Chapter 2 ~ Man

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I got a call from Gianna saying that she is sick and won't be able to open and she asked me. Of course I told her that I would love to do that for her so here I am waking up at five in the morning to get ready and head to the shop.

Last night when I got home I had to take care of all my bills and that took roughly an hour and a half because I'm still not familiar with it so I was on the phone with dad for a while trying to get it sorted out.

I get my coat on and head to work like I normally do only in the dark since it's so early in the morning. I park in my normal spot and make sure to grab the keys and my coffee before jumping out.

I feel like coffee is a must, and it's more of a must if you are up before sunrise. I normally wake up around 8 and do the morning shift all the way to lunch and then come back sometimes for a later shift and I would say I have roughly two cups of coffee a day.

I jiggle the door handle as I open the door and shove my way in with my hands full. I turn on the lights and plop my things down at the desk that I sit at.

I go around the store making sure everything is in order for the day and then when I'm done I take a seat at my desk.

My boss Angela comes in with a bright smile. She was never one to be a grumpy boss, but when things weren't so good in her life, let's just say she wants the nicest person.

"Rory, I didn't know you were opening today. What happened to Gianna?"

"She got the flu from her family so she asked me to cover for her opening shift. Seth is going to come in later and close up." She nods her head and goes to the back where her office is and starts doing what I assume is paperwork.


"Your mother is a very sweet woman. She came to my office over the weekend and gave me fresh macaroons for my engagement!" Angela likes to rant to me about the good things in her life and I always listen because I want a bonus.

"Yes, my mother loves baking and when I told her about it she got right to baking!" It was true. Momma is known as the sweetest person ever.

"Alright well, I told my dad I would have lunch with him today since I haven't done that in a while." I stand up grabbing my things.

"You do that! I will talk with you later." I leave the store and head downtown to grab some street tacos since I know that's dad's favorite besides mom's food obviously.

I pull up to the rink and dad has his practices. When he retired, he and Cole bought the place and shared it for when they teach younger kids.

I get out of the car and juggle with all the things I'm caring for as I make my way to the front door. I'm greeted by Hank who sits at the front desk and watches over the rink.

"Hey kiddo! Lunch with dad?" I nod my head. Hank is like a grandpa to me. He would watch me and Greyson when mom and dad went out some nights.

I bid him a goodbye and opened the door to get hit with the cold air of the ice rink. I look to my left and see dad on the ice helping one of the boys shoot into the net while the other kids kind of skate around.

I smile as I walk around and try to get to dad's office on the other side. Once I'm past all the bleachers, I catch sight of a man who stands tall and arms crossed.

He is turned so I don't get to see his face but just looking at his side profile, this man is beyond gorgeous. He is wearing a cream colored hoodie with black jeans and white sneakers as he corrects the kids nicely.

Ouch. I stub my toe on the barrier that separates the rink and the bleachers. It makes a thump noise which gains the attention of the young man.

He must be dad's new assistant. He looks over to me and catches my eyes. His face, I can't tell from afar, but he has dark eyes, freckles scattered on his face. His ears are pierced with the tiniest hoop I have ever seen. His muscles flex when his arms cross and I look down at his arms to see his tattoos.

He has a full sleeve of random things and the other arm has a bunch of butterflies of all different shapes trailing up his arm.

I catch his eye again and give him a smile to which he surprisingly returns. I drop to the floor and pick up the purse I dropped and give him once more a glance before I head to dad's office.

Once I get in his office I slam the door and take a deathly breath. I shouldn't find this man attractive, but I do and it scares me. Growing up and even still now, I have a hard time trusting other people and giving anyone the time of day.

But this man was different. He smiled at me even though he looked like he wanted to leave. His pink full lips curling up into a smile sends immediate butterflies into my stomach.

I can't seem to get this man out of my mind even though I'm trying so hard to erase the memories. Why am I this flustered? I haven't even met the man yet and I can't feel my toes.

That reminds me, my toes hurt, well it is supposed to anyways. I limp over to the couch and sit down and wait for dad to come in.

Maybe I can ask him about this new assistant, and get all the deets about this mystery man.

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