SS: Janine's Expected Love Final Part

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A week went by and then another week. There was no progress in Vincent noticing anything or Janine's cluelessness in the men around her. However, there was great progress in those two flirting with each other constantly without them realizing what they were doing. Faye and Leo decided to stay out of it as those two will figure out their feelings on their own since they were constantly flirting. And they were slightly busy at the moment since they have recently received the news of Faye being pregnant.


"Hey, you don't have class tomorrow night, right?" Janine said, closing the shop. "Of course, how can I let you spend Christmas alone?" Ian said, waiting for her to lock up.

"Aww, my little brother is the greatest and sweetest person ever!" Janine said, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Wow, look at that. You are so tall now," Janine said, tiptoeing.

"Obviously, I'm not a kid anymore," Ian said, brushing her arm off him. "Too bad, you are still my kid brother!" Janine said, grabbing his neck into a headlock.

"Quit it! We are going to be late!" Ian said, hitting her hand. "Oh! You are right!" Janine said as they hurried to meet up with the rest of the gang since they wanted to spend Christmas Eve together before spending Christmas Day with their families.


It was the next day as it was Christmas Day, Janine still opened her shop for families to come in and enjoy themselves with coffee and desserts. It was evening as the sun was setting and the sky was getting dark. It was just Janine and Daniel cleaning up the shop since they were about to close up. "I told you already that you can go home. I can clean up by myself. Don't worry about it," Janine said, cleaning the counters while Daniel was clearing the last table.

"No, it's fine. I don't want you to clean all by yourself," Daniel said back.

"Isn't your family waiting on you?" Janine asked.

"Umm... it will be fine. I already told them I'll be late," he said, bringing the cups to the sinks. "What! You should go," Janine said as she stopped cleaning. "Don't worry, Ian will be here soon and he will help me," she said.

"It's fine," he said as he wanted to spend more time with her.

"You know you are so sweet," Janine with a smile, causing Daniel to blush.

At that moment, Vincent walked towards the shop after his last surgery. Once he was about to enter the shop, a voice stopped him, "Hey."

Vincent turned his head to see Ian standing behind him. "When are you going to confess to my sister," Ian said.

"I-I," Vincent was lost of words.

"Well, giving you a little advice. You better hurry or she will be snatched away. Also, you should be aware of him," Ian said, pointing at Daniel. Vincent looked at where he was pointing at and saw Daniel's gaze. "Since it's Christmas Day, I felt like a giving person. You can take my place in celebrating Christmas with my sister. You better make her happy or I'll change sides and help him," Ian said, leaving. He could no longer stand and watch them take forever to express their feelings for each other. Also, the reason why he accepted him was because Faye told him that he was a good person. So, that meant he was a good person for his sister.

Vincent braced himself before entering the shop. Janine looked up to see Vincent, "Oh, Vincent!"

"Is it alright for me to come in? I just finished my last surgery today," Vincent said, glancing at Daniel who looked at him too. "No, it's fine." Janine said, heading to make his drink. "Daniel, once you finish with the cups then you can head on home. Vincent might take a while so I don't want to keep you longer," she said. Daniel tried to refuse but Janine said, "You don't want to make your family wait." So, he couldn't refuse and quietly agreed.

"What about you? Are you going to spend time with your family?" Janine said, setting the cup down in front of him.

"Nope, this year I want to spend it with someone special," he said, looking at her with a smile. "Oh," she said with her cheek being flustered by his gaze.

"Janine... I-I will be leaving now," Daniel said, taking off his apron. "Alright, thank you again for coming in on Christmas Day. Merry Christmas to you and your family," Janine said with a smile as Daniel was reluctant to leave but left with a sad smile, assuming he lost his chance.

"What's taking Ian so long?" Janine muttered to herself before reaching for her phone. "Well, actually he told me to take his place," Vincent said, getting up.

"What? Why," Janine said, not understanding and stopped reaching for her phone. "He was giving me a chance as if he had given me his blessing," Vincent said with his cheeks getting red.

"What do you mean... he was giving you his blessing," Janine said, shyly as she knew what he meant but didn't want to embarrass herself if she was wrong.

"Do you really not know what he meant by that?" Vincent said, walking closer to her as his glasses were gleaming.

"I-I.. don't," she said quietly as she unconsciously moved away from him until she was caught by the counter. "Well, it means that he knew that I like you," Vincent finally confessed. Janine's face immediately blushed. "So, do I take that you like me too." Vincent said, leaning closer to her face.

"What took you so long," Janine said flustered. "My bad, thanks for waiting," Vincent said, caressing her cheek and leaning down to kiss her.

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