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Hey guys! This is gonna be a 3 in 1 chapter! A mixture of A Dying Miracle, Loss Of A Madrigal, and Mi Pequeño Nube. All 3 of these chapters are angsty and had a character get oofed. This is going to (in a way) bring all 3 together.

As Pepas eyes slowly shut for the final time, she saw Mirabel's shocked expression and watched her as tears escaped her eyes. Suddenly, it all went black. After what felt like an hour of endless blackness, everything became bright. Pepa saw two figures in front of her. One looked to be her youngest neice, Mirabel, the other looked to be her 5-year-old son, Antonio. The first thing Pepa did was pull them both into a hug. "H-How are you two here?" Pepa asked nervously. "You see, I didn't get saved by Casita." Mirabel explained with a sad tone. "I was doing stunts with Parce, but he didn't catch me. I've been living with Abuelo Pedro for months." Antonio continued. Pepa put a hand
over her mouth, and didn't notice when tears started running down her face. They were just there. Toñito was fine, and so was Mirabel. What even happened?!? Didn't Casita fall apart months ago? Pepa couldn't hold it in any longer and pulled them both in for a hug. "We must be from 3 different universes!" Mirabel said in a tone that suggested Mirabel had an idea. "What if we try to help our family in all 3 universes!" Mirabel said happily. "Mirabel, that's an awesome idea!" Pepa said happy which earned her a grin from Mirabel. They all started off by going into Pepas AU. Mirabel saw a bunch of figures, all of which were crying beside Pepa's lifeless body. "Woah.... What even happened?" Mirabel said in a concerned tone. "Oh... I got sick, fell into a coma, tried to fight for my life, but died." Pepa said in a sad tone. Pepa caught a glance of Mirabel hugging her tightly while crying. "M-Mirabel... I never knew you cared so much." Pepa said while stroking Mirabels curls. Antonio was in the corner, and he was minding his own business. "Mirabel, no matter what, I'll always be watching over you proudly." Pepa said, acknowledging the sobbing girls emotions. She then shifted towards her crying family. "Félix, no matter how far apart I am from you, I'll always be with you. Tell the rest of the familia that I love them." Pepa said, now acknowledging the man's emotions. "I think we should go, Tía." Mirabel said while standing in front of a portal. They hopped into the second portal and landed in the rubble of broken Casita. Mirabel had a sad look, as she knew exactly what happened, and what they were about to see. All 3 peoples eyes met a figure that seemed to be Julieta holding Mirabel's lifeless body. Julieta and Agustín were by far the most broken apart. Pepa and Antonio were both hugging eachother and crying. The current Pepa and Antonio were hugging eachother as well, as it was hard for Antonio to look at his prima in that condition, even if they were together now. Mirabel eventually went up to her mother. "Mama, I want you to know that you are not at fault for this. I know this is hard for you and Pa, but I'll be here with you every step of the way." Mirabel said calmly. Mirabel didn't want to spend too much more time here, as it was hard for Antonio. Mirabel also didn't like watching Camilo break
down in tears. Suddenly, the portal opened once again. With one deep breath, all 3 of the angels jumped into the final portal together. They were soon led into Antonio's treehouse. Antonio stayed outside, as they didn't know that he had already seen everything, due to Abuelo Pedro. Mirabel was able to go into her figures thoughts and fix everything. "Hey, everything is okay. Antonio is with Abuelo now." Mirabel said to her crying figure. Just then, Antonio walked in and saw that they were struggling. "Hey, everyone. I know this is hard for you, but I'm here with you. Also, Mirabel, Cheer up! I hate to see you sad..." Antonio said, knowing that he was doing the right thing. After Antonio was led back to his treehouse, he was pulled into a hug from Pepa and Mirabel. Suddenly, a much bigger portal appeared, and all 3 of them were at Casita-Down-Under, and got settled in. Pepa was shocked to find out that she had a secret twin. Pepa got along really well with Leta, due to the two of them being twins. (What about Bruno and Julieta 😂) All 3 of them missed their living family, but they watched over the living Madrigals every single day. Now, the Madrigals smile when they think of Antonio, Pepa, or Mirabel.

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Y'all, this is just chapter 1. Many more chapters are coming soon! :)

Encanto AUs and stuffWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu