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~ I do care ~

"Mingyu told me everything. But he didn't mention one thing. I figured that out as soon as I saw how you were constantly looking at Jungkook." Jennie commented as she joined you in the kitchen.

You silently stood still in front of the electric oven as you were preparing something for Jungkook to eat. It has been around two weeks since the last time you saw him, and of course, you were aware of the fact that he lost weight. Even if he was doing exercises every day, in your eyes he could look better than that. And besides, for Jungkook it wasn't a problem when it came to his physical appearance.
When he was sedated, his brain was in a state of sleepiness, but he could move and eat if you would tell him to. He was like a lost child even if maybe in his consciousness he felt your presence.

You ignored the girl beside you as she was talking to you without pause.  She was trying to provoke you by saying mean things about Jungkook or about what happened between the two of them in your absence. You had no idea what she was trying to do or what she could gain if you would lose your temper.

"So, you like the guy, huh? " She smirked. "Too bad it's one-sided love. I mean, by the way he fucked me,  it didn't seem like he had someone or even cared about another person."

You clenched your fist and bit your tongue. Jennie smiled staring at your blank expression as you started to set the table for dinner.

After the conversation you had with Mingyu last night, you didn't see Jungkook anymore. He locked himself in his bedroom all day long. Now it was 8 pm and still, no trace of him.

Your heart felt heavy since the moment your ways crossed again. He wouldn't look at you. He wouldn't talk to you. He would avoid you like you didn't even exist.

Maybe he really doesn't want me near him anymore. You couldn't stop thinking that.

It was painful. You didn't know what the best thing was to do in this situation. Yet you did know what you wanted to do right at that moment. What you needed. And that was to run away from there and from that overwhelming atmosphere.

And this girl was making the situation more difficult than it already was.
You couldn't deny her beauty. She was younger, beautiful and seemed confident. Your stomach constricted in pain as you pictured them together.

They are both beautiful. And they look so good together. What am I even doing here?  I feel like an intruder. I feel like I don't belong here. Why stay if he doesn't need me?

"You sure know how to control your feelings. It's a little frustrating. How can you survive like this? Because I know that on the inside you are boiling. "

You placed your palms on the table and closed your eyes for a few seconds. When you were about to respond, a noise near the door forced you to stop and turn around.
"Here he is. " Mingyu announced as he pushed Jungkook through the opened door.

"I said I am not hungry. " Jungkook glared at Mingyu.

"I don't care. This girl cooked for you, so you better eat. " Mingyu threatened as he pulled a chair from under the table and sat on it.

Jungkook stared at the table in front of him where you already placed his favorite food on. Then his eyes stopped in yours. For the first time, you weren't smiling. Every time he would look at you, you would smile, because this way, you thought, he would feel more at ease, or it will chase his dark feelings away. But this time you couldn't do it anymore, and you weren't very proud of yourself.

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