Chapter 9: Indigo

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"Awww look at them"


"Yes my darling"

"Take a photo, I don't have my phone"

snap. snap. snap.

I'm woken up by a phone clicking and I look over to my left to see Alessia, Charles and my mum and dad looking at me and grinning.


Why can't I Fucking breathe? I look down and see Greyson with his face in my boobs.

What the fuck

There's a small foot squashing the side of his face that isn't on my chest and I look to the bottom of the bed to see ollie who's got his mouth open and is drooling.

How did he even end up upside down?

Greyson groans and puts his hand up to his face, he opens his eyes and furrows his brows as he grabs Ollie's foot.

He lets go and closes his eyes again. Fuck no. I can't breathe. I flick his forehead and his grey orbs look up at me.

"Piss off indigo, I'm trying to sleep" aaand normal grey is back everyone, show's over.

"And I'm trying to breathe bitch, so get the fuck off" I hiss at him and try to remove him from me.

"They're so much nicer to be around when their asleep"  Alessia says as I look over to her, she  winks at me and motions her head to where Greysons head is.

"Move fatass before I stab you" I wheeze out and Greyson finally moves off to the side.

Ollie sits up and rubs his eyes before looking at Greyson and climbing on his stomach, he opens greys eyes and puts his face right up to his older brothers.

Greyson tickles him and ollie falls off onto the floor, grey goes quiet and looks at his mum who's glaring at him.

"Oww my shoulder really hurts now Oliver" grey whines and grabs his arm

"Don't you play the pity card on me Greyson Benjamin King, apologies to your little brother now" Alessia demands and goes around the bed to Ollie who's laughing his ass off but stops when he sees his mum and starts to hold his stomach and scrunch his face in pain.

"Sorry" grey mumbles

I pat his head and get off the bed, I walk to mum and she kisses me on the cheek.

"There's a vending machine right down the hall" my dad says, he knows me too well. He hands me some quarters and I turn around to ask everyone is they want anything.

"Anything but a three musketeers" grey says, I'm frozen for a second, who the actual fuck doesn't like a three musketeers, I'll get him that anyway.

"Snickers please indi" Ollie says and no one else says anything so I walk out the door and begin my hunt for the vending machine, just down the hall my ass. I finally see it after a few left and rights but I stop when I see Oakley stood next to it crouching down next to a little girl who looks about 4. I move closer so I can hear what there saying.

"-yeah well I got here first, If you wanted them you should've come sooner, but you didn't so sucks to suck slow coach" I hear Oakley say to the little girl, I look down and see that he's holding a pack of skittles, I'm guessing she's upset because Oakley got the last pack.

"Why does you're face look so greasy" she replies, she sounds British, oh here he goes about the Fucking moisturizer.

"It's not grease you little shi—mmer glitter berry" he saved that one "it's moisturizer, I hydrate my skin unlike you, you're lips are mustier than my attic" what- we don't have an attic.

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