishes at roughly 35 meters in length. It roars again and shoots off towards Orochimaru at incredible speeds. It crashes down on the ground where Orochimaru stands. Orochimaru just barely manages to dodge by borrowing down underground.

Naruto scoffs and beckons the dragon to return to him. It breaks down underground, gets up from underneath the ground and circles back to Naruto. When it got back, it coiled itself around Naruto to protect him. Orochimaru's head pops out from under the ground, and he spits out a snake and his sword. The blade extends and tries to pierce Naruto's chest. The dragon reacts to the threat and positions itself to swallow the sword. It holds it down, making it hard for Orochimaru to move. "Mokuryū no Jutsu!" Naruto says that as he goes through the seals a second time, a second dragon begins to slither its way out of the wall he was standing on. It roars and slithers its way to Orochimaru's head suspended in the sky. It bites down on Orochimaru's extended neck. "AGH!" Orochimaru screams out as the dragon bite intensifies. Kabuto hearing his master's pained scream, looks up from his battle with Yamato and Sakura and sees the peculiar position Orochimaru was stuck in. "Orochimaru-sama!" He screams out and jumps away from his opponents. He cleaves the head of the dragon with a chakra blade. The dragon's body falls limply to the ground, and the ground shakes with force. The head shatters under pressure. Kabuto leads the head down the body of Orochimaru and picks it up, and carries it away. He disappears in a poof of smoke before naruto's second dragon could attack him or Orochimaru.

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