Epilogue ~ Aurora

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"We need tables two and three cleaned please." I ran around my restaurant a couple months later. I smile at my employees and begin to walk to the front of the place. "Gianna, you're in charge, I have to go home, Laklyn is sick and Melissa is stressed out."

She nods her head. "Okay babe, tell her I say hi." I give her a nod as I walk out of the place and get into my car. I start to head home and once I do I open the door. Melissa sighs in relief as she sees me.

"I'm sorry for making you come-" I cut her off.

"It's alright Melissa, go home to your baby now." I smile at her and hug her. She nods her head and walks out. I walk further into the house but I don't see Laklyn. So I panic once I check everywhere and he is gone.

My heart beats out of my chest and I scramble to find my phone and call Ryder. Before I can call him, a paper on the counter catches my eye. I walk to the counter and open the paper up.


Laklyn is okay, but we would love it if you could come to the rink. ;)


My face grows confused but I don't waste time and I grab my stuff and head out the door. I drive faster than I normally do and once I get to the empty rink, with the exception of Ryder's car. I jump out of my car and I head inside.

It's dark when I first walk in, I round the corner to the rink and my eyes widen. There are lights hanging around the rink, rose petals lay on the ice. A figure stands in the same spot that I first saw him.

I look down and realize that I'm also in the same spot as I was the first day I saw him. I look up and he turns Laklyn in his arms. Both of them are dressed nicely and my breath hitches.

I start to walk to them, my feet carrying me wherever they are. I get closer, Ryder smiles and Laklyn babbles. "Mama!" I feel tears in my eyes as I walk to them.

Once I get to them, I let out a sigh. "What is this Ryder?" I look him in the eyes as he gives me a soft smile. "I figured if I was going to propose, it would be in my favorite place ever, where I met my favorite person."

I can't help the tears that form in my eyes as Ryder hands Laklyn to me. I hold him close and tight as Ryder gets down on one knee. It's hard to breathe when he looks at me.

"Aurora Elise Graham. I have loved you since I saw you in this very rink, from this spot. I can't help but love you anymore than I already do, you're imprinted on my life, and Laklyn's. You have my heart, and my son's heart, and you didn't even try. I want you to spend the rest of your life with us, letting me take care of you, letting Laklyn annoy you as much as he annoys me." I let out a chuckle as I wiped my tears.

"I want to wake up next to you everyday and call you my wife, my soulmate, my everything, so Aurora, Will you marry me?"

He opens the box with a beautiful ring inside of it, I stare for much longer than I need to. Before looking at him and nodding. "Yes, yes of course I'll marry you." I giggle as he stands up and wraps his arms around us.

He kisses me and then when he pulls away I wipe the tears on his face. My heart bursting with color. He slips the ring on my finger and brings me in for another hug.

"I love you Ryder." I sob as I feel him as well. "I love you too Aurora."


When we got home, Melissa took Laklyn for the night so me and Ryder could spend some time together. Ryder cooked for me, and we cuddled up and watched a lot of Disney movies.

I sit on the counter in my pajamas as I watch my fiancé mix the cookie dough. I see him look up and smirk at me. "See something you like?" I nod.

"My fiancé." I lean in and kiss him. We pull away as he goes back to work on the cookies. Once he puts them in the oven and sets the timer, he grabs me by my waist and lists me up and spins us all the way to the couch.

We both plop down, me on top of him as his hands rest on my back. My breathing slows and I close my eyes.

"I can feel your heart beating against mine." He whispers in my ear. I smile as I lift my chin to look at him. "It only beats for you mi amor."

He kisses me as I lay back down on him. Now I notice our hearts beating in sync, I smile as I bring my hands up to his hair and play with it, my other hand tracing his sleeved arm.

"Thank you for letting me in, and thank you for being my favorite person, and for being here for Laklyn as well."

I keep tracing. "I'll always be here for you guys. I'll never leave your side. I love both of you with all of me. And thank you for letting me in as well. I can't imagine how hard it was."

He kisses my head as we lay there. The oven goes off, Ryder stands up and all he does is turn the oven off and take the cookies out before heading back to me, resting between my legs, and placing his head on my chest.

"Words don't describe how much I love you Aurora, people say they love each other from the moon and back... but for me... when it comes to you that's not enough love."

I'm crying again, but happy tears as I lean and kiss his head.

"I love you to the moon and infinity Ryder." He kisses my stomach as we both fall asleep in each other's arms.




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