Chapter 37

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The next day, Faye re-entered the Lon Company and was going up the elevator. Once she exited the elevator, she spotted Eve timidly talking to Dave for the first time. Faye entered the office, not wanting to interfere with Eve's love drama. She sat in her chair and saw the laptop was still open. She glanced at the presentation and report to see Eve was on the right track. The door opened, and Eve entered the office. "How does it look?" Eve said, super curious and eager to improve.

"You are on the right start," Faye said. "Great!" Eve said as she smiled so brightly. "What should I do next?" Eve asked.

"Your outline is great. Now, it's time for you to input all the research you have done in the presentation and report," Faye said.

"Okay!" she eagerly nodded her head and started working on the presentation and report. While Eve was working on the presentation, Leo passed by their office and saw how Faye would casually teach and point out issues that Eve needed to fix here and there. "Sir, the meeting is ready for you," Dave reported behind him.

"Alright," Leo responded as he took one more look at Faye's guidance. A sudden smile appeared on Leo's face as he noticed the potential Faye had that she seemed to try to hide.

Faye left first again. Eve was going to try and leave at the same time as Dave. Faye entered the elevator, and before the door closed, it re-opened again. Leo entered the elevator as well. They both looked into each other's eyes before Faye looked away. They rode the elevator in silence before Faye's phone rang. She answered the phone, "What's the problem, Andrea?"

"Faye, what should we do? The company we usually get the roses from had a major flower infection and can't send us any flowers. We have massive orders of roses coming up. Also, a couple of our tea plants have started to be infected. What should we do? We can't stop manufacturing," Andrea said in distress while Faye listened carefully.

"First, contact the buyers and inform them of the news about the roses. Then send them a list of flowers that we have instead that look like roses, and ask if those can work. Also, tell them that we will give them a discount for the inconvenience. As for the tea plants, immediately tell the farmers to separate the infected plants from the not infected plants. Then dispose of the infected plants and even the ones that have the slightest sign of infection. Then tell the farmers to report to us what they have been doing, so we can figure out what has caused the issue," Faye instructed through the phone, while Leo curiously watched Faye. "Can you guys manage the rest?" Faye asked.

"Yes, and I will report back to Robert," Andrea said before ending the call. Leo quietly glanced at Faye. He was impressed that Faye could handle and manage the issue. His eyes showed great interest and quietly smiled before exiting the elevator. Faye watched Leo exit the elevator first and find it funny that he hasn't done or said anything to irritate her lately. She assumed that he would irritate her these past few days.

The days went by, and it was time to present their presentation. The four of them (Faye, Eve, Leo, and Dave) were in the conference room, and Eve was the only one standing up in the front. Eve was presenting the findings and the best company to invest in was Green Star. After Eve had finished, Leo seriously stared at Eve as Eve felt cold shivers go down her spine.

"You say that Green Star is a better company than Roseville, but how can you prove that? You point out the reasons, but where's the evidence to prove that what you say is true? How can you explain the reason when I don't see the evidence? Do you think your words are enough to back you up? Where are your resources? How can you call this a report," Leo scolded Eve. Eve's face toned down as she slightly trembled.

At that moment, Faye slammed a black binder in front of Leo. "Here is the evidence and resources," Faye said, coldly. Leo opened the binder and saw all the charts and information on Green Star's sales and productivity. The binder also had Roseville downfalls, like their charts and information of their inconstant sale and productivity and the history of the land they purchased of how it was cheaply bought with a horrible soil foundation. Faye had prepared this in the background just in case Eve had forgotten to show the evidence of her findings.

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