Chapter 52

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In the passing days, Faye continued to attend meetings, ceremonies, and events with Leo as it became the latest and biggest news. It was scattering everywhere.

There was a loud crash inside the room and Rin was furious. She once again couldn't find Faye's whereabouts. She tried calling the reporter she hired last time but found out that person was fired and was in jail. The news about her had already faded because the news about Faye working with Leo and attending events and ceremonies with him was everywhere. Before it was about Faye working in the well-known Ming Company and being friends with the famous singer, Lake, and now it's this. Her nails were digging into her palm. She then calls someone, "Hey, is it true that Leo Lon will be attending the ceremony this evening."


The bright blue sky was beaming against a tall building, and Parker was standing by the entrance of Faye's grandfather's company, hoping to bump into Faye again. However, there was no luck. Soon, Parker called the Ming Company and was informed that she was not in today.

"Parker Richardson had called this time, asking for you," Andrea's voice came through the phone. Faye has been informed countless times these past days that Parker had been looking for you at the company until he was denied entrance, so today, he called for her. "Don't bother with him. If he keeps continuing, then inform him that we bring this to authorities for harassment," Faye said before hanging up. Faye set her phone down on the table before placing her hand on her forehead and taking a deep sigh. She thought, "Now what does he want!" as she was forming a fist.

"Faye?" a voice called her, causing her anger to dissipate. She looked up to see Leo at the doorway. "Are you alright? Does your head hurt?" he said, worried as he thought the injury on her head may be acting up since she was touching her head.

"Um, no. I'm fine," Faye said as she was a little startled seeing him show up out of the blue. "Are you sure? You are touching your head," Leo said.

"It's already healed," Faye said, revealing a tiny scar, a length of a coin, on her head. Before she could say that she was just stressed about something else, his body instinctively walked in. His hand reached out and touched the tiny scar on her forehead, "It's such a shame that it left a scar," he said softly as his eyes showed extreme pain as if he was bearing her sadness on her behalf. Faye was stunned by his touch but didn't push him away, which she would usually do, as she stared into his eye once he finished looking at the scar.

"Faye, I got the documents you wanted...," Eve entered as she was looking at the documents before looking up to see them. "Oh! I'm sorry...," Eve said, flustered, and quickly left, causing Faye and Leo to snap out as Faye quickly pushed his hand away.

"Mr. Lon, what are you doing?" she said, flustered. Leo cleared his throat and said, "I apologize. I just want to see your scar."

Immediately, Faye didn't like the way she was feeling. She hated it. She remembered this flustering feeling and knew what it meant as it brought torture to her. "Excuse me. I'm going to have my break. I'll meet you at the ceremony this evening," Faye got up and left the office.

Leo watched her leave as he said before sighing, "Running away again."

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