Chapter 36

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It was love at first sight. Eve bumped into a stunning man by accident two weeks ago. He had those kind eyes and a smile she always looked for in a man. She felt her heart skip a beat before beating faster than she ever felt before. She could still remember the feeling in her heart and the burning sensation in her cheeks. Each day, she will go to the same spot in hopes to bump into him again. However, she never bumped into him again until she met him again outside the restaurant with the team (Faye and them). She now knows he works for the Lon Company and had the chance to meet him more as she volunteered to be Faye's assistant. She hoped that Faye would accept so she could get a chance to get to know him more.

Then the next day, she was lucky to meet him again. She wanted to call out to him in a loud and happy tone, but she stopped herself and told her friend, who she was hanging out with at that time, to go and talk to him and see what type of girls he likes. She then quietly watched and listened to the conversation between them.

"Sorry, but you are not my type." Dave rejected the girl's confession.

"What type of girl do you like?" Eve's friend asks after tricking him by confessing to him and getting the answer her friend wanted.

"I like pure and timid women," he said at a fast speed and left as he was in no mood of having a long conversation because he had things to do.


"Alright, we have to create a presentation and report on the one they should invest in and explain why that one is a good choice while the other one isn't," Faye said as everything settled and Eve and Faye were inside the office. Eve was nodding along and had stopped her eyes from wandering outside to scout for Dave. "I'll let you take over and handle all of this. You will be in charge," Faye said.

"Really!" Eve excitedly said as her eyes showed her great ambition. She wanted to gain experience and be able to do things with her own effort and her best, as she had forgotten about Dave in the back of her head because she couldn't let this opportunity go by. "I'm not a great teacher, but I'll assist and guide you," Faye said. Even though Faye was lazy, she saw Eve's great ambition and knew that Eve had great potential, so Faye wanted her to gain experience and knowledge in taking the lead.

"No, thank you!" Eve said, super happy. "Alright, look at these two and tell me which one should they invest in?" Faye questions her. Eve picks up each binder and starts looking it over. Eve quietly taps her chin while flipping each page. "The Roseville Company," Eve answered.

"Incorrect," Faye replied. "Why is that? Roseville has more wealth than Green Star, and they have been in the business industry longer than Green Star. And, they are at a high peak right now in their product," Eve reported.

"Valid points, but look how inconstant their sales have been for the past years. And, the land they recently purchased for their project they want us to invest in, it is best for us to look into it first," Faye said while Eve re-look at Roseville's sales charts, production charts, and the purchased land information. Faye recalls in the past that the land they purchased did not have a good foundation, and the soil there was dry and crumbly. Therefore, it led their project to fail, and the money they spent on the project went down the drain and caused the company to go downhill. As for Green Star, they finally launched their project, and things went smooth sailing ahead for them. Their project became a huge hit, and various companies wanted to partner with them. Even though Green Star had less experience and was a smaller company. Their willpower, ambition, and effort to improve helped them reach a high place.

"Alright, I'll get to it," Eve said, eagerly as she tapped the binders together against the table and put them aside before opening the laptop. Faye watched her, creating a presentation and then an outline of the report and presentation. After a few hours, Eve began to ask Faye questions about the presentation and report on how to improve it and how things are looking. Faye quietly and calmly teaches her.

"Alright, I finished doing some research on Green Star. I can understand why they are a good choice,'' Eve said while typing on the laptop.

Faye then looked at the time, "Alright, Eve, I think that is for the day." Eve stops her typing and looks at the time. "Umm, it's okay if I continue researching?"

"Alright, I'm gonna head out first," Faye said before heading out. "Don't stay too long. You can still work on it tomorrow," Faye said, opening the door. "Yes, I know. I will leave soon," Eve said, very cheerfully. Faye stops and looks at her again. It seems like Eve was back to her normal self and a friendly, cheerful, outgoing person. Faye tilted her head, as she didn't understand why she was behaving like a timid person a while ago. "Eve," Faye called out.

"Yes?" Eve looked up from the laptop. "You are behaving differently today?" Faye said.

"Different...," Eve said nervously with her eyes wandering as she was caught. Eve was easy to read, like John.

"The first day I met you, I could tell you were an outgoing and friendly person. However, just a while ago, you seemed shy and innocent. What's going on?" Faye said, crossing her arm together. Eve sheepishly smiled as she scratched her cheek. "Well...," Eve started saying. Faye stood there, waiting patiently for her to continue. "I have a little... crush on... Dave," she quietly said with her cheeks turning pink as Faye had to carefully listen to even hear her. "Leo's assistant?" Faye asks. Eve quickly nodded while looking behind Faye to make sense no one was looking at them. "I don't understand why you are acting differently, though. It's not like you," Faye said.

"Well, I had a friend ask what his type was, and I found out that he likes pure and shy women," Eve said, super embarrassed. "So, you are changing yourself for him to take interest in you? You just said you had a little crush on him, but it seems like you like him more than a little," Faye said.

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