Chapter 1

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In the dim bedroom, a bony, weak woman in her thirties on the floor, coughing up blood as she was crawling to the nightstand to reach her phone.
"My poor cousin...," said someone as they walked in. "Maybe next time you can reach the phone," her cousin, Rin, said before picking up the phone off the nightstand. "What's the point when you're going to die any minute now," Rin said.
The woman on the floor, continuing coughing up blood, said weakly, "Why, Rin? I treated you like a sister."
"Who said I wanted to be your sister? I wanted there to be only me," Rin said and laughed.
Someone entered again and said, "Shouldn't she be dead by now?" It was her husband, the one who she loved with all her heart. In that moment, her heart tightened to the point when she felt like she couldn't breathe. She felt her heart being compressed and started scattering into little pieces.
Rin snickered and continued, "What you didn't know? Your husband has been cheating on you with me for a long time now. Come on, you saw it yourself 15 years ago, I can't believe you believed him that he was over me." She laughed hysterically and linked her arms with his and continued, "But lucky you did and married him, so we could have your life insurance since you have a splendid life insurance plan."
Rin slid her arm out and made her way to the bed before sitting at the edge of the bed, "Might as well tell you this crucial information, you don't have a heart disease. You never did. We lied about that, so we could poison you every day until your body was filled with these and died without a trace of evidence." Rin pulled out the pills she'd been taking for years, and now was the reason she was dying.
"How could you guys...," she barely said as her body completely collapsed on the floor, and felt her body slipping away. "They will know... what you did...,'' she forced out.
Rin smiled before saying, "we will just say your heart disease caused your death, and also who would actually care. You're a nobody. Your parents don't even visit you or see how you are. They even say I'm their daughter and you're the cousin!"
Her heart was struck again with the truth as she was burning in pain and hatred. "Well, we better be leaving," her cousin said, leaving with her husband, as the door closed behind them and the lights shut off.
There she lay in the darkroom, feeling her body finally giving up on her as it was just her heart beating alone, trying its best to pull through but soon enough it started to fade away until she had her last breath.

Faye grew up in a well-known and wealthy family who own multiple businesses all over the world, but the person who ruled it all was her grandfather, who seems to raise a pack of wolves that only wants money and fame as they couldn't wait until her grandfather to die, so one of his sons could take over. Her father was one of them. However, there was one out of the third son who didn't want any money from her grandfather, as it was Rin's father.
Both of Rin's parents passed away during a car accident when she was 11 years old, so "her" parents had the courtesy to take Rin in, but that's when Faye's life started to spiral downwards. Rin was prettier and more talented than Faye, and soon her parents turned against her and loved Rin as their own daughter to receive attention from others "for having such a beautiful daughter" and neglected their own flesh and blood. During special occasions, they would announce Rin as their daughter while Faye was their niece. Rin loved the attention and greed for more and wanted to rightfully take the place of being the daughter by taking everything from Faye. As Rin ruins and humiliates her in front of everyone to the point where Faye could no longer hold her head high.

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