Chapter 12 ~ Captured

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As I take the cigarette out of my mouth and stomp on it once it hits the ground, I feel even more frustrated than before.

Mainly because this woman is invading my freaking mind and I know nothing about her. The only thing I know is that she is Coach's daughter, she works at the local shoe store, and she is the only one who can calm my baby.

That's it. Nothing else. I don't know the woman and when I tried to get to know her, I stopped because my brain was telling me that she isn't good for me. For Laklyn. For us. She will just leave us and break your hearts.

Maybe that's why I have been smoking more than I ever have. I know it's not good for me and if I want to see Laklyn grow up I have to stop. But things come to my mind and it makes it even harder to stop.

Aurora. Laklyn's mom. The fact that I'm not the wealthiest man ever.

Because I have a baby, I have struggled with finding a job and we know where that leads, broke. And because I am a man, Laklyn had always had to drink formula which is hella expensive and that doesn't even compare to all the other things that I need to provide him with.

I start my drive to Coaches house, yes his wife is still watching Laklyn and she does a pretty dang good job at it. I can see how.

I park on the street and get out of my car and head to the door. Once I knock I hear a male voice saying "I'll get it," and seconds later a tall man comes into view.

But what shocks me the most, is all I see is Aurora. This tall man is a spitting image of Aurora and that's what I do. I thought I got rid of her, nope.

"Hey, can I help you?" The man in purple scrubs asks. I can only assume he is a doctor of some sort.

"Um- yeah, I'm looking for Laklyn. Mrs. Graham watches him." I say and the look on his face confuses me.

His eyes show realization of some sort. "Mom! Laklyn's dad is here!" He turns around to shout and when he looks back at me he smiles.

Mom. He's Aurora's brother.

"Greyson." He holds out his hand to shake. I hesitantly take his hand and shake it. Mrs. Graham appears moments later with my baby in her arms. His eyes light up every time he sees me.

I smile as I lift him up into my arms and put his bag on my other arm. "Thank you again." I say. I start to turn around but Greyson's voice speaks up. "Rory! You jerk, you didn't tell me you were coming for dinner!"

I turn around while Aurora is doing a half spin in front of her car. She looks at him and smiles as he makes his way over to her. I can't help but look at the interaction.

When she catches my eyes, her smile drops but not fully. She brings them back up and both of them start walking to the door arm in arm. Oh the power I bet these twins have on their family.

"Ryder." She greets me. I can't tell if Laklyn notices her but I'm trying to keep her out of his eyesight because the last thing I want is him to see her, grab onto her, and not leave her.

"Aurora. How are you?" I ask as if we are casual people engaging in conversation. "I'm good, you?" I nod my head.

"You two know each other?" Mrs. Graham speaks up. Aurora speaks up before I can. "We met when I took dad lunch a month ago. I also cuddled with his son, remember? We also live in the same community."

Both her mom and brother nod their head looking at her speech. "Ryder, you should stay for dinner!" Mrs. Graham snaps me out of my staring trance at her daughter. I snap my eyes to hear and see her smile.

"Oh I don't want to be a bother." I say and look down to a sleeping Laklyn. "Nonsense! Think of it as thanking me for watching Laklyn. It would mean a lot to me for you to finally try my food. And if you are going to be my husband's assistant you might as well stay since it can be a normal thing."

Her smile draws me in. I look at Aurora and she shrugs. "There's no getting out of the hands of my mother." She whispers.

I turn back to her mom and nod my head. "Okay, thank you." She nods her head as we head back inside of the house I have been in before.

Aurora takes off her shoes and tosses her bag on the couch sitting down at the barstools in the kitchen.

I take the step to place Laklyn on the couch to lay down and head to the barstools and sit next to Aurora. I suck in a breath when our knees touch but try to brush it off.

"So Ryder, do you plan on being my husbands assistant forever and taking his place when he retires?" The question is sudden, but I don't mind it this time.

"That is the plan. Yes, I have always liked working with those kids and I think it's the right job for me." I answer. She smiles at me as she goes back to cooking, tossing things into the pot on the stove.

Aurora has her head laying on her counter. I can't see her face but you can tell that her eyes are closed. "Rory, how was worked amor?"

"It was stressful. Je déteste y travailler parfois." I hate working there sometimes.) "Well you know that that's not what you're going to do for the rest of your life."

For some reason my mind is shocked at the sudden change in language. You can tell it's French because it's one of the most beautiful languages. And she speaks it even more beautifully and that gets my insides going.

I try my best not to turn my body to her. Instead I watch Mrs. Graham cooks for the time being.

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