Chapter 11

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Faye enters the coffee shop, and a bright cheerful woman shouts, "Faye, you are back! What took you so long?" As Mingy came running out of the kitchen to her.

"Hi, handsome. How are you? Did you miss me?" she said, bending down and playing with him. "How was he? Did he create any trouble for you?" Faye asked.

"Of course not, he was my best attention-getter. With him here, I got more customers," the cheerful slender woman with long chocolate almond hair said before chuckling.

Faye smiled before taking a seat in front of the counter where customers can watch how their drinks are made. "Sorry, Janine, my grandfather had stopped by to pick me up," Faye said to the vibrant woman who had clear beauty to the eyes.

Faye had met Janine 3 years ago. On her way to her grandfather's company, a young woman was hanging out fliers for a cafe that she worked for until someone bumped into her as she spilled all the fliers. As Janine was getting yelled at by her manager for losing all the fliers, Faye heard her name and remembered Janine Jones.

In Faye's last life, she had read an article about Janine Jones who owned a well-known coffee shop at the age of 35 years old. However, it wasn't easy to get her own shop. At the age of 21, she graduated college early. She was a smart and talented young woman, who was ready to own her coffee shop, but no one wanted to help her as they thought she was too young and inexperienced. Finally, when she had enough money of her own, she finally opened her own coffee shop. It was a huge hit as she made her own coffee and tea, and tons of people around the world came. However, her shop didn't last long as she got married and had children to take care of and decided to close her shop.

So, Faye went quickly to her feet and waited until her manager left before she went straight to Janine. Faye said one simple phrase, "I can help you," and handed Janine her business card. And, here they are now... as the two of them became best friends.

"Oh, and how did that go? Are you still mad at him?" Janine said.

Faye did a quick sigh and leaned her chin on her hand and said, "Not anymore."

"Hmm let me guess, he pulled the grandma card again?" Janine said as she placed a cup of tea in front of Faye. Faye didn't answer as she knew Janine already knew the answer, and she grabbed a hold of the handle before taking a sip of the tea.

"Mmmh, this tea tastes so good. Where did you get this tea," she said sarcastically?

"Hmm, let me think?" Janine played along, "From you."

Faye chuckled before saying, "oh yeah." Janine rolls her eyes as the door opens again. "Look like you have a customer," Faye said and took another sip of tea.

"Hello," Janine said and left Faye alone to take an order.

As Faye was drinking in peace, her phone rang, and she glanced down to see who was calling her before answering it. "Hello, Andrea," she replied. "Yes, it was me who ordered the Saxifraga granulata 'Flore Pleno'. Sorry, I forgot to tell you. I was going to call you once I got off the plane, but something came up and I forgot to inform you," Faye said. "Yes, I'm back. Alright, I'll drop by," she ended before hanging up.

"Andrea?" Janine asks while making a latte.

"Nhg," Faye replied and continued to drink.

"What did you do now?" Janine asks.

"I forgot to inform her that I ordered a large number of flowers for the flower shop," Faye simply answered. 

"You know I wonder how Andrea, Austin, and John can handle your business when you barely help out," Janine said.

"Come on, we've been through this. I'm just an investor, not a businesswoman," Faye replied.

"An investor in your own business?" Janine gave her a look.

"Well, I haven't found one who wants to take charge as they still rely on me," Faye said, exhausted. After Faye finished working for her grandfather, she created a small private business, called Ming. It produces tea for other larger companies to sell to customers, as most of those companies she had also helped invest in, just like Janine's coffee shop, as Faye did not want any attention drawn to her. Faye also has owned multiple flower shops across the country that are linked to her private business. And she found a trustworthy team that was willing to see her and not young her age.

"You know sometimes you inspire me," Janine said ironically.

Faye laughs at her friend's sarcastic voice before someone taps on her shoulder. "Umm, you are Faye, right?" said a timid high schoolboy.

"Yes, and you are?" Faye said seriously.

"Umm, my name is Liam, and I was wondering if you can help?" he said.

Faye did a quick chuckle and coldly said, "I'm sorry, but do I look like a customer service?"

"Well, umm..." he tried to say but pointed at the wall. Faye followed where the teenage boy was pointing and saw a flier pinned onto a bullet board saying, "If you want help then go to Faye as she is the person to help!" with a huge laughing face on the flier. 

"Janine!" Faye said seriously as Janine tried to slip by. "Where are you going? Care to explain to me why my name is up there?" her face tensed up.

"Umm, about that...," Janine tried to say. "Oh, look. Another customer," using an excuse to escape.

"Well, that customer can wait," Faye said dead serious. "And you, sit over that," she ordered the kid.

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