Twisted Truth

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Author note: Warning chapter mentions mental illness. Talks about DID. Not a real depiction of DID, it's a Hollywood version. Similar to the movie "Split" and Asian TV drama "Kill Me, Heal Me".  I understand a little about that as a family member has it. Also have a family member who has schizophrenia.

Let's go ahead and meet the different personalities. There's the protective person, inner child, and main personality.

Veronica is a protective personality. Holds all the trauma of kidnappings since 5 years old. Then took all the trauma of the experiments. Also held the secret of who the real family was. Protected from scientists.

Learn took defense classes since little because of kidnappings. Veronica has killed kidnappers before to protect herself. Knows 3 languages. Can speak Chinese or Mandarin, French, and Spanish. Holds correct memories. Names Luke, host parents, friends, and a neighbor is named Seth. All from memories of people at school. Host parents and others named look like or remind herself of people they know. Host parents look similar to real parents. The main difference is height and build.

Told emergency information on TV in the different languages, so parents could find her. Planned to become the best and get on international TV. Making it possible to be saved and find family. The plan works and the happily reunite. Didn't expect to care about Luke and love him.

Veronica likes to go as V and first appeared after a few kidnappings. It was very concerning to her parents. There was anger management issues. Violent out bursts that only got worse and couldn't be called tantrums. Overtime the rage was filtered and controlled. Using exercise and training as an outlet.

V was blaming everyone and everything for what had happened. Then slowly excepted the past couldn't change and it wasn't her fault. Became extremely guarded. That wasn't able to protect her either. There was just to many bad people. No matter what her parents did the kidnappings wasn't preventable.

With the first kidnappings it was strangers holding her for ransom money. Family on newspaper and news. They took down public photos and conversations. They had shown off their daughter who they now hide. Trying to stay out of the public eye. There was no injuries just fear of strangers.

Things got worse as next kidnappers were hired by business rivels. The school teacher, body guards, and all those who were close. It got even so bad that family members kidnapped the child. All the background checks, bodyguards, security, and private tutors didn't stop them. They always found a way. The trauma grew with each experience and so did the injuries. The red marks became bruises, bruises became broken limbs, and then a little internal bleeding with broken limbs.

The more she faught back the worse it got. No one sexually touched her so she was free from one trauma. The enemy started to resort to drugs. They got a lot stronger as she had to try to become immune. Kidnappers learned from each arrest and rescue. That how she ended up waking up in a van in a different country in the middle of the desert. The last kidnapping was planned by most trusted bodyguard and driver. That bodyguard had been protecting her for years.

Money was always the cause of everyone's betrayal. Was drugged with a high dose sedative. Then moved around by gangs hired. Waking up with zero recollection. All that was left was the instinct of danger. Was able to take captives by surprise. As the repeated drugging wasn't supposed to wear off yet. The enemy was taken out. They had to be killed like a few enemies before. It started with just knocking them out. But the past experiences of them waking up. Along with the overwhelming fear took over. Knowing only true safety could be achieved with their deaths. The police arrived to see a girl covered in blood in the middle of a pile of dead bodies. A few policemen also tried their hand at kidnapping and ended up one of them.

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