An announcement (again)

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Hi guys. I had hoped I would stay on AO3, however, life had other plans. I successfully found the most insensitive group of Encanto writers I've ever met. They invited me to a discord server, and the second I made a mistake and owned up to it, they kicked me out of their discord. Now they harass the heck out of me every time I try to speak up for myself and they make the situation worse. I've spoken to several trusted friends, family, and even my school social worker, and I took accountability, but they are in the wrong here, not me. I owned up to my actions. They didn't, and that's why I'm still dealing with this.

While I was hurt by leaving Wattpad and my followers behind, this is a bigger issue to me because it has escalated to some people telling me that I should die or that I shouldn't have even been born. Numerous people have told me to block them, but now I have no one to work on my writing with.

Encanto AUs and stuffOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora