💖A dying Miracle💖

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Ayo, Here is an angsty chapter for the angst lovers. This is angsty, so I recommend that people who are just here for the fluff can just click off to avoid angst.
Oh also, obviously, this is the Casita DIDNT save Mirabel AU, so slight blood warning.

Mirabel's P.O.V

While I was struggling to grab the candle, the one thing that was running through my head was 'Make your family proud, Mirabel'

I eventually grabbed the candle, and held it for dear life. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tío Bruno's tower. Casita tried to use its magic to protect me, but the Doors got crushed first, leaving nothing to protect me from the large chunk of the tower collapsing on my body.
Suddenly, it all faded to black.

Julietas P.O.V

I watched Casita crumble with my youngest daughter still inside. I yelled out her name, but got no answer. I searched through the rubble for my beautiful daughter and found her. A pool of blood was under her seemingly broken body. I let out a loud scream and started sobbing. Suddenly, her eyes flickered open. "H-Hey, Ma..." Mirabel let out silently. Her voice was raspy and full of pain. I suddenly heard the footsteps of everyone else, coming to see what was happening.
No one's POV:

The candle went out, so when Pepa saw the scene, Pepa couldn't help but cry, but there was no rain. Pepa couldn't bear to even look at her sobriña's face at that moment. Pepa also wasn't about to let her youngest son see his prima in that condition, so she blocked his eyes. She felt bad for never giving Mirabel the respect she deserved. Isabela fell to her knees and began sobbing, until Luisa helped her up and they both cried into eachothers shoulders. Both of them were supposed to protect her, but they failed. Camilo was just staring at Mirabel in shock. Camilo felt like a part of him was chipped away during this moment.
Félix ran over to his sobbing wife, and hugged her. "It's okay, Mi vida... it's okay..." Félix let out in an attempt to cheer up Pepa. Agustín ran over to Mirabels side with Julieta. Agustín couldn't stop sobbing, while hugging Julieta.
Dolores covered her ears and started sobbing. She hadn't spent enough time with Mirabel yet. Dolores felt bad for revealing everything that was happening during the proposal dinner just to ruin the proposal.
Mirabel had to be okay.
Abuela had treated Mirabel poorly since she didn't get a gift. Abuela now saw everything she was doing wrong. Abuela's face said it all, she had messed up and this was the price.

Back to Julieta P.O.V
My daughter had saved the candle that had given everyone a gift, except her. "Why?" I asked, ?my daughter while holding her hand. I was now sobbing freely. "I saved the miracle because I.... I couldn't stand to see you all hurt..." Mirabel explained in a sad and quiet tone.
"W-What do you mean?" Isabela asked in a confused tone while crying as well.
"I knew you would all be hurt by losing your home... your gifts... the miracle... so I decided that the miracle is more important to you guys than me." Mirabel let out while crying. This shocked me. She didn't think she was more important then a stupid candle? "Why are you all crying? I don't want to leave you guys until I know you all are happy..." Mirabel said, trying to sound enthusiastic but failing, as she was too weak.

No one's POV

This made most of the group try to smile for Mirabel, but turn into a fit of tears. Suddenly, she felt someone grip her other hand. This was Abuela, but why was Abuela suddenly on Mirabels side? "Mirabel... Mi Milagro. Lo siento..." Abuela said, trying to comfort Mirabel. "Abuela, I don't hate you... I know that deep down, you loved us all. Abuelo will hear about this." Mirabel said with a smile. Suddenly, Mirabel was paused by a huge cough of blood. I just wrapped my arms around my broken daughter. "Ma, it's okay..." Mirabel said weakly, attempting to hug me back. Speaking for too long has damaged Mirabel more then she would, had she not fought to live these last few moments.
Everyone knew that Mirabel wouldn't survive this, except the youngest Madrigal, Antonio. Antonio was still covered from seeing Mirabel, but he could tell something was wrong with Mirabel. "Mira... Are you going to be okay?" Antonio asked in a worried tone. "Antonio, I don't think so, but I am going to come back and be watching over you guys as an Angel, so... don't miss me so much." Mirabel said to the little boy. Camilo went up in front of Mirabel. "Camilo..." Mirabel said with a smile. "Why would you give up your life for that candle? I'd rather never shape-shift again in my life than lose you!" Camilo said in between sobs. "I know, Camilo... But this is something I had to do..." Mirabel said trying to sound strong, but she was too weak. Then it hit Mirabel. She wouldn't be able to watch Antonio grow up. She wouldn't be able to watch her Tía and Tío dance together. She wouldn't be able to laugh with Camilo. She wouldn't be able to watch Isabela grow imperfect plants. She wouldn't be able to help Luisa relax. She wouldn't be able to be there for her family anymore. "I... I don't want to go!" Mirabel said while starting to cry. Julieta immediately hugged Mirabel. Mirabel looked at each of her family members and smiled. Julieta could immediately tell what Mirabel was doing. "Mi amor, it's okay... you need to rest..." Julieta said while sobbing. Mirabels eyes slowly shuddered and then closed for the final time. Mirabel, for the for the first time in her life, wasnt smiling. The true miracle was gone, Mirabel. Julieta broke down in tears while being hugged by Agustín, who was sobbing as well. They had lost their daughter. Their miracle!
Pepa was trying to comfort a sobbing Antonio, who could understand what had happened to an extent, but Pepa herself was sobbing. If only she had been a better Tía to Mirabel. If only she had actually been there for Mirabel, and stood up for her when no one else believed her about the cracks in casita. All she could offer was a song that made Bruno into a taboo topic.
Félix was comforting a crying Camilo. Félix wished he could make Mirabel laugh one last time.
Camilo lost his closest prima! He wished that their bond was still strong. They used to be twins, but when Mirabel didn't get a gift and Camilo did, their bond grew apart.

Dolores had heard it all... She heard all of the countless nights that Mirabel spent crying herself to sleep, but she didn't think much of it, since it's Mirabel. Always smiling! Dolores wished she could've acknowledged Mirabel more instead of just assuming she had it handled, seeing as though she held a bright and beautiful smile regardless of the fact that she was suffering.
Abuela just looked down in shame. What had she done? She had broken apart her family. Now she had lost her nieta (granddaughter)

Isabela and Luisa were both still crying. Mirabel had helped Isabela find her true self. Mirabel had helped Luisa when she was under pressure.
Now they wouldn't be able to help their little sister any longer.

Bruno broke down in tears when he spotted his family crying and Julieta holding Mirabels lifeless body. "No.... No, No, NO!" Bruno muttered to himself. Bruno went up to his family. Pepa and Julieta were shocked but still immediately ran up to Bruno and hugged him, although not as lively as they would have liked, seeing as though they were all still in a stage of grief due the loss of Mirabel.

They eventually rebuilt Casita, and obtained their powers again. It was weird for them to not wake up to Mirabel knocking on all of their doors, and making everybody happy with her beautiful smile. A few days later was Mirabels funeral. The whole village came to pay their respects. All of the Madrigals were crying. They all missed Mirabel.

Words:1304 ;-;

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