💖Far Away Part 1/?💖

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Note: I am so sorry this took me so long, I published this on AO3 a while ago and completely forgot about Wattpad.

Reader descretion is advised...

It was two days after Casita came back to life.
Mirabel was singing an dancing around the town, helping various townspeople and being thanked profusely. More than a few townspeople had stopped to hold conversations with her. She'd help one person fix an old shawl, threading and stitching the fabric together, then she'd run off to the library to read stories to the children.

The children of the Encanto loved Mirabel.
To the children of the Encanto, Mirabel was the one to draw all the stars in the sky. One minute, a child would be fussy, but the moment they laid eyes on Mirabel, they'd calm down. She would never admit it, but if she had to pick a favorite kid, her baby primo, Antonio would be at the very top of that list.

Before the fall of casita, every time Mirabel spoke to her Tia Pepa about anything, it would always shift into a conversation about Antonio.

As the sun began to make its downward journey, Mirabel decided to sit by the river. Its reflecting waters shined with the reflection of the sun. Time went by quickly. Before Mirabel knew it, it was time for her to begin walking back to Casita for dinner. If she was late for dinner, her family would be worried and frantic. Only a month ago, Mirabel had run off after Casita fell and worried her whole family and they weren't ready to let it happen again.

Several families were moving outside of the Encanto. One couple in particular, the Garcia's had held a grudge against one of the youngest Madrigals. Specifically the giftless one.
The couple believed that the more vulnerable the Madrigal was, the less they deserved the Madrigal name.

Maria Garcia had black hair, tan skin, green eyes, and was in her 50's. Alexander, her lover had slick, short black hair, dark skin, facial hair, and blue eyes. Alexander was in his 40's. The couple had always wanted kids.
They kept trying to have children, yet Maria could never get pregnant.
Alexander Garcia, her determined and beautiful husband had taken her to the doctor after a year of trial and error.
It was then that Maria found out that she could never carry children.
After months of trying to find a solution, the couple came to an agreement that if it gets her away from the Madrigals, they would take the Madrigal they hated the most.

They would take Mirabel.

The Garcia's had been planning on taking Mirabel since her gift ceremony, but with the gifts given to the other grandkids, it would never work in their favor.

10 years of planning, and the mountains had split open, casita fell, and the gifts were no more. This was the perfect opportunity to take Mirabel.

Mirabel was just walking home. There were some people who got offended
Especially the Garcia's. They needed help moving their furniture into their house outside of the Encanto. As Mirabel was carrying a box into the Garcia's new house, right in front of their door, she had a bad feeling.

She should've just turned around and went back to Casita.|
She'd realize that when it was too late.

The inside of the house was a huge contrast to the outside. The outside of the house was painted yellow. Flowers were blooming in the front yard. There were even more flowers in the back garden. You could never tell the truth about this house.

The inside looked as if it hadn't been cleaned in decades. Dust littered the already trashed area. The couch had a bag of chips on it, not to mention the crumbs from the chips  spread out all over it. The TV looked like it hadn't been used in over 50 years. Every light in the house was constantly flickering, creeping Mirabel out.
The bathroom looked like the most grimy room that Mirabel had ever seen. The toilet was completely broken. You could see the cracks in the toilet seat. The bathtub had disgusting residue all over it.

Mirabel didn't have much time to look around, as before she knew it, everything faded to black.

Mirabel woke up in a dark, gloomy room. The walls were cracked, There was barely any light, and she seemed to be tied down.

Mirabel immediately began squirming to get free as soon as she saw a figure approaching her.

"You might be wondering why you're here... Giftless girl... You were dumb enough to trust us! Now it looks like you're stuck!" Alexander bursted out laughing at Mirabel.

Mirabel just wanted to go home. She just wanted to see her family. Could Dolores hear her? She had to try. "Dolores, Help! I've been kidnapped!" Mirabel yelled out. She would give anything for the door to burst open and reveal her family coming to save her.

Alexander laughed harder at Mirabel's call to Dolores. "Do you have any idea where we are right now? Far enough past the mountains surrounding your home that nobody can come save you! Dolores can't hear you!" Mirabel felt dumb for even trying to call Dolores.

Nothing could ever come that easy.

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