Chapter 1: Indigo

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6 years later

I'm woken by a bloodcurdling scream that sounds a lot like my brother Oakley.Slipping on a hoodie and grabbing my gun from the side table next to my bed I rush out of my room and down the long set of stairs to where I can hear shouting and more screams. I position myself so that I'm against the wall and slowly peer around the corner and into our open plan kitchen, low and behold my brother Oakley stands on top of the counter holding a spatula and shouting out curses in Italian to....the floor?

"What are you doing you idiot?" I say walking into the kitchen and grabbing a banana off the side. My gun now tucked away into my pocket.

"Don't call me an idiot when my life is hanging by a thread indigo" he says. Rolling my eyes I walk up to him and look up at his face, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion at his appearance. "Care to explain dear brother as to why your stood up there and also why you're face is covered in flour"

"Well sorella, I came down stairs with the intention of making some pancakes and just as I was about to add in the flour a spider crawled across the counter and onto my hand, as you can probably understand, due to this traumatic occurrence I got the flour on my face, however you'll be proud of me because I blew on it to get it away from me. That did backfire though when It landed on the ground by my feet-" I interrupted him

"Well it's not like your feet are unprotected" I pointed out, looking down at his fluffy socks that had bunny ears on them, no doubt a gift that Lorenzo had gotten him for a laugh.

"Well as I was saying before you rudely interrupted me" he narrowed his eyes in my direction before continuing "it landed by my feet and so I obviously had to seek refuge on higher ground where the little cagna couldn't get me, but now I can't fucking see it. Whoever made up the phrase out of sight out of mind has obviously never had a spider in their kitchen"

I raised my eyebrows amused at my brothers antics and turned around as my other brothers walked into the kitchen stopping to take in the scene in front of them. "What- you know, never mind I don't want to know" my oldest brother Lorenzo said walking towards us and hopping onto one of the kitchen stools. At 23 years old Enzo was definitely the most mature out of us all especially since he took over from dad as the don 9 months ago.

"Good morni-" I started to greet them when I was interrupted by yet another scream, what is it with the screaming today.

I look at my brother Matteo who has jumped into Elliot's arms.

"Oh my fucking god, there's a fucking spider on the floor" Elliot, who at this point is laughing so hard he can barely breath, drops Matt right next to the spider.

Matt jumps up like a metal rod has just been shoved up his ass "my own fratello how could you I can't even look at you right now" Matt says having already clambered up from the floor. He tiptoes over to me and then proceeds to hide behind my back which is hard for him seeing as he is 6ft 2 and I'm 5ft 1.

"What are you doing?" I ask him

"Trying not to piss it off, if I make it angry it might find me in my sleep and lay it's eggs in my brain" he whispers. What the fuck, how am I related to this idiot?

"No issue there brother you don't have a brain for it to do that"Enzo says, looking up from his phone

"That wouldn't ever happen, mio dio where do you get this shit from" I say sighing heavily, it's to early for this, i walk over to Enzo and rest my head on his broad shoulder, he turns to me and kisses my forehead.
(My god)

"It could happen indi, I saw it on a tik tok the other day, there was this girl and sh-"

"What the fuck is going on?" my gorgeous mother says, walking into the room, she's dressed  in a silk robe and her dark brown hair that I inherited from her falls in waves over her slender shoulders, her blue eyes glinting in amusement, still at 43 managing to not look a day over 30. My dad follows behind, his eyes slightly widening at the scene before him before continuing to the fridge as if remembering the family he's in.

"There's a spider on the floor mamà And the boys are having kittens over it" I explain melting into the hug she gives me

"siete fottuti fratelli, lo giuro su Dio" she says turning around to glare at them
(You're fucking brothers, I swear to god)

Before she can say anything, Oakley, who has been awfully quiet shrieks  "it's moving, we're all going to die!" Oh. My. God. It's actually scary to think that when I go on missions my life lies in his hands on some occasions.

My mother scans the floor for the little critter, she walks up to it and cups it in her hands before moving to the window and blowing it out of her palm. She then walks up to Oakley who has since deemed it safe to get down from the counter and whacks him upside the head. Matt and Elliot snigger but not for long as mamà repeats the action on them as well. My dad is stood having a conversation with Enzo but turns around to chuckle at my mother.

"Upstairs now you lot, shower and get ready we are going for breakfast with the Kings" she says kissing all my bothers on the cheek and heading upstairs to get ready herself.

I mentally groan, I love Alessia and Charles king but their second eldest son was a pain in the ass, we've hated each other since we met which was around 6 years ago after what happened to me. I love their other sons like my own brothers though. We see the kings A lot seeing as our parents are really good friends with them and my brothers and the king boys are all really close.

My dad walks over to me and kisses my forehead much like Enzo does and follows my mum out the kitchen like the lovesick puppy he is, I'd like to have a love like my parents but I doubt I will, a broken person like me has a seriously low chance of anyone loving them, nobody wants me like that I'm too fucked up but hey, at least I have food, my one true love.

My thoughts are interrupted by Matteo "why don't brown cows make chocolate milk"

"Mio dio" Elliot,Enzo and I say
( my god)

"That's cow racism bitch"Oakley argues

"Is not" matteo replies
"Is too"
"Is not"
"Is too"

"Ha got you" Matteo says smugly just before Enzo grabs him by his ear and drags him upstairs no doubt to make sure that Matteo actually gets ready and doesn't just go back to sleep and also to shut him up.

Oakley sulks and leaves the kitchen and I walk up to Elliot and hop on his back, I'm not walking up the stairs, I have people who do that shit for me a.k.a my big brothers.

"Be civil with him today indi,I don't want to remove a fork out of someone's hand again" Elliot says both of us knowing who he is.

"Yeah well Greyson shouldn't have taken my food" I said recalling Greyson kings 18th party and how I drunkenly stabbed his hand with my fork when he took the last mini lemon tart off my plate a couple of weeks ago.

"Ok well...actually never mind just try not to kill him" he said dropping me of at my room and heading of to his own room to get dressed.

I sighed, this was going to be a long breakfast.


I had to put the spider on the trigger warnings, I'm sorry but those things scare the absolute shit out of me

I know it's not the best but I hope you enjoyed it!

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