Chapter 46

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Inside the Ming company, Robert was working on paperwork while Austin, Andrea, and John were finishing up.

"Hey, Andrea, do you want to get a drink with me?" John asked.

Andrea looked up from her laptop and said, "Sure...." She then turned her head toward Austin's direction and asked, "Austin, you coming get drinks with us?"

Austin didn't stop working and said, "Not today. I'm just going to head home."

"Oh," she said, slightly disappointed. "Umm, John. Since Austin isn't going, then it's not going to be much fun with only the two of us. I think I'm just going to head home too. I'm sorry," Andrea said.

John smiled and said, "No, it's fine. Don't worry about it." Once Andrea went back to work, John's smile turned to sorrow.

"Hey, are you guys leaving soon?" Robert said, checking on them. "Yes, we are finishing up," Andrea reported.

"Alright, don't stay too late. I'm going to stay a little longer, so you guys don't have to say goodbye to me. See you guys tomorrow," Robert said as they all said their early goodbyes before Robert went back inside his office and worked on paperwork.

Austin, Andrea, and John finished, and they all headed out. John watched Andrea and Austin walking ahead of him and talking sweetly together. "Alright, guys see you tomorrow." John smiled brightly, going the other direction from them, and heading to his car.

"Yes, see you tomorrow, John," Andrea said while Austin waved goodbye to John. Once John's back was towards them, his smile died as he entered his car and drove off in the night.


John entered his apartment before slumping onto his couch before his phone rang. "Hey, what's up?" he answered.

"John, my mom wants to give your mom a box of vegetables, so come pick it up tomorrow," Eve said from another line. Since John and Eve were childhood friends through their mothers being best friends. John treated and only saw her as a little sister. "Alright, I come by and pick it up and drop it off at my parent's house," John said, already stressed.

"Oh, I have good news! I finally did the first move! Now, we are talking more," Eve said, extremely happy.

John sighed before saying, "I still think it's not a good idea to put up a mask just so he can like you. There are plenty of guys who like you for you."

"Well, what about you? Have you confessed to Andrea yet? You have been having a long-time crush on her and still haven't told her your feelings," Eve rebuked.

"There's no point. Since I already know who she likes. I don't have a chance. He is the better guy," John said, remembering how sweetly they talked together.

"Well, there's no harm in confessing so you can move on," Eve said.

"Easier for you. I work with her. If I confess, then we will be awkward with each other. I think you should confess since you only have two weeks left before the contract is over," John said as Eve remained silent.


The chaotic tension inside the coffee shop had settled. Faye was sitting in front of Lake while Leo was with Vincent. Ian was sitting by the counter with his sister, who was making coffee. Leo had his arm crossed while he glanced towards Faye, who was awkwardly glancing back at him.

"Leo, what brought you here?" Vincent asked as he took a sip of his flat white. "Was passing by," Leo said. Vincent noticed Leo was looking at Faye and knew right away why he was there.

"Who is that?" Ian asked his sister. Janine stopped making drinks and looked at who her brother was pointing at. "Oh," Janine lowered her head closer to Ian's ear before continuing, "that's Lake, the famous singer." Ian's eyes widened in shock before looking in Faye and Lake's direction. He saw the news, but he thought it was fake news. He didn't assume it was real news. "I thought that was fake news," Ian said.

"Shh, I want to hear what they are saying," Janine hushed her brother as both Janine and Ian quietly perked their ears to hear them.

"What brings you here? Why didn't you text saying you were here?" Faye said.

"I did, but you didn't answer back," Lake said, showing his text messages.

She glanced at the screen to see that he did text her. "Sorry, I guess I didn't hear my phone ding," she said, not knowing what to say.

"You know you make it hard to be friends with you?" Lake said with a smile.

"Well, I'm not a talkative person..." Faye said, nonchalantly.

"I know," Lake smiled. "Well, I want to invite you to my concert this Saturday night?" Lake said, scratching the back of his head as if he was shy before sliding a concert ticket in front of her while Leo coldly glared at them.

Before Faye could say anything, Janine said, "Can I join too?" Vincent coldly glanced at Lake.

"Of course," Lake said with a kiddish smile.

"Don't worry. I will make sure that Faye comes," Janine said. Faye glanced at Janine and gave her a look before saying, "Alright. Saturday night?"

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