Chapter 48: Indigo

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I walk into the cafe and look around for a certain blonde ray of sunshine, Bea waves at me from the other side of the cozy coffee hut and I walk towards her smiling at her enthusiasm and also wondering why she's always so happy.

When I reach the table I sit in the booth across from her and she sends me a huge dimpled smile that I feel insecure to return because I know mine won't look half as genuine as hers. Gotta Love the trust issues.

"Hey indigo!" She greets and tucks a golden piece of hair behind her pierced ears that hold a very small golden bee on each lobe.

"Hi Bea, how have you been?" I ask her and she begins to tell me about her day and how she helped an old man cross the street with his dog. I shouldn't be compatible with a friend like this but I can't help smiling every time she rambles on about something new.

"How long have you and Greyson been dating?" She asks and stirs her coffee, I'm not sure if someone like her should be drinking that much caffeine but I let it slide and answer her question.

"3 years" I tell her smoothly "and engaged" I add and she smiles like a lunatic at the last part of my sentence.

"I wish Mav would propose to me, we've been dating for 2 whole years and I still don't have a ring on my finger. Sometimes I think that he doesn't really like me that much, but then I remember that he's just really grumpy and never smiles around people who aren't me" she rattles and I nod at her little rant.

"So what do you and grey do for a living" she asks and I think of a quick and easy lie.

"Business owners" I inform her and she nods her head at me.

"Figures, you guys give me that energy"

"What energy?" I ask confused and she grins at me.

"You know, the cool power couple ordeal, when you walk into the room women want to be you or kill you" she says and I laugh at her.

"What about you and Mav?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"I work at the local book store and Mav does things" she says and I narrow my eyes at her in question to what these so called things might be.

"He's an illegal racer, like car racer, I'm not supposed to say that, are you the cops? Do you know the cops? Am I a cop?" She rushes out panicked and my eyebrows raise at her small melt down.

"If it makes you feel better I kill people" where did that come from indigo...? Control yourself.

"I know" she says and smiles at me with mischievous eyes.

"Mav told me so that I'd be safe, he knows you and Greyson and he knows what you do for a living, he gave me this can of pepper spray but I told him not to worry because your my new friend" she tells me and I nod my head slowly at all the information she's relaying in a very short space of time with near to no breaths.

Just then my phone rings and I pick it up, a picture of Oakley flashes on the screen and I roll my eyes.

"What?" I answer and some shuffling is heard at the other end of the line before oaks speaks.

"Do you know where my lucky sock is?" What?

"No? I wasn't even aware you had a lucky sock" I tell him and he sighs.

I am fully aware he has a lucky sock and it's the most fucking disgusting thing on this planet.

"I need my lucky sock, Matt just challenged me to a competition on who could eat their cereal fastest and I was all like I've got this in the bag but then Sophie heard and I can't beat her. Have you seen the thing eat, she's like a human vacuum. One time last week I left my popcorn on the side for 2 minutes and when I returned, the only trace of evidence that it had ever been there was the bowl, which I'm pretty sure she licked clean" he finishes and i furrow my eyebrows at my older brother an image pops into my head and I cringe.

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