Chapter 53: Greyson

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(The song they dance too is at the top !)


I lay awake with indigo In my arms. I shouldn't have left her alone when she was already so upset, I should have stayed with her but I didn't. I could have prevented her from hurting herself but I didn't.

She stirs and I look down at her sleeping face. How could someone so fucking perfect not like themselves. She's a goddess to me, from the smooth terrain of her sun kissed skin to the green forest of her eyes. There's no one like her and there never will be, no one will ever compare to her.

I want her know what I think so I take a deep breathe and even though I feel like a
fucking idiot I begin to tell her a list.

"Since you can't see how amazing you really are sweetheart, I'll just have to tell you myself... for starters you're eyes are like the most fucking beautiful thing I've ever seen, you're smile brightens my day, you're voice is the only thing I could listen to forever and never get bored of, you're hair is perfect even when it's messy and in a bun, you're humor is dry and rude but I fucking love it, the freckles on your right arm remind me of a star constellation, you're the strongest person I've met and you're the only girl I've ever fallen in love with" I finish and pray that she didn't hear any of it.

Her breaths are still even and she doesn't show any sigh of being awake so I rest my head back down and close my eyes awaiting sleep that doesn't arrive.


The next morning indigos awake before me and she walks the bathroom brushing her teeth just as I roll out of bed, she smiles through her toothbrush and I wink at her. I know she won't want to talk about what Happened and I'm not in any way going to force her too but I will try and approach the situation without being stabbed.

We get ready for the day and as she sits down in front of her mirror to put in some new earrings I got for her the other day she looks up at me through her thick lashes and I can't hold it in anymore.

"We need to talk about what happened"

"No we don't" she replies and I try not to get frustrated with her.

"Why?" I ask again and she gives me the exact same answer she gave me last night after she did it. She simply shrugs and hits me with the I don't know before going back to putting on a gold necklace.

"Indigo please, you're giving me nothing, I want peace of mind, I want to know that I'm not going to leave the house in a few minutes and you're going to do what you did last night and I won't be there to help you, I want to help you but I can't if you don't give me something" i say exasperated and she turns to look at me. She stands up and walks over to me. Then she does the last thing I thought she's do.

She hugs me.

I wrap my arms around her and run a hand though her hair, she pulls away from me and kisses me slowly. The emotion from the kiss is so strong I may combust and she releases my lips just as I pick her up.

She wraps her limbs around my waist and neck and looks at me in the eyes.

"What's hurting you baby?" I ask and her eyes well up.

"Me" she admits and I struggle to come to terms with her answer. One word two letters but yet it holds a much deeper meaning.

I hug her to myself and apologize repeatedly, the guilt I feel for not being there when she needed me the most, for walking out on her when she was vulnerable is unmatched. If only I'd just stayed with her none of this would have happened, I could have helped her through it and I feel ever more stupid Because I didn't ever even think for a second that she'd do something like this.

"It's alright sweetheart, I'm here, you've got me, you're not alone" I reassure her as I feel her tears wet the shoulder of my black shirt, I set her down on the floor and she looks up to me. Her eyes red and her cheeks damp.

"I'm sorry" She apologizes and I almost get my gun out and shoot her in the fucking head.

"Don't you dare apologize for this indigo, do you understand, don't you fucking dare" I warm her and she nods at me and smiles sadly.

"I understand" she agrees and I smile back.

"Thankyou grey, for everything" she says and I nod.

"No seriously, I mean it, not only last night but for everything always, you look after me when I'm drunk, you hold me when I cry, you laugh with me, you hug me when I really need a hug and you're my favorite person" she says and I take a minute to respond.

"Only for you" I say and she rests her head on my chest slowly, she looks up at me suddenly and i eye her suspiciously as she grabs her phone and switches on a song. I recognize it as a song she always sings in the car but its a piano version and it's much more mellow and calm.

She walks over to me and wraps her small arms around my waist, I smile down at her and do what she wants. I put my arms around her too and we sway from side to side in each others arms enjoying the peaceful feeling of one another and soaking in the moment.

She rests her head on my torso and I smile at her again, there's no other girl I'd rather have fallen in love with.


My babies 🤧 I love them so fucking much!

Also double update so yay!

Love y'all! I appreciate you guys so much!

Happy reading !

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