Chapter 4 ~ Baby

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If I thought my dad's assistant was cute from afar, I had no idea what I was getting into when I saw him up close.

The fangirl in me freaked out a little bit when he helped me with my car, which is still broken but it's okay because that broken door will remind me of the time I saw his face up close for the first time.

Ryder. Ryder whatever his middle and last name was.

I couldn't get this man out of my head even if I wanted to and it's been almost a week. He has corrupted my mind in all ways I can think of and it doesn't stop there. His smile, the longer stubble he had worked so well on him.

I just wanted to ruin my fingers through it and get lost in his long hair that went down to his neck. It was cute, It was long enough to be put into a very tiny pony tail but not long enough for a man bun.

Although I'm sure he would look great with that too. I keep wanting to go to practice with dad on my days off and have an excuse to talk to Ryder a little bit, get to know him.

I know how mad dad would be if I were to date him though, I'm his only daughter and every time I bring a boy up, he tells me that boys are a waste of time. Which I proceed to annoy him by telling him that mom obviously wasted her time with him.

All jokes. I know their love was no waste of time. They lived their best lives with each other. I just love getting back at dad for all his comments on me with boys.

I mean he had no issues with Reece and Mayella getting together and if it were up to him, he would have had them date at three years old

He even encourages Greyson to go find a girlfriend. And the last time Greyson had a girlfriend, it didn't go so well and she moved to Utah because she was tired of his family, aka us.

But not me, I'm always the one who has to take precautions which doesn't make any sense because I'm literally a saint. Not literally, but I go to church, I'm saving myself till marriage, and I don't do drugs or drink!

Honestly it's a stupid father precaution he has to hold over me till I'm fifty or he is dead. Even when he is dead, he still wouldn't allow me to even go a foot near a guy that's not family.

I think Cole and Maddox are the only men I have been close to in my whole life other than my brothers.

Which doesn't even get me started on the. Reece, now he is like nine years older than me. I can see why he is the protective big brother he is and I don't mind it to an extent, but it's Greyson who bothers me.

The little ball of sunshine who is more of a saint than I am. He is way more protective of me than Reece and my dad are combined.

Anyways, that means that I have no chance with any dude. I can't even imagine how dad would feel about me liking Ryder.


"I'm home!" I called out to mom who called me and asked if I wanted to come over for dinner. I obviously said yes and then she told me it would just be me, her, and Greyson since dad is having a long day at practice.

I considered going over there to dad when she said that. Hoping that Ryder could be there and we could talk while he helps out the kids.

"In the kitchen!" Mom yells back, I should have known, she is always in the kitchen. I take my shoes off as I walk into the kitchen smelling some kind of pasta. I'm surprised my family is not fat. All we eat is pasta and dessert.

"Hey mom how was you-" I look up and see mom holding a baby that I tinder than my stomach. "You have a baby?" She nods as she takes the baby's hand and makes a wave gesture. "I'm watching him as a friend of your dads."

I nod without questioning any further. The baby looks happy in mama's arms and then they turn to me and their eyes go wide.

"Rory, this is baby Laklyn." The baby looks at me with his mouth agape and the next thing I know, he is reaching out his arms to me and is struggling against mom. "Oh my." Mom laughs as she passes baby Laklyn over to me.

It takes me a minute to get used to this feeling of a baby in my arms. I mean I have held my brother's baby, and Willow's baby. But this baby feels different since he is not family.

He coos at me and makes babble sounds. Spit coming from his mouth as he tries to talk to me though his toothless mouth.

"Hi sweetheart!" I play with his tummy as what seems like a laugh comes out. I walk over to the couch and sit down and place him in my lap. I hold him under his shoulders gently as I place him in front of me.

I make faces at him as he smiles at me and tries to hold my face. I bring his face closer to me and smother him with kisses. Whoever's baby this is, I don't think I can return it.

I see Laklyn's eyes tired and I can tell he is ready for a nap. One thing I know about kids is that they love their naps.

I let him rest his head on my chest and he closed his eyes. I see my mom taking a picture of us as I lay my head back and close my eyes.

Maybe we can take a short nap.

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