Chapter 20: Greyson

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I'm stood there like a Fucking idiot and looking down to her, her brows are furrowed and she's staring at me with worry.

"What wrong grey" she asks softly and cups my face, I lean into her hand and sigh.

"I can't fucking do it anymore blue, I'm sick and tired of myself and I'm so sorry that I put you through all this shit, I want to have a relationship in this marriage, I like you indigo I have done since we were kids, please give me a chance"  I plead, I don't care if it's pathetic or stupid but I'm so obsessed with this woman,I'd walk to the end of the world if she asked me to.

"Grey you said we couldn't and that really Fucking hurt, I don't think you understand that you can't push me from pillar to post" she says and I sigh.

"I know and I'm so Fucking sorry, I may have been a dick-"

"You were" I nod my head and smile softly at her 

"I was, and I really want us to be something, please indi" she looks at me for a bit and then glares, I gulp.

"If we do this Greyson King, we're doing it slow, I'm not kissing you when you want me to and we're not in a relationship so don't ask me to fuck you, I won't. We tell no one and we act like normal, we can be something but you have to actually try Greyson" that was hot.

"So?" I ask

"Yes I'll give you a chance" I lean down and hug her close to me, breathing in peaches and sighing, she's perfect and she's strong and she's also mine.


Indigo pov:

A slow clap is heard from the doorway and Oakley, Matteo and Elliot are all stood there like idiots with big smiles on their faces.

"Where did you come from" grey asks

"My dick-"

"Oakley Luis Knightly finish that sentence, I dare you" Amelia says walking in with Sophie in her arms. She winks at me and wiggles her eyebrows. I roll my eyes and Elliot clears his throat.

"We will kill you if you hurt her Greyson, but you're our best friend so I won't threaten you too much" he says

"Yep...hello- could I just say that I am not included in that, grey mate you're my bestie for the restie too but you scare the shit out of me so no I will not be doing anything too you, like ever" oakley explains


We all look over to Sophie and see her smiling

"Shit, shit, shit, shit-"

"Look what you've Fucking done idiot" grey says and I slap my hand to my forehead

"Fuck, fuck, shit, fuck, shit" soph sings and grey looks to me panicked

"No soph don't say that, that's naughty" Elliot scolds her and she giggles.

"Piss" Matteo Fucking giggles out and we all look at him.

"Piss,shit,fuck,piss,fuck,piss" now we have a kid singing swears and Matteo laughing his ass off"


"Don't you Fucking dare Matteo, not that word" Amelia says and I laugh.

"Sorry mum" Matteo mocks and Oakley slaps him.

"She's my girlfriend bro, that's gross cause if she's your mum she's my mum and that's incest" he shudders even though it was a joke and Amelia rolls her eyes at him.

Sophie is wandering around on the floor and she walks into greys leg.

"Ouch" someone is tired.

"Alright princess?" Grey asks and picks her up. She shakes her head and her bottom lip quivers and her eyes water.

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