Chapter 28: greyson

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Matt winks at the flight attendant as she passes him a drink, i roll my eyes and look at Vince who just called us over. We found where indigo is after 3 days, Matt,Elliot,Oakley,Vince and I are all the plane over to Germany while hunter and Enzo stay back and run the mafias.

"Ok, we all go in at the front with a team of men, take down anyone you see apart from Franco, if you see the fucker grab him and inject him with this" Vince explains giving us each a syringe of a clear liquid and showing us a photo of Franco. "We find indigo and we leave" he finishes and throws us all a couple of guns and the twins get some explosives.

Oakley screams and chucks the gun on the floor.

"No, no I don't need that I'm in the van" Oakley says and Vince shakes his head and sighs.

"It's just for protection oaks" he respond and picks up the gun.

"We're coming In For landing, if you could please fasten your seatbelts and take a seat" the captains voice speaks over the radio of the private jet.

The plane lands and we all get off and load into the car that taking us to the place indi is.

Oakley gets into a separate van so he can be a few miles away from the commotion and track us all for safety.

We all know the plan so we sit in silence on the drive. Im going to kill this fucker, I'm going to give him the most painful death imaginable and watch as he cries in pain and the best part is Im going to enjoy every Fucking second of it.

After an hour or so we pull up at a lavish mansion and get out, there's men outside the door but their clearly not paying attention, the twins shoot them and our men load out the 3 other cars.

"In and out, let's go" Vince commands and we all run up the steps, guns out and ready to fight. We enter the house and men are immediately on us, bullets are flying everywhere and it's a Fucking war zone , I look around for an escape so I can go find indigo and I see a door that looks suspicious.

I run across to it but I'm met with a large man in my path. He punches me and I stumble back a bit not expecting it. I grab his arm and twist it then snap his neck, another idiot runs at me and I shoot him In the head. I rush to the door and whack the lock with the butt of my gun. It opens and I smile in victory.

It's dark and damp as I close the door behind me, i rush down the steps and shoot the two men at the next door dead. I rush to the door and open it, it leads to a small hallway with another door at the end. I run down the hall and stop when I get to it.

I hear voices.

"FUCK OFF YOU SICK PERVERT" yep that's indigo.

I barge the door and it falls open. There's a man in front of her and he turns around in shock, that's Franco. He's balding and the little hair he has left is greasy, he had some stubble and he's quite fat.

"Get the fuck away from my fiancée before I kill you" I say to him but he quickly pulls out a gun and holds it to indigos head. My heart breaks as I look at her.

Her face is filled with cuts and bruises but that's not what blinds me with rage. I look down at her legs and see blood in between them, she's only got a pair of panties on but I can tell he's raped her again.

"You Fucking bastard, how fucking dare you touch her like that!" I yell at him and the pathetic piece of shit winces.

"I'll kill her" he threatens and i out my gun down. He presses his gun further into her head and clicks the safety off.


"ILL FUCKING KILL HER!" this guys a nut case.

"Kill me, torture me, do whatever the fuck your want to me but don't you dare fucking touch her" I seethe at him and I look over to her. Shit she's crying.

Of course she's fucking crying Greyson.

I lunge forward and grab him, I send a punch to his face and I'm shocked when the weak fucker is knocked out immediately, I get the syringe out of my trouser pocket and stab it unnecessarily hard into his neck although it was necessary because of what he's done to indigo.

I straighten myself up and look at indi. The strongest woman I know and she's survived it again, she finally lets out a sob and pulls against the chains.

"Hang on baby" I tell her and go behind her to get the chains off her. When I undo them I rub her red, swollen wrists and ankles and move back to her front. She reaches out for me and I take of my suit jacket. She stands up shakily and I put it around her, it goes down to the top of her knees so she's well covered and I pick her up bridal style. I wrap the jacket around her front and she sniffles quietly into my chest.

"T-Thankyou" she stutters, I bet she's been giving that asshole hell for the days she's been here, she needs someone to hold her and tell her it's ok now. She needs a gentle touch instead of a rough reminder.

"I'm here now sweetheart,he won't hurt you again" she places a kiss over my heart and my stomach churns. Why the fuck did that make me feel funny.

I walk out the door and back up the stairs, Matt and Elliot are coming out the door opposite from me and Vince is just finished killing the last man. All the our men seem to be fine apart from a couple who are holding their arms and limping, they've probably been shot. They all turn to look at us when I come out the door with indigo in my arms.

Vince rushes over and she pushes herself further into my chest and flinches. A look of hurt crosses his feature's and he looks up at me and nods in thanks. I signal down to the basement and he take a couple of his men down with him to get Franco. Matt and Elliot slowly walk towards her but stand a meter or so away.

"Hey indi" elliot says softly and Matt waves

"Hey boys" she replies and they grin at her. She just needs people to keep their distance I guess.

They start walking out and I follow after them, we get in the car and leave knowing full well that Vince will travel completely separate all the way home because he's brought over both planes so indigo won't have to be anywhere near that fucker.

We get in the car and head to the airport, indigo stays quiet all the way and holds my Pointer and middle finger as usual. I message home to say that she's safe and we arrive at the airport.

I board the plane with her in my arms and I settle in one of the seats away from the twins and Oakley who met us here.

"I missed you" indigo whispers and a tear runs down her face

"Pleas baby, please don't cry it breaks my fucking heart" I tell her but I don't blame her at all after everything she's been though, she can cry all she Fucking wants, I just won't like a single second of it.

"I can't help it" she mutters and I wipe away a tear from her lip. Her gorgeous green eyes bore into mine.

"I'm sorry blue, I'm so sorry for what he's done to you" I know it won't change anything but she needs to know I'm sorry.

"You've got nothing to be sorry about grey" she tells me and holds my face

"But I-"

"No just shut up alright, there's nothing you've got to apologize for so hush yourself" she demands and i tuck a bit of her hair behind her ear. I look at her perfect lips and breathtaking eyes, she's beautiful.

"I know, I look like shit, you don't have to make a comment on it" she says

She couldn't be more wrong

"You look beautiful as always" I respond and she smiles at me.

"Charming as ever Grey Benjamin"

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Right that's 4 chapters in one day, hope the wait was worth it

Love y'all

Happy reading!

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